Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Wordless Wednesday: Feathers Are Fun!

Dragonheart Playing


Unknown said...

What a fun picture..someone was having a good time

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said,
O, Dragonheart, i can't see tha pickshure. i come back later.
purrrsss.... KC

Sonny said...

I can see someone is having lots of fun!!!
Nice picture!!!

My WW is up too. If you like to, stop by my blog and have a look.

Big Hugs and happy WW,
Sweet like Kitty
I will exercise for comments!!!



You look like yu are havin a fun time with yur fev-vers!!


Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Feather Fun!
Cute WW pic!

Ingrid said...

He, he DH, you look like a little devil !

Arthur's went out for once to say hello to his big friend Yanouk. He had been operated ! Have a look at him, I wonder what you would say if you see him !

Donna. W said...

It seems to me those cats would get awfully cold in winter.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

featherz ar alwayz fun to play wid, i find.
mi mom bought matsui sumthin to play wid yesturday. it'z dat round thing wid da ball dat u can push round an round. u know, da one wid da scratchin pad in da middle. he liked playin wid it. rite now, tho, mi sistah kallie iz jus sittin on it. shee'z a little old an confyoozed.

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

You are such a playful kitty! Great photo too.

Emma's Kat said...

Is that one of the whirly fev-ver toys like Skeezix has? Looks like you're having great fun! I'll have to get Benji and Emma one of those!

Viamarie said...

He surely knows how to amuse himself.

Have a nice day!

KK said...

Too cool! Nothing like having fun!

Unknown said...

Everybody say...awwwww! They do love to play. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great Wednesday!

Raggedy said...

What a fun picture!
Great photo!
Happy WW

Anonymous said...

hey hun, i wonder if you had a catster account? i'd like to be your catster/dogster buddy if you're there :o)

Waspgoddess said...

I adore this beautiful little cat. It's just too cute.

Celfyddydau said...

you look like you are having loads of fun, and keeping the humans entertainined at the same time. Did you scroll down on my blog to see the cat playing the piano?

Love the pic of you in the dress uniform it really suits you.

Anonymous said...

You are soooo cute Dragonheart.
I just love your happy wild face <3

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yup, yoo alwayz know how to haf a good time!

LZ said...

Very fun indeed! I like feathers but I never get a chance to play with them since the other cats are psycho.


The Minute Man: Colin Chang said...

for a moment i thought it was human...

Anonymous said...

My father used to say a piece of yarn makes any cat a kitten again.
They do love to play.
Tell Dragonheart Frances thanks him for stopping by her blog :)

Anonymous said...

He's having fun! My cat loves playing with feathers too.

Thanks for stopping by.

Unknown said...

Very cute.

Anonymous said...

FEATHERS!!!! I LOVE FEATHERS!!!! I'll be right over.

Hootin Anni said...

What a hoot!!!'re so sweet!!

Crissybug said...

Fun, fun, fun!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! Cute! Happy WW! :-)

MaR said...

It sure looks like lots of fun!

Paula said...

I am visiting from wordless wednesday.
What a great cat!
Fantastic blog!

Daisy said...

Dragonheart, I don't know why but I am getting fixated on yer paws. They are so unique looking. Do the nails always show like that,or can you retract them all the way in?

Unknown said...

Supre picture! Feathers are the BEST! We gotted one of those Whirlybirds that everyone seems to have, It's GREAT! IT has real feathers o nit too!


sammawow said...

You do know how to have alot of fun! We all love our toys, don't we?!?!

China Cat & Willow

FelineFrisky said...

Feathers are a snack at our house! LOL

Thanks for the drop in! D :)

Anonymous said...

I love the contrast in colors! Thank you for continuing to come back to my blog and post on WW. I appreciate it.

DKM said...

ooooOOOOoooo a feather tickle! I love feather tickles!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are having a great time :)

Happy Wednesday...

Anonymous said...

All toys are mine, mine I tell you.

The Meezers or Billy said...


Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Oh we agree. Fev-vers are the bestest.

Myst and Blackie said...

Oh, Dragonheart - you look like you are having so much fun with the fevers... We think you look so handsome in all of your pictures

Kimo and Sabi said...

Hmmm...we finks pink might be yer color too!

Tara said...

feathers, did somebody say feathers?!?! One can never have enough...Tara

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

Oooo...nice toy! This look like fun!

Anonymous said...

someone's having fun!

Rosie & Cheeto said...

NO WAY! That luks like the culest fev-vur ever! It's so brite and velupshuous!

Anonymous said...

that's fun!! :-)

happy ww!

Lux said...

You'll get no argument from me on that, Dragonheart! Feathers are fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Playing with those feathers, you look like you are having such FUN!!

Happy WW!

Karen said...

I bet they tickle a bit too! Fun photo. Happy WW a day late.

kuanyin333 said...

Great photo! Happy WW....a day late!

TorAa said...

You like feathers too, we see. That's such funny playtool. Reminds us of catching birds, yummi.

Say thanks to mummy for this contribution.

Love from

Rosa and Felicia
=^.^= =^.^=

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

Looks like fun.