Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

Dragonheart(Click photo for a larger image)


Celfyddydau said...

Great photo, are you guarding the grass?

Daisy said...

With that sand colored carpet and that grass, you almost look like you are camping outside!

Anonymous said...

You do have many of wonderful outside ammenities inside your living room!!!

Vlado&Toni said...

Yummy! Those grass look really fresh and inviting , quite right for Dragonheart.

Anonymous said...

i have also thought that Dragonheart camp outside! Apparently not. But it looks 'real' :-)

Happy WW!

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

You look like such a happy and contented looking girl. You have you kitty grass, the sunshine warming your body and your tent. Have a wonderful afternoon. Great photo!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dragonheart. You do look comfy on that rug. :)

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We wonder if that grass is for munching? It looks good, and so do you, Dragonheart!
Happy WW :)

Anonymous said...

What a stunning pose! That is a cat full of grace for sure!

eph2810 said...

Looks like you like to soak in the sun just like I do :)

Happy Wednesday.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

oh, we thot yoo were camping too. The tent, the grass, the sand colored rug and the sunshine! Yoo were camping inside!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Dragonheart in the wild... you have your tent and you grass.
We love coming to see you every day.
You are so snuggly and adorrrrable... eh hem, no you are starting to look like a bigger kitty now, like a one year old. ...few more months!

We hope you have a delightful day today, sweet kitty chum!


Gattina said...

Your picture is one to paint ! it looks like a still life !

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

That's the biggest container of kitty grass we've ever seen! Don't eat it all at once.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo! Happy WW!

The M's said...

Wonderful photo, you look warm and content. We love sun spots too.

Christine and FAZ said...

I like the look of that grass - yummy - I do so like eating grass. If you come to visit London one day you can come to Wimbledon and share some of my grass if you like? There's some especially good grass on Wimbledon Common except is gets a bit scary up there because of the horsies. FAZ

Anonymous said...

I always wondered why people got hairless animals - after cleaning up enough cat and og fur to make sweater each week I now know why. Great Wordless, here's my Wordless post over at High Strangeness Altoona. If you're feeling saucy click my Alexa link to raise my rating. If you're feeling really snarky then add me to your Technorati Favorites.

Tara said...

At first I thought you were outside, with the grass and it looked so sunny and bright. Enjoy your salad!

sammawow said...

We too thought that you were camping outside. What a beautiful picture - we would put this picture on the wall to see all the time.

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

The Meezers or Billy said...

furry nice pikshur!

Anonymous said...

Does he need a sweater?

Mr. Hendrix said...

now that looks like a great sunbeam! fun cat grass too. nummy nummy


WE love the grass...oh I wish Momma would get us some of that.


DK & The Fluffies said...

If you need any help polishing off that grass...
~Fiona Bun

Marc said...

You look like a king on his throne!

Denise Patrick said...

You look waaaayyy too comfortable.

Thanks for visiting my WW.

Gemini said...

Oh look at your kitty grass! I love kitty grass!

Rayne said...

What a regal pose. Beautiful photo.

Rebecca said...

Peaceful sunning kitty!!!! Ahhhhh the life.

Piggy and Grover said...

We are so excited about your nomination! Congratulations! Paws crossed for good luck! This is a very lovely photo of you...I love to lay in the sun, too - it makes me smell even sweeter than I usually do.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oooohhh!!! Is that nip?

Holly Schwendiman said...

I've seen this "treat" grass at pet they really eat it?


letha said...

Wow, it's so cool that you are so looked after.

Pearls of Wisdom said...

Great photo! Happy WW. Thanks for sharing.

Angel Mama

The Furry Kids said...

We thought you were outside, too! Great picture, DH.

Titus, Tazo, & Earl Grey

Amelia Elias said...

I can't get my Pharaoh to pay any attention at all to cat grass. Picky, picky, picky!

Thanks for stopping by my WW, pretty Dragonheart!

Shaz said...

Is that cat-nip? He's sure not letting anyone share! x x

KC said...

very nice photo.
Happy WW

The World In The Eyes Of Brothers said...

You really have a special cat. I just love it.

jams o donnell said...

Aww aint you a happy pusscat!

Linda said...

Now that looks like some rather tasty grass you have there!

Parker said...

You really do look like you are camping out!

The Fluffy Tribe said...

That is a furry good photo of you Dragonheart ~Poiland Tribe

Looney Mom™ said...

Ha ha. Just chillin'. Cute.

Anonymous said...

Your Dad has the same book "tastes" then Mr. Gattino ! and the picture of both of you is very sweet !

Pfingston said...

Now this picture remindes me of the cats from ancient Egypt.

JHS said...

That's a great photo! Thanks for stopping by!