Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday

Today my humans are observing Good Friday (Karfreitag in Germany). Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. In Canada, Good Friday is a Federal Holiday - all government offices and banks are closed, as are most private business. Here in Bayern (Bavaria) it is also a holiday (and is a holiday in all of Germany).

(Click photo for a larger image)


Karen Jo said...

I hope you have a very good Good Friday. You strike the most statuesque poses. I love pictures like this one.

Daisy said...

Dragonheart, you look very artistic in black & white! I also hope you have a good Good Friday!

newbie meezer said...

it's holiday time here in engerland too :)

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

This is a great picture. Your humans should make a frame and put it up on a wall for always! Purrs

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

That is a most handsome picture of you.
Happy Good Friday to you and your humans :)

Parker said...

You are so handsome! Have a good Good Friday!

The Meezers or Billy said...

have a wonderful Good Friday Dragonheart! wonderful pikshur

Anonymous said...

Dear Dragonheart, as usual you are posing like a teenagerboy kitty that looks very confident. We are proud of you for being a gentle tiger like that! Did I tell you before that my mommie steels some of your pictures and sends them to Blizzie to enjoy? Well now she is home for a few days and she is reading all of our favorite kitty bloggs.
We hope you have a very nice Good Friday and a wonderful Easter. mommie and daddie and Blizzie are leaving us and going to gramma and grampa after cherch on Sunday, so we will have the place to ourselfs. Hopefully the sun will be shining and a good music playing on the radeo.

Happy Good Friday, dear friend, Caesar and Prinnie too

Anonymous said...

A very nice Vogue pose, Dragonheart! Happy Good Friday!

LZ said...

Have a lovely holiday!


Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

Dragonheart, you look angelic and so respectful.

Happy Easter Season my friends. May God bless you all at this time of celebration for the redemption of our sins through Christ!

Gemini said...

That's a lovely pose for Good Friday

Meowers from Missouri said...

a happy good friday to you and yours!

what a marvelous pose--the camera (and all of us) just loves you!!

=^..^= said...

You look furry Egyptian in this pose! Can you walk like an egyptian too?



How wonderful this black and white picture is of you Dragonheart. You look very regal. Hope you have a lovely holiday weekend.

Tara said...

Very stricking and handsome Dragonheart. Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

Tyrone Ferrara said...

Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. - Good Friday

Mr. Hendrix said...

Hi, this is a wonderful photo. It looks like you're thinking about the meaning of Good Friday.
We saw over at Kimo & Sabi's that you purchased food for the local food bank and for the shelter. We think that is a lovely idea. Mommy and daddy are both working today and tomorrow, but they are going to do this on Monday.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Handsome as always!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

This is anuvver furry good pichur of you. Happy Good Friday to you.

Kimo and Sabi said...

You picked a GOOD photo fer Good Friday!

MaoMao said...

Happy Good Friday, Dragonheart! That's such a wonderful picture -- you're a regal and elegant kitty.

Tiger Lily said...

I love your pix Dragonheart - you're so handsome!

Happy Easter!

Artsy Catsy said...

Dragonheart, that is a very powerful and spiritual pose ... perfect for Good Friday!

Everybody at Artsy Catsy

Around Your Wrist said...

you capture the contemplative pose so well.

when i was in high school, we were automatically excused from classes if we observed good friday. in college, spring break was over easter, and then in seminary (studying to be a lutheran pastor), we celebrated every day of holy week.

it seems that as the years go by, unless one is avidly religious, it's difficult to observe some of the work week holy days.

suz's mama