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Here are some photos of me taking my first steps outside on my harness.
In this photo, I am exploring the balcony at the chalet we stayed in during our trip to Switzerland in February. These were my first steps outside on my harness.
In this photo, I am exploring the patio and yard at our home in Munich. These were my first steps outside at home.
(Click either of the photos above to view a larger image)
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Here are some photos of me taking my first steps outside on my harness.

(Click either of the photos above to view a larger image)
Dragonheart - you are just so handsome & look like you were very brave on your first steps outside.
I wish you could come to our house and teach the kitties here to walk with a harness. Even if you just attach a light leash to their collars, they sit down and make themselves as flat as possible. They will not move. Willow is bigger than some dogs I see walking down the street... surely she could do it!
How sweet that you shared your first steps. I loved your footprints in the snow.
Great photos.
It's reely good dat yoo haf pikshers to amember yoor first steps. Kitties and babies grow up so fast::sigh::~Speedy
What a handsome fellow you are. I'll bet everyone stops to talk you when you are stepping out and about.
you look so brave and curious!
mama's got to get a digital camera so she can start taking more pictures of us for my blog!
You look so slender and shapely. My Foster Mommy says you have a magnifique physique!
Great photos..I have never seen so many pics of a cat before..These are great!
Dont forget to check out the blogging Scavenger Hunt over at Amys Random THoughts! It starts May 1st and prizes and details were just announced. The more how play, the more fun it will be
I had a first step theme as well, but a bit of a different take. Aren't harnesses grand! You look great in yours!
You look furry brave outdoors!
Great pictures, Dragonheart. :-)
Nice photos of your steps. Clever choice for the theme. Congrats on your nomination.
I think you will make a lot of more steps outside, now that it's getting nice and warm !
My first cat also walked with a leash when I was downtown with her or travelling.With my little group now it would be impossible !
dragonherat, u must be enjoying your steps outside the house. My doggy enjoys going outdoor too.
Hmmmm, it feels rather strange to be posting comments on the blog of an animal but wanted to say how nice of your humans to go to the trouble of recording your first steps outside on your harness, etc.! ;b
I love my harness and leash too! I still remember my first steps outside - it was a little scary! Blue looks good on you.
Wonderful way to remember your first steps!
Happy weekend!
Oh my, my kitties wouldn't be so brave.
Looking good Dragonheart! You seem quite sure of your step.
Well done.
Great first steps! Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for the step ovet to my place...
Fine delicate steps!
I would not have known it was Munich save for your description. A wonderful city that I visited often as a child during visits to my grandfather who lived a way south.
Steve Williams
Scooter in the Sticks
Dragonheart you are a very clever and confident cat! Did your human's find it easy or difficult to train you on the lead? What am I talking about? I bet you took to it like a duck to water, being the intelligent creature you obviously are!
Hey Dragonheart!
I'm a new photo hunter from Singapore.
It must be exciting for you to explore the outside world. :)
Very nice photos! I like the harness. I hope you enjoy wearing it and are enjoying your time outside.
Cute photos - I like the cutouts of the flowers in the first photo - is that a fence?
Happy Weekend!
How exciting to see your first steps outside! That's a great color on you!
awwww. You are very good on a harness Dragonheart. You look very obedient and it is great that you started taking steps outside at such a tender age.
Have a happy day dear friend
That is SO neat that you walk with a harness and leash. Much safer for you and you look too cute. Plus, you get to be out and about to explore.
Great photos.
Wonderful photos. You are always so majestic and photogenic!
Mary, and Elizabeth are afraid to go outside, they are inside kitties. You are very brave! Great photos for the hunt! Cheers from Toronto!
Dragonheart - you always make me laugh at your wonderful antics and experiences. You are such a nice kitty to allow your mama to put a harness on you. My surly kitty, Jack, would be doing backflips!
Now how did you get your cat to stay in a harness? Beautiful cat.
You did fantastic on your harness. Your humans must be so proud :)
You look so curious, just be careful.
Oh what a sweetheart! So why is it Bertie can't learn to do that? He just rolls over to play.
what an original blog..pleasure to visit :)
Very neat!
Looks like you were steppin' out in style in that snazzy harness of yours!
I need someone like that to come live here... No hair to get all over everything... how great is that?
You look so innocent in the pictures. LOL.
Great pictures for today's theme of "Steps!"
Wow, you weren't scared one little bit about going outside.
That's a smart looking harness and you are a very smart cat!
Glad you could stop by my blog today.
exploring outdoors is so much fun. I do hope your owners let you out more.
thanks for the visit.
Cute photos. We were given a cat that has been declawed and is always trying to escape. I'd love to think that I could put a harness/lease on him to take him outside, but he is such a Houdini, I wonder if he wouldn't find a way to get out of it! Thanks for visiting Pollywog Creek and I hope you are having a great weekend.
You look dashing and handsome in your harness, and furry brave!
Looks great weather for a walk Dragonheart. It's finally 20+C here in southern Ontario, so Nermal's been taking steps of his own outside. He kinda just hangs around the catnip though. Hope you and your parents are having great weather over there in Germany, Happy weekend and happy hunting :)
You must feel safe AND free on a harness, Dragonheart. To have those that you love close by yet be able to explore. You have a great family!
What a special day! Great photos!
You took to your harness very well, Dragonheart. Very nice pictures of your first steps.
Looks like you are having a great time exploring the outside world :)
I love going outside too!
Dragonheart, you look great outside on your harness. Tracy bought me my own harness yesterday and we all went Outside. I am going to post the pictures soon.
You're not afraid of the outdoors at all!!!
you're so svelte!
We got Jazper a harness for Christmas, but he's too ... um, how can we say this delicately... pleasingly plump to fit into it now!
We're thinking of getting a dog harness for him, so we can venture outside.
Thanks for sharing those steps. You look very handsome. Happy weekend.
That is too cute!
Thanks for the visit! And what happy steps you are taking.
Neat-o! You're a brave feller, Dragonheart. And you look like you're enjoyin' yourself! A harness sure sounds like fun (*hint, hint to Momma...*)
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
That must have been a sensory overload for you.
Well, Dragonheart, don't you look handsome and debonair in your harness. I'm so glad your mama recorded your first steps outside and shared them with us.
Great approach to 'Steps.' Love the interpretation.
Wow. Those are nice photos. :)
You are a brave kitty to go outside. I have one cat that would like to go out but I am a mean mommy and won't let her. My other cat is afraid and won't even look out the door.
cautious steps but in good hands so no worries there I'm sure LOL
Another first, how was it?
Prrrfect photo! You look so handsome!
Thanks for sharing!
That is a great take on the theme.
Wow! Exciting that must have been. My kitties are freaked out if I take them outside.
Thanks for stopping by mine :)
You look great in your fashionable harness. Hope you enjoyed your trip outside.
Thanks for sharing and visiting my photo hunt. Take care!
Fuh. What an approach to this week theme
Looks like you have a very nice walk. Makes me wanna take the Spice Cats outside too.
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