Monday, May 21, 2007

Movie Monday: Grooming

In the video below, I demonstrate proper Sphynx tail grooming technique.

If you are having problems viewing the video, you can try viewing another version (without titles and credits) here.

A lot of you asked how my mom did at her half-marathon yesterday. Well, she finished. It was very, very hot, however, so she didn't beat her PR (personal record). But she finished before the course closed, and a lot of people finished behind her, so she was happy. A lot of people were being taken care of my paramedics and had IVs in their arms, so she's happy she wasn't one of those people. She also ran a full marathon (42.4 km / 26.2 miles) three weeks ago, in Hamburg, so her legs probably weren't totally recovered from that yet!


Parker said...

I love the little ripples in your back! You have a wonderful grooming technique!

Anonymous said...

Drake, You will always be my special blogging friend!!! I miss you! Love, Stella

Stella and Pan are doing all right. They are rooming together and are not mingling with the Nick and Kaia right now. We are just waiting for the urjes to kivk into high gear.

Christine and FAZ said...

You must be very impressed with your girl humans for doing this 1/2 marathon so soon after the full one. Have you thought about marathon running yourself Dragonheart - I wonder how many circuits that would be of your home? FAZ

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Another one bites the dust!! Good theme song for grooming.
Marathon running is very impressive. Concatulations to your mamma for finish safely!


Icon & Katie

Tara said...

Excellent technique Dragonheart! You keep yourself looking very nice!

Your mom is brave for running a 1/2 marathon so close after the full! Mom likes the 1/2's, but she has never run a full.


Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Excellent technique! I will make sure I follow your grooming methods. I agree with Parker, your little ripples are so cute!

I'm glad that your mommy was ok despite running in the heat, and that she finished her half-marathon.

Emma's Kat said...

Love those Spynx wrinkles of yours! Great video of proper tail grooming!

=^..^= said...

The way your skin wrinkles when your back is bent... the pattern looks like zebra stripes!


Hot(M)BC said...

Great technique, Dragonheart! My Mom says congrats to your Mom for getting through it without needles and stuff. Mom seems to think anyone whomakes it out of a half marathon alive is doing good. Of course, she only runs to the store. I have a lazy Mom.
your bud Pepi

Sasha said...

you have a very athletic human to look after you Dragonheart. I couldn't see your tail really well in the video. Maybe if you got out of the cosy and showed me on a flatter surface I would get the hang of it better. You have very pretty striped markings on your back.

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

Very good form! I give you a 10! You are a very good groomer and that is important. As for your Mommy, WOW is all I can say! My Mommy is in shape but she's no runner. She would like to be but for now, she'll stick to the treadmil at club and just pretend she's running.

The Cats Stephens said...

I am so glad I saw this video. Mom and dad have to check my tail and under it each day because I'm not very good at grooming all by myself! Thanks Dragonheart.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We love yoor cute wrinkles! Yoo must take furry good care of yoorself cuz yoo always look good.

Daisy said...

Dragonheart, you are a very excellent groomer. I think because you have good concentration and focus.

LZ said...

You are so good at grooming! I like your technique, it is obviously very well developed!


Around Your Wrist said...

dragonheart's mom, let's ban auto-immune disorders ok? who do we talk to about that? i get tired of paying for a whole week if i want to have a piece of pizza!

--mama toni

Cafe Cats said...

I did a 5K yesterday and I am a little sore today, so I can only imagine how your Mom feels. Congrats to her!

We've tagged you for a meme, if you don't mind. Please come and visit.

DK & The Fluffies said...

Excellent tail grooming! I always have to pounce mine first, then I get to groom it.

MaoMao said...

hehehe! Whatta great movie of you, Dragonheart. You groom real briskly, like I do! And you're so exotic and purr-etty -- my momma and daddy liked watchin' your movie, too, and they talked about how handsome you are. Love your cute wrinklies!

Purrs and kittyhugs from MaoMao!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Hi Dragonheart. our family just got back so mom let me have some comp time. I also spend a lot of time on my tail.
I loved this video. You are a really nice friend. You are super cool and you remind me and Prinnie of when we were kit-tens.

congratulations on your mom finishing the marathon in boiling hot weather.
My mom used to think hot weather was okay... now she hates it.
She used to run in high school on the track team, but now she just walks really fast.

Have a nice day. We really missed you and read all of your bloggies today!

<3 when mommie came home she was the only one to squeal with happiness that she could be with us again.

The Furry Kids said...

You have excellent grooming technique.

We're glad to hear that your mom didn't hit the wall yesterday or get really dehydrated.

Titus, Tazo, & EG

The Fluffy Tribe said...

wow yer Mom must haf strong legs. We luved yer informativ tail cleaning video. You werk hard on it we can tell Dragonheart ~poilnad tribe

Samantha & Mom said...

Hey, that was a great movie. It's almost like seeing you in person. You have cute ripples. Glad your mom finished her marathon. How hot was it? See later,
Be blessed,
Samantha, Tigger and Mom

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I can't see the video....our computer at home just doesn't wnat to play, but I bet it is a great video!

Meowm things that your Mom is amazing for participating in half and full marathons.

Andree said...

Cool! I love these movies! I got to get myself a real camcorder. Anyhow: I am always fascinated by how cats learn these things about themselves. I know that Dragonheart's mom taught him almost everything, but there are things he just knew, or learned, without her and this video reminded me of this. Somehow he determines how clean is clean enough. He knows where he has to pay special attention. It's amazing.

Kimo and Sabi said...

You must have da cleanest tail in da world!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Dragonheart, you is furry thorough cleaning your tail. Mommy would call you a purrfekt little gentleman

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Great video Dragonheart! We love your excellent grooming technique but also enjoyed seeing your insulating "wrinkles" in action.
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Zoey and the furballs said...

Dragonheart you are so adorable. We loved your movie, especially seeing your pretty wrinkles. Thanks for the video. The furballs really needed to learn this lesson.

Forty Paws said...

Congratulations to your Mom for finishing and not requiring IVs. Personally, our Maw doesn't think she would like to do a sport where she might need an IV afterwards...

That's a wonderful tail grooming technique you're displaying.

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