Saturday, May 05, 2007

Photo Hunters

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Since I am still a kitten, I am still in my childhood. Here is a photo of me when I first came to live with my humans last November, when I was four months old. I am now 10 months old and I will soon leave my kittenhood behind.

Dragonheart at four months old
The next photo is of the cat who owned my mom before I came along. His name was Whiskers, because he was missing the whiskers on one side of his face when he first came to live with my mom. He was also about 4 months old when this photo was taken.

Whiskers at four months old


Karen Jo said...

That a cute picture of you at four months, Dragonheart. You were muscular even then.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dragonheart,
Love your picture...You still have that boyish look today. Very handsome.

Take care,
My photo is up.

Lynn said...

You sure look like a very curious 4-month old kitten. Careful. You know the saying. :D

maiylah said...

sooo cute!! :)

Luna und Luzie said...

Hi Dreagonheart, nice Photo of you. Ich bin ein großer Fan von dir !!!
Please come and celebrate with us my birthday party !

HRH Yao-Lin said...

you were gorgeous dragonheart!!! I have to say, whiskers look beautiful too - and dare I say a little mischievous? Like all meezers LOL


Luna und Luzie said...

So sorry, I wrote your name wrong
:-) Dragonheart = ´`.´`=

Daisy said...

Dragonheart, it is so hard to believe that you are almost all grown up! It has been fun watching you go from a baby to a full grown cat.

Whiskers looks cute, too.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer dragonheart,
dat iz a cute pikshur uv u az a child!
how big will u be wen yer a mancat?
luv--yer grate frend--jh

Cheryl said...

Awww...we all have that transition from childhood to adulthood!

Anonymous said...

so when actually a cat become fully grown? is it 12 months just like dogs? thanks for stopping by and have a good week end! :)

GEWELS said...

Aw, you are still just as cute as when you were "young". Welcome to adulthood soon!

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart - what a cute little kitty you were!

A. said...

You *still* look so young! Great picture of you and of partially whiskered Whiskers!

Linda said...

And what a cute little kitty you are/were!

JC said...

my, how've you grown...

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

Cuteness overload! First I see baby Pixie (Daisy's sister) now I see you as a young kitty and Whiskers. I don't think my old self can take anymore. What a frisky baby you were/are.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing like the childhood of kitten-hood.
Great photos.

Samantha & Mom said...

Cute! Cute! Cute! 2 more months and you'll be 1. Wow! Thanks for the compliment. Have a wonderful day.
Samantha & Tigger

The Open Range Camping Family said...

Your were a cute kitty! My kids would love you...

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Wonderful kitten, erm, childhood pictures :-) you are very cute when you were just a wee tot. You look like you were just learning how to play with toys too.
Whiskers is very pretty.

Happy Saturday

Parker said...

You are a very good-looking kitty! I bet Whiskers was a great kitty too!

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

What a cute baby picture Dragonheart! Very sweet. I love the picture of Whiskers too.

Anonymous said...

Cute picture! Playing is certainly at the heart of childhood!

Ann M & the Kitties said...

Dragonheart, you are so handsome, I could just blush!


Jane said...

Oh Dragonheart you will always be a kitten at heart!

I had a siamese cat named Kitten because she truly misbehaved like a kitten for the first ten-fifteen years of her 20 year life!

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, you still seem to be relishing in your kittenhood, playful then and playful now!

Anonymous said...

How adorable! I bet you're a handful!


letha said...

Mischief is the only word that comes to mind.

Whiskers looks very striking obviously not as sweet as you of course.

Forty Paws said...

Those are really cute pictures of you and Whiskers, Dragonheart! Lovely childhood photos.

Luf, Us

Just Jan said...

Look how cute you are!!! great photos.

I'm up too

Crazy Working Mom said...

You looked like you were having fun!

That was sweet of you to post that photo of the other kitty as well.

Suzanne said...

Always a pleasure seeing you Dragonheart! Another wonderful picture :)

Anita Powell said...

Cute picture! You were adorable then and beautiful now!

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

You always have fabulous photos, Dragonheart. Enjoy your kittenhood!! (not like we ever grow out of it... not really)


Delete said...

Dictated by Ellie:

Very cute! Dragonheart looks very funny in that picture when he was a kitten. I like the part where his paws are so small. He looks really cute.

It looks like you have no fur. Are you rough to pet?

I'm thinking your owners really put your picture on phot hunters. Because I don't think you could really do it.

From Ellie's mom: Thank you for stopping by and leaving Ellie kind words each week. :)

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Ooo, look at yoo Dragonheart! Yoo were a cute kitten and are now becoming a handsome mancat. Look at those mussels! Whiskers was cute too!

Anonymous said...

