Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Wordless Wednesday: Kitten's First Snow

Dragonheart's First Snow(Click photo for a larger image)
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KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

You need a nice warm sweater, Dragonheart.

Anonymous said...

The kitty must be wondering what all that white stuff is! LOL!

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

We have snow too! It's the first snow of the winter.

It's still quite cold here! We're laying by the heater.

Anonymous said...

So was any romping through the snow done?

We have over 3ft (and counting) of the white stuff here. (BC, Canada) You wouldn't like it Dragonheart :-)

Sally said...

Cool photo, the snow looks very interesting doesn't it.

Ingrid said...

Isn't that interesting, Dragonheart? the whole world in white. You should see Arthur in there, you only can see his tail ! But we don't have snow yet. So somebody took you for a dog ? I think some people have tomatoes on their eyes or definitively view problems ! How can they take you for a dog ?? I would rather say you look like my Egyptian cat statues, that at least would be true !

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

az yoozuall ... dat iz a byootiful pikshur uv u, dragonheart.
how'z yer noo frend on catster?

Anonymous said...

You are gazing at that snow with an expression of wonder! Did you get to step in the snow?

ps: Thank you for your nice thoughts for Daisy! You are very sweet.

Unknown said...

Do you like snow, Dragonheart?

Bei uns hat es immernoch nicht geschneit...

Liebe GrĂ¼sse,


P.S.: I´m wordless – please visit my WW #9 @ Coffee 2 go - Thanks =)

Jodi said...

He's thinking ~ its too cold to go out there! My WW is up, stop on by.

Have a great Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Cats on snow are hilarious - they can levitate better than David Blaine..

Anonymous said...

I bet you don't like it one bit - the white stuff...Glad we don't have it down here, but then again - that is just me.
Happy Wednesday...

Carey said...

Did he go out in it? Cute photo. Happy WW. Mine is up too.

Anonymous said...

Looks too cold out there for you Dragonheart! I'd give you my fur, but the human threw it away :) Happy WW!

Emma's Kat said...

Yes, where's your sweater Dragonheart? I wish we'd get some snow here! Not a lot, just enough to play in for a couple days would be good. Guess beggars can't be choosers, eh?

Sarge Charlie said...

i'm freezing

Anonymous said...

I just want to pick you up and snuggle to keep you warm, little kitty!

Anonymous said...

Looks puzzled. :)

Catzee said...

Were ya a'scared of all that snow stuff?

Anonymous said...

Does he get cold being he doesn't have fur like other cats? He needs a sweater, brrrrrr!

I'm up too.

LZ said...

How beautiful! Did you like it? I hope you didn't have to touch any of the snow...sometimes a stray bit comes indoors and its COLD!


Lux said...

Is that what that white stuff is - snow??? Gosh, Dragonheart, get covered up under a blanket or something!

Unknown said...

we are happy to see yougot some snow. Maybe all our wishing you would get some worked! Did your humans take you out in it? Dazey escaped yesterday! It was cold and wet!


Victor Tabbycat said...

You look surprised an worried. And yur protectin yur tail frum the cold. "What happened to the werld???" We've had lots less snow this year than yousyoual.

Mom brought a snowball into the howse last year, but it was naughty an left a puddle on the floor.

Anonymous said...

You need a turtleneck sweater my dear!

Don't step in that white stuff no matter how curious you are. It'll make your tootsies cold!

KC said...

To cute, thinking I'll just enjoy that white stuff from indoors.

Emily said...

awww! cute!

Anonymous said...

Just admire how pretty the snow is from inside where it's nice and warm!I'm sure you wouldn't like it, it's really, really cold. If you do get curious and want to play in it, be sure and bundle up!
Happy WW!

Unknown said...

that snow looks inviting..dont be scared little kitty

Looney Mom™ said...

He's looking like he doesn't want to go out their without his fur! Brrr...

Anonymous said...

Is that a DVD player kitty is sitting on?

Karen said...

Kitty probably wants to stay inside LOL Great photo.

Thank you for your compliment on my WW.

Have a great day!

Susie said...

Brrrr - that must be furry cold for you (or furry-less cold)

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I bet you are glad you are inside! That snow would be extra cold for you!

Holly Schwendiman said...

I think it's just asking where it's coat is so it can go enjoy it!

Holly's Corner

tiggerprr said...

Dragonheart, you look like you could use one of Skeezix's fuzzy "swetters"!

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet photo. :)

Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment! Please do come again. :)

Tracey, in MI said...

sweet kitty;)

Needs a sweater an a day like this though;)

(Signed- a knitter)

Glass Half Full said...

Seems like first snows have been frequent in the past couple weeks.

Anonymous said...

YAY snow!!!! I hope you got to touch and sniff some.

have a happy day Dragonheart.

Anonymous said...

we neffur seen snow. it duzzn't snow where we live. ::sigh:: we just gotta look at the purrty picshures of the white stuff.

EHT said...

Gee, it was probably very cold with no fur......

Thanks for visiting my WW

Unknown said...

We're trying to figure out if you're inside or outside. Either way - what a great photo! You look as if you should be cold and we're wondering what you're staring at? All the snow? -- Alberta, Sky, Blackie, Charlie and Maggie Fu

Just Ducky said...

SNOW for DragonHeart. Glad you got to see the stuff.

The Meezers or Billy said...

great pikshur!!!

elementary historyteacher said...

it was awfully cold in my neck of the woods today.

Forty Paws said...

Gud fing youse sittin on a laptop wer itz nice an warm!!!
Luf, Us

Tara said...

That look too cold for you to go out in! I've seen snow up at our mountain house, and I wanted nothing to do with it!

I'm almost back to my old self...doing way more bounding than my mom and dad are comfortable with!

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

Bbbrrrrr....this looks cold. You need a sweater. I think you would look handsome in a nice red sweater....hehe......
Too bad the Spice Cats will never see snow.

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart I agree snow is fine to watch at the window. I too hate the cold.You look very cute in your harness.

Daphne said...

Dragonheart: you are so regal looking in that picture!
But I hope you got under the covers quick, that picture made me shiver some!

We have the mostest snow of our first winter so far -- for me & Chloe -- and we like to watch the birdies out on the deck in it!

Meow for now,

Linda said...

I think some mittens and a scarf are in order here! Brrr!