(Click for a larger version)
When I'm playing with my toys, my humans like to call me "Crazy Kitten" or "Psycho Kitten" so I figured these photos would be good for Wacky Wednesday. That's my human dad's leg I'm playing on and around in some of the photos.
furry nice pikshurs!!!
You are a very handsome boy. We like to play with our toys too. Our mama sez we can be a newsince. We don't really know what that means, but I must be good, cause she always sez it while we are playing fetch.
Oh wow! Those are wacky! ha ha ha. You are one tought kitty Dragonheart! Keep playin'!
Hi Dragonheart!
I really like your blog, it has cool colors!
Those are some nifty pictures, you look like you were havin' fun.
Thanks for visitin' my blog! It's nice to meet you.
Oops, my mom musta been usin' my 'puter. That last comment was really from me.
I need to tell mom to stay off my 'puter.
Those are great Wacky Wednesday photos, Dragonheart...I'll tell KC to get them on the Blogosphere right now.
Thanks for letting us know...
You're one wacky frootbat! But we're all wacky, all of the time anyway. You're so lucky you're an only kitten, you have the best toys and all of the human attention to yourself!
Yu were havin a gud time playin wif yur Daddy's leg. Those were some furry nice pixchurs of yu. Is it cold now in Munich. Dat is a long way from Florida where I live.
Those are some amazing toes you have!
Hi, Dragonheart! Yu looked like yu were haffing lotz of fun being wacky and playing wiff yur Daddy. Fanks fur visiting mine blog and Momma added yu to owr list.
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