Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Wacky Wordless Wednesday: Attack!

Dragonheart Playing(Click photo for a larger image)

Since many people seem to be misunderstanding this photo, let me add an explanation: my humans are not tormenting me here! I took the feathered toy in my teeth and dragged it back to my sleeping bag with me, where I proceeded to get comfortable and continue to play with the toy.


meh said...

Get away, you evil spawn!!

Unknown said...

That made me smile today! Sweet kitty

Anonymous said...

Feathers! What fun you must have had :-)

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

weze gotz wurdz on our wacky wediezday...

weze cumz by ta say dat u gotz a cute nozie, sir dragonheart.

bye bye

Ingrid said...

Can't they leave you in peace ? Poor boy !

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I didn't want to be left in peace! I'm the one who dragged my toy back to my sleeping bag. It was more fun playing there!

Raggedy said...

You sure know how to have fun!
Great picture!
Happy WW!

Daisy said...

That toy sure looks fun! It was smart of you to show the fev-ver yer teeths so he will know you are the boss of it.

Puss-in-Boots said...

That's right, Drago...a man after my own heart. Attack! Yesssss!



Unknown said...

You know how to have fun! Thanks for sharing and visiting My Photo Blog

Lazy Daisy said...

Our cats have favorite toys that love to ponce on and will play for a long time.

Donna. W said...

Playful kitty.

m said...

That is a hilarious picture; very good for WW. Thanks for stopping by.

jennyr said...

hahaha! that's cute!

Anonymous said...

Nothing worse than be attacked while you nap. Evil.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Nice toy, and such a pretty bed!
Happy WW :)

Anonymous said...

What a furrocious Kitty you are, Dragonheart! Befitting for your name, we may add...

Rebecca said...

Quit annoying the poor thing - what do you think, he's a CAT?

Dawn said...

I can see why you like warm weather! We love spring like winters also, until spring when we have no run-off to fill our reservoirs so we have water for the summer! So we're very happy to have our drought broken.

Thanks for visiting me today!

Jan said...

That looks like a lot of fun - and good exercise too. Keeps the cat fat away!

Lux said...

Cute, Dragonheart! I wouldn't want to get between you & that feather!

Anonymous said...

Yay, nothing like playing and relaxing at the same time. Dragonheart you are a fun and happy cutiepie kittenboy.
I love your bloggie. I hope you have a sunny day.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yup, sometimes yoo just gotta lay down to play. Yoo do look ferooshus, and kyoot. Very, very kyoot.

Anonymous said...

My apologies Sir Dragonheart. I should have known that the humans would not dare to disturb you. Play on my friend.

Anonymous said...

Best of both worlds...stretching out and playing with the toy!

LZ said...

Those are some well trained humans! Its best to train them to come to you so you don't have to exert as much energy. Fun toy!


Unknown said...

I love the explanation. Happy WW!

Eagles Wings said...

That is so funny! ATTACK cat!
Thanks for stopping by my WW!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you're having fun! My cat loves to play with feathered things too.

My WW is up.

Waspgoddess said...

I think Dragonheart would get on like a house on fire with our Nar. She's a Tonkinese and her aerobatic stunts are out of this world. I can just imagine the two of them.

Tara said...

You look FEROCIOUS!! And lovely at the same time!

Anonymous said...

My Mommy does this with my mousie wand.I love to play with it cause it's so much fun.

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Makes perfect sense to us. You are all comfy and warm in your bed but can still play.

The Meezers or Billy said...


MaR said...

Good thing an explanation was added!
have fun with your toy!

Anonymous said...

Did you see me coming in and wacking your feather toy about? I love FEATHERS!

Katnippia said...

You look like you were having a lot of fun attcking that toy. our meowmize hides our feather toys so Mooch, or Sia don't de-feather it...Pounce

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I brought it to your bed, making it think you were just going to nap with it....then when it was lured into a restful attacked! Great plan!!!

Holly Schwendiman said...

If I didn't know better I'd say that look is one of utter disapproval!


Anonymous said...

Dragonheart! You look so fierce!

Happy WW :D

Rebecca said...

Here Kitty Kitty. *smiles*

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

You are so cute, and I bet you wouldn't make your Momma sneeze, sniff, and hack, like we do.

momsbusy said...

the feather toy doesnt stand a chance against yu. yu ars a ferocious attack cat.

sammawow said...

That looks like a terrific feather toy to play with!!!

China Cat & Willow

Christine and FAZ said...

Party Party - hugs FAZ

Kimo and Sabi said...

You are a ferocious fev-ver attacker!

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

At play while at rest, what a way to live.

Leona said...

Oh feathers- Love the feathers.

Spooker said...

Oh, we biggified the picture and we saw your big sharp claws and one super sharp tooth! All the better to get those fev-vers with!!!

Thanks for the birthday wishes!
We're glad you're our friend!
Daphne & Chloe

Shaz said...

A thief in the midst . . .you cheeky kitten x

Anonymous said...

grrrrrrrrr! fev-vers! my favorite. get 'em!!!


Looks like you are havin a good time with yur toy Dragonheart. Boo does the same thing. She loves to drag her toys all over.


Anonymous said...

I love watching cats play. They are like kids playing with a new toy. Thank you for sharing your photo!

Take Care!

letha said...

Are you ticklish?

zhasha said...


this is a great pick for WW..

MaoMao said...

Awwww, you look like you're having a great sleepyplaytime. Or a great playsleepytime!

Purrs and MAOs!

Anonymous said...

kill them evil feathers

Tiger Lily said...

That toy looks like a lot of fun! You have so many great things, your people must love you very much!

My post today is not so "wordless" wednesday.

Catzee said...

Oooo, Dragonheart! You am furry furrocious!

Debbie Ann said...

How do you keep your little darlin warm in the winter?

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

mi noo brudder matsui brought hiz feather onna stick under da bed wen he wuz hangin owt dere...
dis pikshur remindz me dat i should get it owt fer him.
thank u dragonheart

Around Your Wrist said...

dragonheart, you have such cute pictures! i love the ones of you asleep (where your tummy is showing). do you like getting baths?


Skeezix the Cat said...

looks more like FUN than torcher!

Amanda said...

I guess the feathers were just calling out to you huh?! LOL!