Monday, February 19, 2007

Movie Monday

Here I am enjoying one of my feather wand toys. I'm playing on my dad, who is holding the wand toy for me. Dad makes a good playing surface!

If you have trouble viewing the video, click here.


Daisy said...

Dragonheart, you are a ball of fire! That looked like so much fun. How do you move so fast?!?!? I loved your video.

Ingrid said...

Did you do your morning gymnastic on daddy's belly ? Your mum becomes more and more professional in filmmaking ! Soon she will become a second Woody Allen with fun movies !

You can tell her that yesterday I visited the newly renovated Atomium (the Eiffel tour of Brussels) maybe she wants to do some sightseeing in Brussels.
It's on my travel blog

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

guten tag, dragonheart!
i luv yer akshun videeyo.
i am gointa tell mi mom dat i want one uv doz feather thingz. it lookz like allotta fun!
luv--yer frend--jh

LZ said...

Wow, you're really good with that toy! I bet its really fun to play with it.


Tara said...

You are a maniac with that toy! It looked like lots of fun! Tara

Myst and Blackie said...

Guten Tag, Dragonheart... We think you are adorable playing with your feather toys. Just make sure not to get claws in the playing surface AKA Dad cause he might jump!

The Meezers or Billy said...

great play time! now mommy is bopping around the room singing "ballroom blitz" - it's a frightening sight. - Miles

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, you are soooo cute with your little chomping muzzle. I loved this movie!! You are on fire with your feather toy. heehee
I hope you have a wonderful Monday :-)

Hot(M)BC said...

Yes fur sure. Feathers are great fun!
Your bud Pepi

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your experience

Karen Jo said...

I love watching you go after that feather toy in your movie, Dragonheart. Your Daddy does make a good playing surface and I'll bet he's nice and warm, too.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That looks like lots of fun! How many times did you sink your claws into your Daddy?

Forty Paws said...

What a great video!! You were really having fun weren't you?

Luf, Us

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Wow you are having lots of fun with those fev-vers. Madness also loves her fev-vers. Maybe next monday we will post a movie of her and the fev-vers. Maybe.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Dad's make great play places! Plus when you are done he's right there to cuddle with you!
You always put up the best music with your videos! Haven't heard that one in awhile!

Anonymous said...

ooh - good thing you get yur claws clipped weekly...
fev-vers are GRATE! we love 'em an we loved seein' you in ackshun. maybe we should haf a Fev-ver Friday.