Very cute picture, Dragonheart. :-)

Thanks for the comment left at my blog.

Unknown said...

too cute! Love the second pic too! thanks for visiting.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

awwww, you and whiskers are both so cute!!

Tara said...

Oh Dragonheart, you were so cute at 4 months, and you are very handsome at 10!

SJINCO said...

What a great photo of you Dragonheart!

Have a playful weekend!

JHS said...

Dragonheart, you are certainly unique-looking. However, you wouldn't keep me very warm in the winter without any fur! :-0

Biker Betty said...

You are a very cute kitten and I love your childhood photo. I would love to have a kitten/cat, but my dog doesn't think that's such a great idea, lol. So I enjoy coming here to see how you are doing.

Thanks for coming by and have a great weekend.

Heart of Rachel said...

Hi Dragonheart. That's a great photo of you having a great time. Thanks also for sharing the photo of Whiskers. Take care!

Lux said...

Dragonheart, I just saw the picture last night where Dobby chewed Merlin's whiskers down to stubs! But Dobby didn't know Whiskers ... !

Don't worry; I'm over three years old and I still act like a kitten a lot of times. Nice pictures!

Chen said...

dragonheart, u loves to explore & look around. Just like my dog ;)

heidi @ ggip said...

It's always bittersweet when kittens grow up.

PowersTwinB said...

Dragonheart, you little doll! Youre adorable now as when the first day you came to live with your mommy! Thanks for visiting my photo hunt photos of my twin and I

jmb said...

You are the most remarkable cat, I do love to see photos of you

Anonymous said...

Oh, you are such a cute little kittie!

Around Your Wrist said...

you may be about to leave your kittenhood behind--congratulations! and i hope that you always keep your kitten-like attitude.

you're the best, dragonheart!


Kimo and Sabi said...

You were a cutie baby!

Kitikata-san said...

Oh, you are one popular cat. I bet it is because you have a really good feather chase game.

soccer mom in denial said...

Sweetie peas!

Anonymous said...

Very fun and very adorable.

wrchili said...

You are a very cute kitten Dragonheart! Enjoy your childhood while it lasts :o)

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, you and Whiskers are so very, very adorable. Thank you for sharing those photos today!

Remember to always embrace your inner kitten...and when things go wrong, remember to find a dog to blame...LOL

Happy Saturday!

Carole Burant said...

You were handsome as a baby and still are:-) Love that picture!!

eph2810 said...

Looks like you have a wonderful home. Enjoy your childhood as much as you can :)

Have a wonderful weekend.

srp said...

I love how you look the same back then, just bigger now. Kitty cats never really lose their childhood... it always comes out when they see a little toy or a ball or a bug.

Smalltown RN said...

well don't you look so special in those photos...

happy saturday!

Anonymous said...

Oh what a lovely little meezer that is! Oh Dragonheart both of you were so adorable.

Unknown said...

4 months old? I can't believe it. Great pics. :-)

~Jennifer said...

Aw,my eight year old says, "Oh! I want one!"

Anonymous said...

Wow! What an adorable picture! :)

Mine's up too!

bonggamom said...

Oh Dragonheart, how time flies, enjoy your kittenhood while you still have it!


So wonderful. Thanks for the visit.

Teena in Toronto said...

I bet you'll always be a kitten at heart!

Thanks for stopping by mine :)

Anonymous said...

Very handsome indeed! said...

Four months! He looks pretty grown up

Tiger Lily said...

You were just a cute when you were at four months as you are beautiful now Dragonheart. Whiskers was very cute too.

Anonymous said...

cute kitty pictures -- but don't you hate it that your childhood pictures are hairless LOL

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Dragonheart, you still look like a cute little kitten. 74 comments! Is that some kind of record for you? You sure are popular (and for good reason)!


2be said...

You are so adorable Dragonheart!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Dragonheart, you were sooooo cute. You are, like, totally my hero! I can't resist a are my ideal; since I first saw you, I have been considering getting shaved but the lady who lives with me (Damozel) says that what works for you will not work for me.

Do not, like, pay any attention to Flat Cat he is an idiot.

Puss-in-Boots said...

Oooh Drago, I didn't realise you were so young! I hope I haven't posted anything not meant for young ears. If I have...I am so sorry and I hope your mom and dad keep letting you read my blog.

Your mate

Oscar, aged 6 1/2

=^..^= said...

Awww... what a cutie-pie 4-month-old you were! And what a fine handsome 10-month-old you are now! Your beans must be soooo purroud of you.


Anita said...

This feather meets delicious... :-d


Anonymous said...

My 11yo daughter said, "What's that? A sphynx? Cute!" She has a book all about cats.

Mine is up too.