It's another beautiful sunny day here in Munich. It's been sunny and warm all week, with daytime highs between 12 and 16°C. I really enjoy lying in the sun. Its warmth feels good on my skin.

The grass is green and growing here in Munich, and many trees are starting to bud. Flowers are also blooming, especially the crocuses and tulips. You can see some of the flowers growing in our Garten (yard) below.

(Click any of the photos to view a larger image)
Dragonheart, I like to look at things upside-down, just like you are doing in the first picture! I'm glad you are getting some sunny weather. Those flowers are pretty, and they look just like my favorites, daisies!
Great photos.I can't wait for it to get green and sunny here it's still cold.
Dragonheart you look like yur very happy(my girl bean thinks yur realy cute). Missy
I think Dragonheart is awesome! Thanks for joining in on WCB this weekend!
Nice pictures of you, Dragonheart - I'm glad it's getting warm there.
i wish i could see sum green an crocusez in mi yard. owr big ice an snow storm covered da grass. i'm lookin forward to havin spring.
yer luckee dragonheart!
can i be da verree first to wish yer mom a HAPPEE BIRFDAY! i know it'z tomorrow ... but i wanned to be da first!!!
luv--yer grate frend--jh
those are such great pichurs!!!
Oh that looks so pretty! And you look so good in your bed!
HI Dragonheart *waves* I think you are a very happy and sweet boy kitty. I love being in the sun too. I hope your mom got you a flower to sniff. Maybe there was even a bug on it to shove around a little and squish!
~ Prinnie (and Caesar too)
Hmm, were dey bovering yoo wile yoo were sunning yoorself? Cuz dats da look I gif my mom when she iz bovering me. Yoo look all comfy and reely kyoot.~Sadie
Tigger, SirWoody and SonnyBob wished you lived closer
cause they reckon youd be fun to wrestle with..
Thanks for stopping by!
Isn't spring time grand! Flowers, sunny window sills, great things to watch! You look so lovely and happy in your sunbeam.
Oh an excellent sun spot!
DH my favorite furless kitty, you are just the cutest as you sit in your green bed!
I'm glad you have sunny weather and green growing things to enjoy. You look as if you're very happy with everything!
Oooh - it looks lovely there! And you sure look good in yer green cozy cup!
you silly lovely boy.
kitties sure do know how to live!
dragon heart - the kitties love sunshine too!. It's a must esp since we get it all yr round. Thxs for dropping by.
You look so lovely in the sunshine and we love all the greeness of the springtime in Munich!
Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Everytime I look at you and your lovely bed reminds me of my lonely kitty bed at home.
Love your contorted pose in the top photo and the thoughful look in the second photo! You are so handsome DH. Make sure you check out Louche Tabby!
Dragonheart, our mom thinks you look so adorable!
Jeter beat us to the punch, but we're here to wish your mom a very Happy Birthday! Give her lots of extra attention today!
Hey Dragonheart, tell your mom Happy Birthday from me and Kamikaze! Thanks!
You look very happy all curled up in your green bed and looking out of the window. Your flowers are beautiful. Happy Birthday to your Mom.
Very Cozy Bed and Pretty Flowers! The Sunshine always does one good!
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