Here is another photo of me that my mom took while we were in Switzerland. My mom doesn't like this photo as much as
the photo we showed you last week, but it is still a fairly nice photo.
(Click photo for a larger image)
Are you Frooty? Leave your link below!

Dragonheart, I love that photo too. Because you have your very wise expression on.
Daisy is rite Dragonheart. Yu do have a furry sage look on yur face. And it am a furry nice pixchur of yus!
You look VERY sweet in that picture! Were you purring?
You look very prestigious, Dragonheart...And very Frooty, too.
You look quite regal in that pose. I also like the caption at the bottom... "Are you fruity?" :)
Dragonheart ... I have always wanted to say your nose liner is just the cutest EVER!
I think you look terribly expectant in this pic ... like you are waiting for stinky goodness.
Oh I read all of these comments and I realize they are saying the same things I was thinking when I looked at this photo. I bet you were purring. <3 <3 <3 You are soooo cute!
I think today is going to be a great day for you. Have fun!!
That is a wunnerful foto Dragonheart!!!
Did you have to git a bath while you were in Swissland?
Luf, Us
Hi Dragonheart! Love doze ears! None of us is frooty and we're kinda dis-a-poynted.
We were thinking you look very contemplative - we're not sure if that is really a word, but it fits your look!
China Cat & Willow
oh, it's a furry beautiful pikshur!
I think Daisy has it spot on. You look very wise in that photo.
This is reely a luvley foto!!!!
I think you look great!
chaotic cat menshuned yer noze liner. i menshuned dat once before. i reelee luv it! it'z one uv yer gratest feechurz.
I also agree with Daisy. You look very wise and like you are thinking deep catly thoughts.
It is a distinguished look!
Not to make a pun or anything, but you really look sphynx-like. You know, like that big dude in the desert!
I think that's a very cool frootbat photo.
Thank you for you kind message about my brother. It helped a lot.
Awwww that is sooooo cute. I love kitties and have two of my own .Puff and pumpkin and they are linked at the top of my page.
Yoo gots the most expressive eyes we's efur seen, Dragonheart. :) Furry handsum!
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