Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Cats on Tuesday & Toesday

Cats on Tuesday In these photos, you can check out my new Soft Paws. Soft Paws are vinyl nail caps that are glued on to a cat's existing nails. They look like a cat's nail, only hollow.

Dragonheart's Soft Paws(Click photos for larger images)

Dragonheart's Soft Paws
I don't mind the Soft Paws. I can still extend and retract my claws, I can still scratch, and I can use my paws and claws the way I always do. I just can't do any damage with my claws, because they are covered in these red caps. Since I have no fur, you can really see the Soft Paws. My humans also bought some grey ones, that will match my skin. We went with the red to start though, so that they would be easily visible if I lost one.

My friend Daisy asked: "Did yer Mommie and Daddie put them on you, and was it very hard to do?"

Yes, my mom and dad put them on. My dad held me while my mom put them on. The first one or two was a bit of a challenge to put on (mostly figuring how much glue to put in the Soft Paw) but after that it went very smoothly. I was a good cat and lay nice and quiet in my dad's arms, only trying to escape once (one Soft Paw fell off at that point, since it hadn't had time to "set" in place yet.) But all in all, it was an easy process.

Cats on Tuesday To join in with Cats on Tuesday, check out Gattina's Blog.


Puss-in-Boots said...

Wow Drago, false fingernails and with nail polish I want some!!!!

Envious Oscar

Daisy said...

Dragonheart, I LOVE yer red nails! They are very, very cute. Did yer Mommie and Daddie put them on you, and was it very hard to do?

Daisy said...

Thanks for the explanation! I might get some of those myself.

FelineFrisky said...

What a good idea! They are quite exciting. The red goes well on you. Quite the fashion statement! D :)

Unknown said...

Wow Dragonheart are very cute!!!

Tara said...

You look very stylish with those paws. I'm impressed your Mom and Dad put them on. My mom and dad are still just thinking about clipping my nails.....

Ingrid said...

Hallo Drachenherzchen, what did they do to you ? Are you scratching that much that you need these false nails ? I don't know for you, but for Arthur and sisters it would be impossible to put them on, even if they were indoor cats, I think we would look like a street map if we tried too, full of scratches and the cats would all have a psychological shock ! Where did your mum find them ? I saw them already on cat blogs, but never in a shop over here. I am sure it doesn't even exist, because nobody would buy them.

Luna und Luzie said...

That is very interesting. I don´t know this soft paws. I think it does n´t disturb you, or what ?
Drachenherzchen, sagt Gattina, wie lieb. Yes you are a really Dragonheart, I love it to visit your blog :0)

Christine and FAZ said...

functional and sexy too - how many things can you say that about? FAZ

Anonymous said...

Wow, Dragonheart you look REALLY cool :-) I love the red. I think it looks sporty, just like a red sportscar!

I hope you have a happy day. Don't bite your nails :-D

Anonymous said...

I have never even heard of such! But I love the red, you look so stylish!

Anonymous said...

DRAKE!!! You look sooooo sexy with your Elvira nails!!!
That's it...we're getting some Lee Press-on Nails, too.

LZ said...

Wow, they look really really cool on you! There is no way I'd sit still for that, I hate my nails clipped. You look very cool with them on!




The red color was a good choice. I say stick with it. You know Momma's pay lots of green stuff to get nails that look that good.

Forty Paws said...

Wow Dragonheart! You sure allow your beans to do a lot of stuff for you!!! We're impressed that you're so amenable to it all.

Uh, we would like to know if the soft paws come in a "French Manicure" please?

Luf, Us

Unknown said...

The red is very trendy, Dragonheart! And they stand out so nicely from your skin!!


The Meezers or Billy said...

those look nice. mommy still wants to get me blue ones, 'acause i skratch her lots, and sammy hardly efurry skratches. I don't know - they look like they might hert. - Miles

The Crew said...

Very trendy, Dragonheart! Those look like the same tips that Skeez wears. I don't know if I'd like them though. I think I might be too old to try new things!


Anonymous said...

Very nice nails dragonheart :)

Jodi said...

How cool!! Enjoy your purty nails!!

Mr. Hendrix said...

oooooo I have Soft Paws too! I get lotsa colors depending on the time of year. Mommy and Daddy have a much harder time putting mine on because they have to wrap my up in a towel like a burrito. I do not like to be "handled" or even held!

I think Soft Paws are a great idea because I can scratch and not cause any damage! Lotsa other kitties wear them too like Merlin.

PS mommy always chuckles when she finds a bright soft paw discarded in the litterbox!

Gemini said...

Oh I was a good cat too. We need to put more softpaws on me again. I have lost all but two of them. I had the first set put on before Christmas.

Andree said...

It's amazing. I never heard of them, never saw them before. They look so cool! But Dragonheart, we know how exceptional you are, and mine would never allow me to do this. I am still healing from my last claw clipping of Mouse!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dood, doze is reely kewl. Like dragon claws! Dat red looks good on yoo~Speedy

TorAa said...

You look beautiful with your new, red nails. Maybe, even better with the grey ones. More discrete, so tho miew.
But we would not like to have false nails, even though we are ladies.

Just loook at Felicia in the tree, and I'm sure you will agree:))

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Those look great on you!!

Anonymous said...

those look way cool on you! the Lady wants to get us some, and red would probably look nice with our black paws too, but we're not very cooperative. not very cooperative is actually an understatement. we're growly, bitey, struggling balls of angry fur when the Lady tries to clip our claws.

Suzanne R said...

What an interesting product! I need something like that for Silver and Socks. You sport them in a most dashing way, Dragonheart!

sammawow said...

You look very good in those red nails!

Purrrs, China Cat & Willow

Tatiana Gamarra said...

Ill kill for having that here, but ive never seen it in stores!!!!

CucaraƱas had ruined us our living room furniture, with their nails of course.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

I think the red is smashing!

Momma says come on over and help her put them on me!!!


Anonymous said...

Whoaw Dragonheart! That's pretty cool, I hope my human doesn't see this, he's always tryting to get me to do stuff! I don't know if I could carry off red nails though, glad to hear they come in grey! Can't you just bite them off? Anyways, hope you enjoy your new nails :)

srp said...

Miss Willow: Look at that... do those come in hot pink? I love bubblegum hot pink!!! What did you scratch on to get your mama to get you some of those?

Spoiler said...

Really? The claws can't do any damage when covered with these chic nails? Really?

Karen Jo said...

I love your red Soft Paws. They look really good on you.

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Wow, I've never seen anything like that before ... not sure if they sell them in Australi (I'll check it out on the internet, though !!).
You look beautiful with red fingernails, though !!
Take care, Meow

Anita said...
