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Back at the beginning of March, something very strange happened! Solid bits of frozen water started falling from the sky! My humans called it hail. It was very interesting to watch, as I had never seen frozen water fall from the sky before!
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Back at the beginning of March, something very strange happened! Solid bits of frozen water started falling from the sky! My humans called it hail. It was very interesting to watch, as I had never seen frozen water fall from the sky before!
I like the way you are looking up, watching the hail come down. You look really interested in it.
I've experience it myself personally (here in Malaysia). I was in the car when it started raining "small pieces of ice". I was terrified :)
Your blog is adorable! I have a cat myself, but he's got tons of hair! So much in fact that we have him shaved sometime in the summer.
Excellent picture for the theme!
Wow,I bet that was scarey for you. Good thing you were inside watching.
Wow,I bet that was scarey for you. Good thing you were inside watching.
Wow, FROZEN water, that is pretty crazy! I would like to watch that falling from the sky, too.
My kitty is scared by hail
Good thing you were inside during the hail! You're just so cute!! :)
i remember doze dayz uv cold an frozen weather, dragonheart! i'm glad dat we're creepin into da springtime.
dat'z a grate pikshur uv u.
What a great idea for the water theme, i was out hiking when it was hailing once. It hurt a lot!
Frozen water ... I like it. Hail hurts - good thing you were inside.
Very nice photo of the frozen water. Perfect for the theme. Happy Saturday :)
Ah, yes! Water does come in all three states of matter. Clever subject for the theme. I hope the hail didn't do any dammage. Have a great weekend, Dragonheart, and thanks for visiting Pollywog Creek.
Yes, I like the way you are looking very intently at the sky... and thinking about this situation.. YOu are a very intelligent kitty. and you are not even one year old yet!
I love this picture. You have your little mousie next to you. How sweet :-)
Beautiful sphinx new experience. You were very brave.
You don't even look the least bit concerned. My water picture is liquid, not solid like yours.
I bet that did seem strange! Great photo!
And I'm so glad you're INSIDE observing the hail and not OUTSIDE.
It hailed like that the day we brought my second son home from the hospital (after he was born). Premonition? lol
It's GOOD to be inside!
Cats are so much fun :)
Oh that weather stuff can be pretty tricky. Remember hail hurts your head and snow doesn'
Great picture.
Take care,
My photo is up.
Very neat! what attention your cat has on the falling hail
ooo that looks interesting Dragonheart! I can see from the pic that you were fascinated :) meeow!
so sweet!!
I love it.
OMG Cool!!
I have never seen fall that of the sky.
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I love this photo: my cats are never as aware as Dragonheart of the events outside as they watch in a window. He is an amazingly intelligent cat.
Yeah, yeah hail that's a strange thing, fortunately you are not allowed to go out and get it on your head !
(My cats and funny stories)
*pshh* whatever! those humans don't know what they're talking about. it's actually pieces of the sky that are falling...
We used to get hail every now and then on the Big Island during the winter season. We don't have it on Oahu.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hail scares us a lot! It makes way too much noise!
Luf, Us
Oh honey, I just want to wrap you in a warm fleece blankie when I see you looking at the hail!
Glad you were inside!!!
Good thing you were inside! We have hail from time to time, it hurts when it pelts you!
Have a great weekend!
I'm intereted in the hail too, Dragonheart. As long as I'm at work or at home. It's no fun to be driving or playing in!!
Great photo as always! :)
Hail is nothing to kid about, i tell you! Thanks for coming by!
You wouldn't want to be out in it, it would hurt
Oh I see your humans also got hail where you live Thanks for visiting my photo today!
Hi Dragonheart. I heard about the hail and glad that you're safely inside the house during that time.
I can imagine how surprised you were when the hail hit the ground. I am sure it was noisy too...
Have a wonderful weekend--happy hunting.
Water can be fascinating in all it's different forms. Nice picture of you and great choice for the Hunt.
Dragonheart... that is really scary. Was their lightening with it? You should stay away from the windows. I bet it covered the ground like a little bit of snow does. At least you were safe inside.
I'll bet you were glad you weren't outside although the ice probably would have been great to chew on!
Hail sounds kinda cool. We haven't seen that yet - only snow. Your mom and dad take really cool pictures of you. You always look so distinguished and handsome.
Titus, Tazo, & Earl Grey
I wondered what you would do for water. I bet you are probably not a fan of getting wet!
What an awesome photo! That cat is adorable.
Thanks for stopping by
You are such a handsome kittie!
That´s a pretty cool picture, Dragonheart. I can´t remember when I saw hail in my part of Germany...
Oh, and I like the cute mouse-toy you have there by your side!
lovely! Great action pic really... seeing something for the first time is very interesting.
Cat photos are so nice. The doesn't look happy to see all that rain though. Poor kitty!
Thanks for the visit to my blog.
That is such a neat picfur. Sometimes, after it rains here, our mama will open up the window and let us watch the steam.
We haven't had hail in so long! I kinda miss it!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, and as you know, I played too :-)
WOW Dragonheart!
That must have been very noisy! Meomy sez when frozen water falls from the sky, sometimes if it's big, it even dents CARZ -- but we live in the south, so I've never seen it.
luf -
yur littel pal,
Dragonheart, I'm so glad you got to see hail. I love to watch it fall from the sky when we get it. It's great to listen to, too. Thanks for visiting and have a nice weekend.
Dragonheart ... That's really a terrific photo of hail. I've seen it here in California, but Mom wouldn't let me get close enough to it to check it out properly (you and I both know that I would have eaten it).
Your cat sure looked so surprised with 'frozen water' falling from the sky.
Glad you were inside for it!
Oooo...that must be so exciting for you. The Spice Cats have never seen hail before. Then again, they have never seen snows before either.
Great pic. I bet your cat was wondering what the heck was going on.
Oh wow! It must have made a lot of noise falling on the glass. We're glad you were safe inside!!
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