No, I'm not a Meezer. But my human mom was owned by a Meezer for a very long time. His name was Whiskers, and he adopted my mom on her 15th birthday. He lived a long life, and finally went to the Rainbow Bridge on September 1st this year. He was 19 years old, and would have been 20 in November. My mom says he was a wonderful cat. Beautiful, affectionate, loving, and very friendly (just like me!) Whiskers acquired his name because when he was a kitten, he used to enjoy wrestling with his brother (what cat wouldn't?) Well, when Whiskers adopted my mom, he was missing the whiskers on one side of his face from all this playing. So he acquried the name Whiskers. (I personally only have very short whiskers, and I don't miss them, but I understand that other cats find them very important.)

(Click for a larger version)
Didn't she do an amazing job? My mom loves the portrait. You can check out her friend's other works of art on her blog. You can also visit the friend's Ebay auctions and Etsy shop from her blog.
That am FURRY good! Momma am goin to look at her site.
What a handsome Meezer and what an excellent portrait!
Thanks for your encouraging comment about blogger and geta. Mom set up Catzee's blog in beta from the beginning so she could test it out before we had to switch. She agrees with your Mom and really likes it better.
In your place I would ask for a portrait too, it looks very nice !
Oh what an excellent portrait!
What a gorgeous meezer and a gorgeous portrait. Meezer are special creatures to mom's but I'm sure you're just as special just like Kaze is to my meowmy.
That is a very beautiful portrait of Whiskers. We finks that was very nice of you to post a pic-fer of him today. Also we wanted to fanks you for visiting our bloggie.- Sia
Oh, meowmize is going to add a linkie to your blog later.
A wondeful portrait and a wonderful tribute to one "who went before". We've been appreciating reading about Sphynx in your previous posts. We admit to being ignorant about your breed having never seen Friends. (GASP. We may be the only household in the U.S. (or World) that can say that) But at least we have no ill perceived ideas about your personality. -- Alberta, Sky, Blackie, Charlie and Maggie Fu
BTW: sorry - the above comment was deleted from our human who is having a hard time commenting on Beta blooger. We're trying again.
Whiskers sure was a handsome guy, and lived to an old age. He was very lucky.
Beautiful meezer portrait!
That is a really nice portrait!! Also, how wunnerful that Whiskers lived such a nice long happy life. I bet he was a furry special kitty. Just like you!
What a beautiful portrait of a gorgeous meezer. What a lovely memory for you to have
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