Friday, January 12, 2007

Frootbat Friday

(Click the photo for a larger image)

Here I am sitting on my mom's desk in front of the huge windows in our living room. I like to sit here in the afternoon because it is nice and warm when the sun shines in.

I'm a little worried right now. I heard my mom talking on the phone with the Tierartz (that's German for Vet) last night! But I'm feeling just fine! They were speaking in German, and mentioned my name, Montag (Monday) and Kastration. I don't know what that German word means! Then I heard my mom and dad talking that I wouldn't have any more balls. So they are going to take my toys away!

But I still don't know what that German words means. Does anyone have any idea what might happen at the vet? Should I be worried?

Are you frooty? Leave a comment and I'll add your link below.

Fellow Frootbats:
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Lux said...

That's an exquisite pose, Dragonheart!

I'm not sure if I can help you with the other thing, because I was so young I can hardly remember, but I do know that I still have balls to play with! So don't worry!

AbsoluteLeigh said...

Handsome as always Dragonheart!

All the best for your trip to the vet on Monday. I'm sure you will be fine, and you will still have all your toys :-)

Daisy said...

Kastration.... uh oh....

Ps: you look very cute, as always!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

hed fer da hillz, dragonheart.
"montag kastration" can onlee meen one thing ...
"montag kastrashun" an dat'z bad!
(i hope daisy haz her pawz over her eerz)

Anonymous said...

no, no.... kastration means Circus in German. You are going to the circus. When you come home after your nap you will feel a bit woozy but then everything will be okay afterward.
Don't worry.

You look beautiful sitting there looking out of the window... but being a good sport and turning for a picture.


Unknown said...

grate piktur, as always!

we aren't sure about that other big word. we hope they don't take your toys! why would they do that?


Emma's Kat said...

What a camera ham you are, posing for the camera! My lips are sealed on the unknown German word ;)! But don't fret, you will still have your toy balls to play with, lol!!

LZ said...

Don't worry Dragonheart, I never even noticed when my balls were snipped. It was just a short time of sleeping and then I went home the same day. Guys have it MUCH easier!

P.S. Kaze says she has a baby frootbat picture today.

Kukka-Maria said...

"The better to hear you with, my dear..."

Balls? You said "BALLS!" I am snorting with glee!

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Great frootbat picture! Don't worry nothing bad is going to happen at the vet. And you will still have your toys.

Myst and Blackie said...

Very handsome picture Dragonheart. We love the way you have your tail curled up around you.

Anonymous said...

Did you know that I thought I was putting a frootbat photo up an donly now realized it doesn't show my ears?

Around Your Wrist said...

such a handsome fella! almost magical.

your V-E-T visit will be fine, and your mom and dad will be extra loving! this would be a good time to ask them for MORE treats and NEW toys!

Around Your Wrist said...

btw, dragonheart, i forgot to ask you to please add me to your blogroll. thanks!

--suzanne look so graceful in your a dancer.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, don't worry liddul Dragonheart, I wented to da V.E.T and had dis done. I fell asleep and whin I woked up mom was der to take me home and I GOT EXTRA LOVE AND TREATS. All I had to do wuz go to sleep and I gots extra stuff. Sweet.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Dragonhart, yer lukky the Food Lady noze Jermun, becuz she ixplaned it was that whut they did win they did that thing to my goodie sack. The syentifik name for it is a hoohaectomy. Yoo can reed my akkownt of the proseedyur heer. Basikly, yoo go to the vet man, yoo fall into a deep sleep, yoo wake up and go home. And then yoo git lots and lots of treets and attenshun. It's not bad!

Christine and FAZ said...

Hey Dragonheart, I just popped by to say have a good weekend and if anyone is mean to you send them around to me and I'll sort them. FAZ

Millie said...

Dear Dragonheart, what a beautiful picture of you, and what a regal pose!

You will be having a hoohaectomy, like Skeezix describes very well. Only boys get that. I just had my ladygardenectomy, which is what girls have. It may be a bit scary, but everybody at any v-e-t-s I have ever been to is always very nice, even if they do poke you and stab you sometimes. You will be OK!

And the part about you getting extra treats afterward is TRUE!

Nobody's gonna take your toys away.

The Crew said...

Well, I was going to explain this to you, but Skeezix did a fine job. The hoo-ha-ectomy isn't really bad. You take a short nap and when you wake up you don't have urges to make kittens anymore. Max and I both had it done at a very early age (less than 12 weeks) and we're doing just fine!


The M's said...

Wow!!, you are a very handsome young man, you make me purr. don't worry bout your toys they will all be at home when you get there, and I will check back in on you to see how you are doing. It's nice to meet you, Missy.

Susie said...

Nice photo! And don't you worry about that hoo-ha-ectomy'll get drugs dude! Then definitely lots of should be very specific with your beans now...let them know what kinds of treats you want when you get home. You'll feel 20 pounds lighter! (well,...maybe not 20 pounds)

Hot(M)BC said...

That's a gorgemous Frootbat pikshur of yoo Dragonheart!

I don't fink it's your toys they's gonna take, but we'll be sayin purrs n purrayers for you to git the kastrashun n all ofur wif n recuvver furry fast :)

Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree

Anonymous said...

we do think Skeezix 'splained it good. haf our Lady's famlee is German as she telled us what it means. been there. done that.

Just Ducky said...

Yes Skeez explained it all furry well for you. Most of us boy kitties have had the same thing and we are just fine.

Everything will be just fine.

The Meezers or Billy said...

Skeezix didded a good job 'splaining but here's what you do after: give your mommy your bestest "poor me, I hurt" look and then you'll get lots of snuggles and treats. Keep it up for a few days to make them feel guilty.

Mommy says that you could be a kitty model wif you beautiful poses.

Ivan from WMD said...

You do look kind of of worried, Dragonheart. But you shouldn't be. I think life is more fun without hoo-has.

Ingrid said...

Don't worry, it's nothing and without balls you weigh less, ask Arthur he went through that too and 4 h later he already played around and bothered his sisters. You just have to stay a couple of hours with your Tierarzt because of course you get a little shot so that it doesn't hurt.

Forty Paws said...

Dunt worry bout dese balls things. Youse dunt need dem. I efen had a penile urethrostomy an I'm ok. I kinda leek somtimes, an it was many harder dan wen I lost me balls. Losing yur balls is easy. An u ken ask fer new plastic ones to play wit.
Obi at Forty Paws
Pee Ess. You is bery hansum. Do you git cold wit no fur?

MaR said...

OMG, but I am sure you will be fine, trust your mom, she only wants the best for you.