Yesterday when my mom went for her run in the Englischer Garten here in Munich, she put me in my stroller and took me with her.

Here I am in my stroller. I am very excited to get underway.

This is the Isar River, which runs through the city of Munich. It also runs through the Englischer Garten, which is a huge park in the middle of Munich.

We saw a lot of these strange monsters when we were out running. They looked very odd moving along the various paths. Fortunately, none of them attacked us.

This is one of the interesting trees that we saw while we were out running. I wonder if someone lives in there?

We were very surprised to see some sheep grazing in the Englischer Garten. Are sheep vishus? I was very brave and watched the sheep, even though my mom quickly ran past them after snapping this photo.

We saw some lovely Mallard Ducks in the Englischer Garten. These ducks are German, so they have German names. Their names were Fritz, Johann, and Eva.

This was another duck. He didn't tell me his name.

This was the path alongside the pond where the ducks were swimming.
Click any of the photos above to view a larger image. If you would like to see more photos from our run through the Englischer Garten you can click on the thumbnail below:

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Tags: Sphynx, Canadian Sphynx, Canadian hairless, cat, kitten, hairless cat, hairless kitten, Munich, Germany, Englischer Garten, Cats on Tuesday
That seems to be a wonderful parc and with sheeps that's amazing in the middle of such a big town !
You look very cute in your stroller and I am glad to see one ! I never saw a cat stroller in my whole life ! Looks like the once for miniature humans.
Of course you don't have to change anything for COTs you have been one of the first members that's completely different. But lately I had some unpleasant surprises with the group and thought I should put a little order in that, lol (my german part)
Great picture and it is so exciting there with all the animals! You look so interested in you stroller I think it was a good Alternation for you.
Have a nice tuesday :-)
Wow!That seems to be a wonderful park.
Mom I wanna a stroller too ,mom please!
Have a nice Tuesday!
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Wow what a beautiful trail!
I love the pictures of the tree, sheep grazing and the mallards.
Your kitty looks so happy in her stoller! What a very neat idea!
Wow what a park and what a ride. That is so beautiful. Wish we had places like that around here.
Thank you for sharing, because I could 'ride' with you in my mind.
Dragonheart, you are very very lucky to have such a beautiful place to go strollering.
This is a very nice garten. We have a lot of woods here in our neighborhood, but we never get to go in them. WE are very glad that you get to go out in that very very fancy stroller and look around this beautiful area. I bet you have made a lot of friends already.
You are a great friend Dragonheart. wE hope you have a lovely and fun day
That is a beautiful park! I think maybe that one duck's name is George.
PS - Thanks for the advice on my floofy-ness. :)
Awesome that you got to go out on an adventure! Thanks for the wonderful photos showing us your world.....I bet you had the best time!
Ooo, yoor park is lovely! Yoo must haf grate adveshers in yoor stoller alla time.
Oooohhh, after Tent War, do you think your Mom may take us for a stroll together? I'm still waiting for my stroller.
That looks like a great park to go for a stroll in! I'd really like to check it out in my harness!
What a fantastic adverture Dragonheat. I am most jealous. I think I may have to have another adventure soon too, when I saw all the wonderful things it made me wish I had a stroller as well. FAZ
I wish we had a stroller. I'd love to stroll around and watch the birdies. Does your mom ever let you try to catch them? That would be so fun!!!
Wow, what a beautiful park indeed! The ducks seemed very nice. I wish you got the last duck's name because he seems really cool!
What a lovely stroll you had! My human is thinking about getting us a stroller this year.
That strolling thing looks like fun. When my mom takes a walk in our neighborhood. I follow along behind her to keep her safe. Good thing all the dogs are behind fences. Germany looks like a beautiful place to live.Ducks and sheep on the same day, wow. I get squirted sometimes from being on the table, but mostly by dad. Thanks for commenting on our blog today. Like your de-stressers.
High 5 paw,
what a lovely walk you had, Dragonheart!
Wow, Dragonheart! What a beautiful walk. And you look comfy and snug in your stroller.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
WOW! Your cat has grown - sorry I've not been to say hi to Dragonheart in a while but I've been off catblogs...
That's a cool stroller - I've never seen a cat being taken for a walk like that before!
wow, that was a wonderful run you hadded!
What fun! You're very lucky to have such a beautiful park nearby.
Oh, you look great in your stroller. And what wonderful scenery.
Those are wonderful photos of your strolling adventure!!! We like the ducks' names! And we don't think sheep are vishus because they are very fluffy.
Luf, Us
The Englischer Garten is beautiful. You are so lucky that your Mom takes you with her when she runs. I agree with Forty Paws that sheep are probably not vishus.
What a wonderful mode of transport for you! You can go anywhere with your people! The garden is beautiful.. You were very brave throughout. D :)
You get to ride in a carriage and go outside in the park.... what royalty! And it looks like the protective cover lets you see out but doesn't let the people see in... just like a king! This must be fun!
What an amazing stroller you have, and what a beautiful park!
We think a gnome or a troll lives in that tree. Maybe he comes out at dusk and sleeps during daylight hours.
You are right. I eat too fast and that's why I throw up. Mom has to remind me to slow down if she sees me gobbling it. -Scooby
What a lucky kitty you are to have such an elegant stroller, and an elegant place to stroll around!
Do they make one of those that seats six? If so, my group might enjoy it.
By the way, Nutmeg was particularly interested in your duck pictures.
what fun! we like the pictures your mommy took. you look very interested in everything. wave to the duckies and the sheep for me next time!
Wow, it is so beautiful and green where you stroll. Are you efur worried your Mom will stroll on over to the vet?
That sure is a beautiful place for your Mom to run! How nice of her to take you with her. You were very brave near the sheep. My Daddy says they aren't very smart and they'll pretty much ignore you most of the time.
Wow, that's beautiful in Munich! My mommy's sister was there last week...I wonder if you maybe saw her and her furriends while she was there??
deer dragonheart,
wid all mi advenchurz owtside ... i hav never seen anythin az byootiful az yer park.
verree impressiv.
luv--yer grate frend--jh
wow, that's a great stroller, where did you get that? dragonheart really is so lucky that such a way of travelling is now invented for cats. i have never seen a cat stroller before, i would have love to see you both :)
OH A STROLLER!!! That's exciting. I love my stroller, but haven't been out lately. Mom needs to get her act together! I'm glad that you had such a nice stroll. Ducks are fun. And German ducks at that! Have a great day!
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