Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Cats on Tuesday

Cats on Tuesday One of my favourite possessions is my sleeping bag.

Dragonheart and his sleeping bag
It is nice and warm, and I love lying on top of it, or curling up inside of it. The fleece lining inside it is very soft and I am cozy and comfortable inside.

Dragonheart and his sleeping bag
I especially enjoy lying in the sun in my sleeping bag. Then I have the warmth of the sun, combined with the softness of the sleeping bag. It's the perfect place to nap or hang out.

Dragonheart and his sleeping bag

(Click any of the photos for a larger image)

Cats on Tuesday To join in with Cats on Tuesday, check out Gattina's Blog.


Ingrid said...

He,he on the last picture you look like a little snail with it's little house on the back !

Puss-in-Boots said...

Hi Drago! You sure like comfortable and cosy in your sleeping bag. It's too hot here and I have long fur (except for when I had it shaved in hospital).

However, it's not so hot now and I can actually sleep on the bed without roasting!

Have a good week.


Daisy said...

Sleeping bags are great! Yours is such a manly color, too. Mine is pink.

Christine and FAZ said...

As always, handsome, handsome, handsome. If I had a wall of my own you would definitely be my pin up DH! Your No. 1 Fan. FAZ

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart you are adorrrrable. I bet when mommie washes your sleeping bag, you get mad too. That looks like the best snuggly bed ever ever!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

that looks so comfy! and mommy says you look beautiful in it!

Anonymous said...

What a joy you always are to see! Your photos bring a smile every time!

Jodi said...

Awww.. so cute! I have ordered a cute pink sleeping bag for Miss Lulu, it should be here any day now!

LZ said...

I love your sleeping bag, you look like you really love it. I don't think I would use one but of course I don't know because I don't have one. You're so cute!!


Anonymous said...

Drake: that second picture of you is fabulous!!!!! we're calling that your sultry look!

Tara said...

You look so comfy in your sleeping back, and so regal and handsome! And the green looks wonderful against your skin.

Anonymous said...

Wow that cat bag looks so soft and comfy. I am so glad that you have one. We had one for awhile but it wasn't nearly as nice as yours.

momsbusy said...

nice sleeping bag! looks super cozy.

yuki & kimiko

srp said...

Now Dragonheart is quite the ham. He is "ready for his closeup". Some cats love the little red focus light and some run. He is one who loves the camera. Have fun in that warm sac.

Silvia Hoefnagels . Salix Tree said...

I love the second pic, beautuful expression. That's a lovely pattern around your little nose.
Hey, do you not have any whiskers? Just curious, and wondering if you bump into things without face hairs to guide you.

The Cats Stephens said...

YOU look so warm and comfy! I really hate getting in things though. I like my kitty kube, but other than that I can't stand to be in something like a sleeping bag.


Suzanne R said...

You look so cozy, Dragonheart! And yet so dignified at the same time. But then, isn't that part of being a cat?


Luna und Luzie said...

Hi Dragonheart, you are looking cute and cosy in your sleeping bag. I have no sleeping bag. My favourite place is a newspaper basket under the couch of my humans. There I´m safe before the vacuum cleaner and the children ;-) The second place is a big pillow on a rocking chair.
Have a nice day !!!

FelineFrisky said...

Oh, you do look soooo comfy - and elegant, in your sleeping bag! Such a life you lead! LOL D :)

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We like yoor sleeping bag and yoo always look so kyoot in it. Enjoy da sun and yoor soft sleeping bag!

MaoMao said...

What a comfy-looking sleeping bag! You look so cute and cozy in it -- I bet it's a great place to cuddle in.

Karen Jo said...

I love pictures of you in your sleeping bag. You always look so happy and comfortable.

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart your picture thing is sooo coool. I put me and Prinnie on it. Meeeyowwww

Skeezix the Cat said...

That is reely a grate sleep sak. I like to burrow, so I'm shur I wood love one like that. And it's vary furry. NICE!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That second picture of you is so cute Dragonheart! It looks like a sexy come hither look for some fabulous female feline!

kuanyin333 said...

How warm and cozy you are...life is good for you!

Andree said...

Oh Dragonheart! Your mom has new stuff to teach me every week. I love that kitty slideshow and loved putting Buddy on it! You are such a hoot in your sleeping bag! See you soon!

Hot(M)BC said...

Looks perfect to me, Dragonheart.
your bud Pepi

Anonymous said...

I biggified your pictures and you have the most adorrrabible furrs on your ears and nose


Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Wow, we are getting sleepy just reading your discription of the sleeping bag in the sun. *yawn*

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Dragonheart, your expressions are priceless! Our mom loves the color of your snuggly sleeping bag.


Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

I love the 2nd picture and the sleepy look on your face! Priceless!

Rosie & Cheeto said...

At furst we thawt yer sleeping bag was to small...but aftur luking at how yoo snuggle in it we think it fits yoo JUST RITE!