I like to hang out in my tent when the afternoon sun warms it up. It is a nice place to hide out in, or to nap in.

The whiskers and tail on the tent are also fun to attack and chew! I can even drag the tent around by biting down on the whiskers and then pulling.

My tent is so much fun! I really like it.
(Click on any of the photos above to view a larger image)
Dragonheart, that is a very fabulous tent you have. And blue is your color!
deer dragonheart,
u hav lottsa fun thingz in yer howse. i like da blue color uv yer tent.
yer frend--jh
That tent fames yur beautiful body purrfectly!
I think my mommie should get us one of those tents now! She got our tiny tent at Target for one dollar, and it is so small!! I am glad you drag your tent around by it's whiskers. That is a good way to move things around.
You are so beautiful and you look very happy. I hope today is your best day ever!
<3, Prinnie
Did yoo effur put yoor sleeping bag in yoor tent and take a nap? Maybe dat wood be to much...We reely like dat tent, wonder if we cood get mom to get us one.
Wow - the blue really looks nice around you. I'd love one of those tents, but here in the Middle of the U.S. Ikea is no where to be found. I guess Mommy needs to do some hunting online!
Oh, wow, that is just super. What a fun thing! And blue is defintely your color.
Pee Ess: We have been trying to post, but blogger won't let us.
As you know, I have a red one and I love it soooo much. Its mine and I have to guard it. my favorite thing to do is to pounce in it and make it move all over the room. Oh, and the tail on the back is awesome!!!
What a great tent! I love the transparent blue...you look wonderful in it!
I'm gitting a tent soon. I can't wate!
that looks like lots and lots of fun!
I know I shouldn't envy, but my usual yellow eyes are a little green today. That looks awesome!
You ears and the tent ears look the same!
The tent will be an awesome place for you & your new sibling to hang out in!
Dragonheart, we LOVE your tent! We don't have Ikea near us in Indiana, but my human says she shopped at one in Italy ... so I think she should move us all to Italy!
& the Artsy Catsy tentless ones
That tent looks like just the thing for a nice nap. Maybe if I had one, I wouldn't have to nap under the end of the bedspread.
you're so handsome in your neat tent. it looks cozy (mmm, warm and cozy...). i'm glad your mom and dad take such good care of you and give you such fun toys!
Now that is one beautiful blue tent you have there, Dragonheart! Aren't tents wonderful!
Purrrs, China Cat & Willow
That tent looks soooo coool!!!!! Do you ever go campong with your humans? Actually, I bet you are more of a five star hotel kinda cat! xx
Ack!!! U turned blu wen u wuz in da tent!! Aliens!!
Luckily, u turned bac to Dragonheart wen u came owtta da tent.
Luf, Us
I love that tent! My bean Uncle tried to get me one for Christmas. He got it off the shelf, paid for it, and didn't get out the door with it. It was the last one in the store! I was bummed!
Oh, I can't believe it! A real tent with a real sleeping bag. How cool is that??
That is absolutely the coolest tent! I will insist that the woman look for one at our local Ikea!
That is a very nice tent. I've never had a tent. Bogdan did once and he loved it so much he destroyed it. I hope you don't do that to your beautiful blue tent!!
I want one too,yes mommy pleaseee!!
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I reely like yur tent! It looks almost like a cat spaceship with yur warm bed and you peeking out the doorway. It looks furry spasious, too.
Yu always look koot, so that goes without being meowed.
We have a small leopard print tent that has a white mousie hanging from the roof, inside.
Meowmy puts owrs away, a lot, cause we fight over who gets to be inside, and sometimes I will jump on top of the tent, when someone else is in it and make it collapse on them.
We have a yello one that is bigger, but it collapses even easier, so meowmy never puts it owt for us, ennymore.
She buyed us sum play kubes at Wally-world (Wal-Mart) and they velcro together to make cities... guess what -- I kan make them collapse, too! MOL!!!
Sumtimes I am furry mischeeveus.
yur little pal,
Mr. Zenith
Our Mom is swooning over your third photo. She wants to smooch on you.
You have such cool furnishings and toys; you must be very well loved.
Darling photos of you in your tent!
ooohhhh....we like your tent! we ahve been playing with ours more, now that we have gotten used to it! tents are soooo much fun!
Wow, Dragonheart! That is one cool tent. You take beautiful photos in it. We want one, too!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
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