Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Thursday Thirteen

My mom's birthday is this coming Monday, March 19. In honour of her upcoming birthday, I've created this list.

#11 - Thirteen Reasons My Mom is Great

  1. Dragonheart and his momShe feeds me Stinky Goodness (Almo Nature Cat Food), which is very high quality. Almo Nature soft food is completely natural, without any chemical additives nor preservatives.It consists only of the best quality ingredients: 100% free range meat, coming from "hormone free" ranges and 100% sea water fish. Prime meat cuts used are all the same as used for human consumption: 75% fresh meat or fish, 24% cooking water and 1% rice.

  2. She plays with me, especially when I want to play with one of my wand toys.

  3. She keeps my litterbox clean.

  4. She makes sure I always have fresh crunchies to eat.

  5. She makes sure I always have fresh water, and buys bottled water for me because Munich tap water is hard and I don't like it.

  6. Dragonheart's Mom and Dad at their WeddingShe gives me treats, especially after she cleans my ears and eyes, or trims my claws.

  7. She bathes me. Although I don't enjoy my baths, I know I need them to stay healthy, so I know my mom is just looking after me.

  8. Her lap is comfortable and warm to curl up in.

  9. She knows just how to pet me to make me happy.

  10. When it's warm out, she takes me into our yard on my harness so I can explore outside.

  11. She is warm and cozy to sleep next to at night.

  12. She acts as my photographer and secretary.

  13. Most important of all, she loves me and I love her.


Katiez Furry Mewz said...

Youze gotz a luvin gentle Meow-mee!! Oh datz wundurful!! Tanks fur sharin!!

Karen Jo said...

What a wonderful list of nice things about your Mom. You look very cozy curled up in bed with her.

Raggedy said...

Happy Birthday to your mom!
It sounds like you have a wonderful life and much to be thankful for.
Terrific Thursday Thirteen!
My TT is posted.
Have a wonderful day!
Happy TT'ing!
(")_ (")Š

Darla said...

Aw, sounds like your mom is great! I wish her a happy birthday on Monday--hope you're getting her something special. A nice little bird or mouse would no doubt be appreciated. :)

MaR said...

Awww, that's such a lovely list about your mom!!!
happy birthday to her and happy tt!

Christine and FAZ said...

Happy Birthday DH's Mum.

We hope you have a really lovely day. Christine and FAZ

Daisy said...

That is a great list about yer Mommie. She sounds very nice! I also posted a list of 13 things about my Mommie today. It seems like we think alike, Dragonheart!

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

You treat your mom as your secretary? Bad bad cat. But I am sure your mom don't mind one bit!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer dragonheart,
i would like to try yer mom owt. mi mom iz also nice an i think u would like her. maybe someday we could just switch fer a day! (altho i don't think i would like da baths.)
oh ... "stinky goodness" ... dats anudder word i learned since becomin a cat-blogger.
luv--yer grate frend--o'jete

Carmen said...

Dragonheart, you tell your mom happy birthday for me, and treat her really good that day. ok? Give her extra purrs. :)

Anonymous said...

This is the best list ever. You are so lucky you get to sleep with your mom. I used to... (I have such fond memories of going under the covers and wrapping my legs around her leg and hugging her really tight, meaow I loved that) but now she locks me in a warm cozy room with a litterbox and a dish of water and my sister, Prinnie and all of the blankies... it's okaaaay.
I am so happy you have a wonderful mommie. I bet your daddie is just as wonderful and probably warmer even.

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...

Everyone should have yummy treats after the indignity of having their claws clipped. In fact, there should be NO claw clipping at all. That's what the couch is for.

Nancy's cat, Kali
who took over the computer when she hopped in the shower.

Mo and The Purries said...

Aw Dragonheart, that's a wonderful list for your Mommy for her up-coming birthday!
What a great relationship you have!
And your stinky goodness sounds really GOOD!
Not The Mama
It’s A Blog Eat Blog World

PS: it's the Temptation of Chloe at
Purrchance To Dream this week!

Two Voices Publishing said...

Happy birthday to your mom! And I love your Wordless Wednesday pic!

Unknown said...

Moms are great, aren't they Dragonheart? We might have to do do TT for our mom soon!


Myst and Blackie said...

Very sweet list Dragonheart. Sounds like you have a wonderful Mom... Purrs to your Mom for her birthday

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

What a good Mommy. Happy Birthday to your Mommy!!

Tara said...

Your mom is so pretty and clearly loves you very much! And I can tell you love her too!

Forty Paws said...

What a grate tribyoot to yur Mommy. She ist bery gud to u. U ist 1 lucky poodin.

Luf, Us


She is lucky to have you as her mom.
Spoiled pet I should say.
My T13 is up too.

LZ said...

I think I would like your mom too! Happy birthday to her!!! I hope your dad does something special for her birthday.


sammawow said...

That is certainly a wonderful list that you wrote about your mom. She sounds very nice.

Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Ingrid said...

How nice of you to make up such list ! you sure are a loving grateful cat. My cats played Thursday 13 too ! They have rules for you which maybe your mom wouldn't appreciate, but it remains amongst us !

The Furry Kids said...

You have a great mom! Please tell her happy birthday for us.
Titus, Tazo, & Earl Grey

The Meezers or Billy said...

you has a wonderful mommy! and purrty too!

Shaggy and Scout said...

We love that picture of you curled up with your momma. Plese make sure your dad does something special fo rher on her birthday. Dads get lazy sometimes.

Mr. Hendrix said...

aw, that sounds like a wonderful mommy you have. we knew that though since she takes such good care of you!
have you decided what you'll get her? maybe a nice catnip plant?
happy early birthday to your mommy!

DK & The Fluffies said...

Mom's are the best... even DKM

Becka said...

Ooo, Dragonheart, I love your name!! You'll find your name in my list of Thursday Thirteen this week. :D


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Mommy's are da best thing a kitty cood effur haf.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Your mum is fab. in fact I think you have lovely parents!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Dat's a furry nice list about yer mum. Yoo look furry kyoot and cuddly all snuggled up in bed wiv her.We'll say happy purrfday to her now in case we furrget on Monday.
Happy Purrfday Dragonheart's mum.

MaoMao said...

Awww, Happy Birthday to your wonderful mommy, Dragonheart!

Kimo and Sabi said...

She sounds like the bestest mom ever! (well, 2nd to our Mommakitty, of course!)

Puss-in-Boots said...

Hey Drago, that's a nice thing you did for your mum. You look lovely and comfy snuggled up in bed with her.

I was sleeping on the bed the other night and I think my companion was having a bad dream or something because I got a foot in my ear! I sat up in astonishment and she must have realised what happened because she stroked my head...I think she was asleep at the time.

Anyway, happy birthday to your mummy and I hope she gets lots of loot!

Your Aussie mate


Jake and Bathsheba said...

Dragonheart, you are one very fortunate kitty, but your mom is also one very fortunate human to have you. I'll bet that you can't wait till your mom's birthday because, in addition to loving her so much, the gift on her wishlist will be used by YOU.


Spoiler said...

You are a masterful list maker.

Katnippia said...

Dragonheart, thats a very sweet thursday 13 furz youz meowmize.Please tell youz meowmize happy early birfhday furz us. Sia

Lux said...

I like your pretty mom - wish her a Happy Birthday from me! That was a wonderful list.

P.S. I love the description of your Stinky Goodness - yum!

The Fluffy Tribe said...

You are furry lucky to haf a great Mom like that Dragonheart ~Merlin, Shadow, KO kO

Unknown said...

Awwwww... such a wonderful tribute to your great Mommy.