Monday, January 15, 2007

Update on Dragonheart

Dragonheart's mom here again. We just picked him up from the vet's office. He's doing fine. A little sleepy, and complaining rather loudly that he can't have food yet. But the vet said he couldn't have food until breakfast tomorrow morning, so he hasn't had anything to eat since last night. So I'm sure he's hungry, and he's letting us know by meowing rather loudly. We'll have to feed him in small portions tomorrow so he doesn't gorge himself and throw his food immediately back up.

The vet tech said he was very well behaved and he charmed everyone. Sphynx are still fairly rare here in Germany (for many years, it was illegal to own one, since the German authorities considered the lack of hair to be a "defect" and it was illegal to own and breed pets with "defects") so most people are surprised by the way he looks at first. Dragonheart quickly charms them with his friendly personality and wins them over.

So Dragonheart is doing well. He doesn't seem to know quite what to do. He moves back and forth between my husband and I without ever really settling down. I'm sure he'll curl up on one of us soon, so we can give him lots of love and attention.

Thanks for everyone for their positive thoughts, purrs, well wishes, and prayers. Dragonheart and I appreciate them. He'll be back to post tomorrow with a recounting of his adventure today.


Daisy said...

YAY! I am very relieved and happy to hear my good friend is ok. Thanks for letting us know.

Unknown said...

Thanks Dragonhearts Mom!! We were thinking bout him today at the
V-E-T. Glad to hear he is doing well! Can't wait to read about his "adventure" tomorrow!!

Ingrid said...

I just checked on here before I shut down to see if everthing went smooth ! and apparently it was the case. Happy with you ! But you know my vet here told me that after 12 h you can give him just a little bit the poor guy must be starving ! and if he claims for food is a very good sign ! I understand that you do not want to do anything wrong, but even if he throws up a little bit (which I doubt) it's nothing for a cat, they usually do it often. Otherwise you can be sure you wouldn't close your eyes this night if he has the same voice like Arthur ! A primadonna is dumb against him, lol !

Around Your Wrist said...

I'm so glad that everything went well. When he settles on one warm lap or another, give him a few strokes from his 'auntie suzanne'.

Kukka-Maria said...

A hoo-ha-ectomy? Poor Dragonheart. They can take your berries, but they can't take your spirit!

And the food thing? My bowl was empty for about 1 hour today...YES I SAID ONE WHOLE HOUR!

I feel your pain, DH!

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Oh they thought it was a defect?! That is so silly!
I'm glad to hear that Dragonheart is doing well.

sammawow said...

We're so happy to read that Dragonheart is home and look forward to reading about this adventure.

Purrs from
China Cat & Willow

Susie said...

Good news! Don't forget to have some special treats...and go out and buy him some new clothes...and fev-ver butt mousies...and whatever else he wants.

Anonymous said...

I am so thrilled with this good news.
Keep him gently entertained and lots of affection and he will get through. good luck tonight getting any sleep though...
If he is allowed to drink water, perhaps you could prepare him a little bit of "soup" before you turn in tonight, otherwise, yeah, it wil be a long night!

LZ said...

I'm very happy he's home! That anestesia stuff is the pits. I had a HEAVY dose for my bone biopsy and I was woozy and wobbly for a whole extra day. I'm sure he'll feel just fine tomorrow, especially when he gets some food!


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

We just now heard about the operation, cuz our computer was down and had to go to the computer Dr. We are so glad you are OK......I bet you get fed really well! and treats too!!

Big Piney Woods Cats

Just Ducky said...

Good to know that Dragonheart did good with the vet. Lots of purrs from me and cuddles from mum.

The M's said...

Wow!!! We's didn't know you guys lived in Germany!!! Hey Mom, Dad we know someone from Germany!!! Mom, whats a Germany? Get well soon, Dragonheart.

Emma's Kat said...

So glad to hear Dragonheart came thru his surgery. Boys have it easy though! Guess everyone's probably already in bed, but I agree with Gattina on the food. I've been through many a hoo-ha-ectomy and have always given them food the minute they get home as they haven't eaten all day. I just give them little portions and haven't ever had anyone get sick. Dragonheart, no worries, you'll be right as rain in no time! You'll probably be running and playing tomorrow!

Emma's Kat said...

Let me clarify. I've been thru many a hoo-ha-ectomy with my foster kittens, boys and girls alike, lol.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

pleez giv dragonheart da attached roze ... i'm glad hee'z recoverin nicelee.


Anonymous said...

we're glad he's doin' good! purrs!