Saturday, January 27, 2007

Photo Hunters

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Here I am sitting in front of the laptop with its silver cover. You can also see the silver lamp behind me with the silver bulb.


Unknown said...

This is a very creative choice for this week´s theme, Dragonheart!

My hunt is up, too @ Coffee 2 go - Please stop by if you find a minute =)

Lux said...

What a serious (yet rather coy) look you have in this photo, Dragonheart! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart this is such a good shot of you! All those silver things pale in comparison to you! This is a really nice shot!

My silver is up. Happy Saturday!

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

Very nice picture for todays theme. Also a nice shot of you Dragonheart. Thanks for stopping by today. Have a great weekend:)

Daisy said...

Can you bask under yer silver lamp? I have a halogen light that gets warm and I like to sit under it. I like yer silver computer.

Anonymous said...

How beautiful! I just love how creative this interpretation was.

Mine is up too.

Anonymous said...

Silvery cat with silvery itmes - great :) I think the cat is the best of them, though :D
Thanks for stopping by.

Ingrid said...

Surounded by silver ! how chic ! But you also look a little silver on this picture ! I just wished I could give you a kiss on your cute little head !

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dragonheart, yoo effun look a liddul "silvery" in dat piksher. Mom want ta touch yoo so much, she sez she bets yoo feel like velvet.

GEWELS said...

Lovely that your coat matches the theme.

Anonymous said...

Wow - love this photo and the position of the cat in it. Great choice!

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart looks great under that light!

Anonymous said...

You are one classy kitten for sure. You look wonderful with silver about you.

Take care,
Thanks for visiting me.

newbie meezer said...

oh wow - you is one fine lookin' cat!

Tara said...

Very nice photo Dragonheart! And a nice way to warm up!

Anonymous said...

I did click on the pic and it got really large. You are soooo adorrrrable.

nice silver stuff... but you are such a cool tiger!

Anonymous said...

If I'm not mistaken, Dragonheart is silver, too. Great photo!

Anonymous said...

Great photo! And Dragonheart matches the theme too. :) How cute is that!

Thanks for stopping by.

jenny said...

very interesting photo! I agree---coy is the look. :-)

Anonymous said...

And you are pretty silver too! Great shot!

Unknown said...

lol - I can't get enough of your creativity... Very cool idea!

Unknown said...

Very handsome cat. Good use of silver too.

Heart of Rachel said...

Great entry for this week's theme. I love how you posed for this picture dragonheart.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you picked out a cool place to hang out at...Hope you are having fun this weekend...

srp said...

Thanks for visiting me, Dragonheart. I think the silver tint to your back makes a lovely "silver" theme as well. And the very idea of anyone saying you look like a fruitbat... my, my... never. You are much too regal... just hiss at them.

The kitty clan here says "hello" or they would if they could drag themselves off the chenille robe they have confiscated.

Anonymous said...

Lots of silver in your life. Thank you for dropping by my blog.

Biker Betty said...

Dragonheart, you are so majestic sitting in front of the silver-topped laptop. Wonderful idea for silver.

Thank you for stopping by and have a great weekend,
Biker Betty :)

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

good shot uv u ... an good use uv da silver theme.

Smalltown RN said...

What a great idea for silver....I have seen some wonderful interpretations for silver today! photo is up as well!

Anonymous said...

and you're looking purrty silvery yourself too - very nice!

Anonymous said...

Great choice and Dragonheart even looks like he has a silver tinge to him.

Teena in Toronto said...

Great choices today, Dragonheart!

Mine's up too :)

PastormacsAnn said...

Very nice shot D.! Perfect for The Hunt.

You're looking really handsome there.

Forty Paws said...

Beeyoutiful shot. Dragonheart looks so thoughtful.

Luf, Us

Desert Diva said...

Very creative photo for this week's theme!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

o, Dragonheart, what a grrreat pickshure. u's looks furry pensive. loves tha silver theme.

Pamela said...

Very cute! Your Sphinx kitten looks so cute there and even comes off a little silver herself! lol

letha said...

I am so in love with your cat.