I also like to watch the water going down the drain. Water is interesting, as long as I'm not the one getting wet.
(Click any of the photos to view a larger image)
The daily adventures of four Sphynx: Dragonheart, a black and white tuxedo; Merlin, a blue lynx point and white fighting large cell lymphoma; Devi, a black and white rescue; and Chloe, a crazy tortoiseshell.
Yipee! The first ehhh!
I like water and soon my bathrooms will begin! Nice pisc.
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My brother Rudy likes to get Misted by the shower water. Personally, I'm with you. Getting wet is no fun!
You are right! Running water is fun. I like the water directly from the faucet.
Thank you DH for the advice on water. I am usually much to scared to touch it but maybe I might be more adventurous next time I see a dripping tap. FAZ
iz yer bathtub eksessivlee large or ar u sumwut small?
jus wunderin.
luv--yer frend--jh
Blessing LOVES to drink the tap water from the faucet in the tub. Running water is a fav of his. He actually waits during a shower to get at the tub before the water finishes draining! He paddles around in it. The shower spritzes over the doors and gets him all wet and he doesn't mind! How silly!
You have a much better technique! D :)
Hey Dragonheart! We just noticed the "rare" entry below. We love you and we are so glad that you are around. You are rare and really loved.
I like to play in the tub too. Sometimes I will stand at the end of the tub when mommie is taking a shower but I will leave when my head starts getting really damp.
Water in Singapurr is hard too! Which is confusing... because isn't water soft and runny?
DH, you are very brave to go in the bathtub while the water is running. We only like to go in there after mom and dad get done in the shower. That way we can control how wet we get. Did you ever try rolling a wiffle ball or ping pong ball in there? It is so much fun and makes a lot of super great noise in the middle of the night!
Tazo & Earl Grey
Very true ! Water is wet. My cats didn't want to drink the water out of the tube either since a couple of years the water became very chalky and bad for all machines too. Since a few months now we had a watersoftner installed and now suddenly they like tube water !
I've had them that would play in the tub but neither of mine go near it now. Though my boy likes to play in the toilet downstairs so I must keep it very, very clean.
I like watching the water coming out of the faucet too, Daisy is right, its fun!
It is so true....water is interesting but its not nice on your toes. I drink from the sink every morning while Meowmy is doing her makeup. It tastes really good!
Thank you for your comment on Zippy and da food. Mom's hoping dat by mixing it fur awhile she'll eat it. We love to watch runnng water! Did you ever watch da toilet swirl? When moms done cleaning it we all stand and watch da water go down (it's the only time she leaves the lid up). Dat's a good kweshun Jeter, are you tiny or is that bathtub huge?
You are very brave Dragonheart! The only running water I like is the water in my kitty drinking fountain.
I love how you got your name. Thanks for participating.
I quite find water fascinating as well! I prefer the sink though. Gemini is our bathtub cat.
I have no interest in running water. My cousin Echo on the other hand loves drinking from the tap in the sink and the tub. Weird.
I am fascinated by water too. I like to watch it. But don't try and get me wet. I weave and bob and twist my little kitty body in all directions to get out of the way. But I love to rub up against the faucet in the kitchen and even bat at the water as it drips.
Boo(Abby's sisfur)
You know "D", there's nothing wrong with starting a new hobby. Who knows what it may lead to? I too like water, but I prefer mine frozen.
The Buns and I love to watch DKM in the shower, but we all stay far away from the water.
hee hee! Dragonheart, you are funny playing with the water. It's too bad your water doesn't taste very good. I love to drink water coming out of the tap.
That's cute DH!
Luf, Us
It looks like you are having fun with water! We like to drink from the tap, but we would NOT like a bath!
- The Feline Staff of UPYK
You look like you are having fun playing with the water, Dragonheart. Dry bathtubs can be really fun places to play. Thank you for dropping by my blog and wishing me well. My toes are feeling much better now.
My tail fizzed up when I saw you! You are the naked cat who was on the videotape the lady watched last night! At first I was embarrassed but I am getting used to you now. I am NOT used to cats taking baths, though! I do not want the lady or the man to see these photographs because then they might bathe ME. You shouldn't tell people you "tolerate" your weekly baths; it puts ideas in their heads and innocent cats could suffer!
xxxxxx Flat Cat
Water is such a wonderment, eh? Happy COT!
We like to drink from the faucet. -Scooby & Scout
PS: We agree with one of the above comments.... Have your mom toss a small cat ball into the tub so you can bat & chase it! We bet you would LOVE tub hockey!!!!-Shaggy
You are a brave cat, Dragonheart -- we don't get in the tub at all, it is too strange and scary. Silver does jump up on the edge and lick it after our mom takes a bath or shower, and Socks will get up on her hind legs and look in while water is running, but other than that (and Socks liking water running fairly slowly into the sinks), we are happy to pretty much stay clear of the wet stuff.
I like the water in the tub! I always drink some after Meowm has the tub filled up! I also like to fish with my paw! Meowm can't figure out what I am trying to catch though!
I have been fascinated to see how our 6month old kitten has been drinking from the tap and letting herself get wet.
I like to dip my paw in water; at least if there is a red fuzzy pipe cleaner in it. Then I can fish it out and put it in Maggie's food dish. It drives her absolutely nuts! I like that.
I just put on my innocent face and get away with it every time.
I like tubs, but I don't like anything to do with water. Oh, except I like to wash my paws before drinking the water. I learned that from my bro Donny.
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I feel so welcome!
i agree with you, dragonheart...i like water as long as i'm not getting wet.
Dragonheart, yer INSANE! It is NEVER a good idea to git that close to water!
Samantha likes the kitchen sink water, and once and a while the bathtub, but usually just the kitchen. Don't know what the difference is.
Aww, my cat likes water too .. especially the water that spirals down the toilet bowl. He will sit on top and wait for you to flush it so he can see, haha .. I love reading about DH's adventures!
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