Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Monday Movie

If you are having trouble viewing the video, try clicking here.

You can see photos of my Easter gift here.

Happy Easter! Frohe Ostern! Joyeuse Pâques!


Karen Jo said...

Boy, oh, boy, are you having fun with that catnip bunny! I'm glad that you had such a great Easter.

Daisy said...

Wow, Dragonheart, that looked FUN! You are a very good player; I think you might be an expert at bunny-kicking. Two paws up!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

dat lookz like so much fun! yer givin dat toy sum eksellent bunny kickz!
altho i did not get a easter toy ... i hav fownd a old gift i got fer da holidayz an i hav been havin sum fun wid it dis mornin. it'z a crinkle ball ... i highly recommend it fer yer enjoyment.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

MOL MOL that is so funny!!! I love the music and I LOVE how much fun you are having with that toy!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, You are an excellent bunny kicker! We love this video!

sammawow said...

Wow, what a bunny kicker you are! That sure looks like a terrific Easter toy! Our Lady liked your music too!

Purrrs, China Cat & Willow

The Furry Kids said...

Excellent bunny-kick technique. Very impressive!
Titus, Tazo, & Earl Grey

Anonymous said...

Hi Dragonheart!
our family all sat here (me in Blizzie's lap) and watched your fun video. YOu are a great kitten to know. We loved watching you play with your Easter toy and we love you!!


Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

That was a very exciting movie!!
You are an excellent bunny-kicker :)

Anonymous said...

When you play, you really play, don't you?!

LZ said...

WOW!!!! You certainly know how to have a good time. Ah to be a kitten again. Oh wait, I still do things like that.


Tara said...

I'll have to look at the video once we get back to our other house, our dialup here at the mountain house just can't do it!

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

wow, you really gave the cat-nip bunny the smack-down!!! whoo-hoo!! You look like you're having so much fun!
Fantastic, Dragonheart!!

DK & The Fluffies said...

Excellent bunny kicks... and I should know!
~Fiona Bun

Anonymous said...

You sure do know how to play! That thing must have some primo nip in it. Way ta go!

Anonymous said...

You are a STAR! What a great video Dragonheart. You sure look like you were having fun :)

MaoMao said...

Wowie zowie, are you a kung-fu, high-energy bunnykicker! And that music rocks. Made me go all bad-butt mancat and go hunt down another Evil Coffee Stirrer to kill!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

GAB said...

we got toys for Easter too. We would like to know if you have joined Catster? If not Pumpkin and I would love for you to come check it out. Go to our owners blog page and click on my cats and check it out. Puff

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Wow, we just gots back on DSL and da first thing we see iz yoor grate movee! Sadie luvs how yoor mussels wuz rippling wile yoo were kiking da toy. We missed seeing yoo wile we wuz 'out of comishun' wif dat whole AOHell thing.

Around Your Wrist said...

such energy and skill! your bunny kicking technique is well developed!
