I am so happy that my humans are back home that this week I am going to share with you
#18 - 13 Things About my Human Mom
She was born on March 19, 1972, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Her biological mom was only 16 years old, so she gave my mom up for adoption. My mom was adopted by her parents when she was just a few weeks old.
- She has a degree in biological engineering (a Bachelor of Science in Engineering) from the University of Guelph.
- She is very smart! She graduated at the top of her class from high school, winning the Governor General's Academic Medal, and at the top of her class in engineering, winning the Professional Engineers of Ontario Gold Medal.
- She is currently studying to be a physiotherapist (physical therapist), working towards a Masters degree in physiotherapy.
- She is a certified group fitness (aerobics) instructor. She is certified with CanFitPro as a Group Fitness Instructor Specialist, and has a Resist-A-Ball C.O.R.E. I certification. Her favourite classes, to teach and to take, are Step and Stability Ball.
She loves running. She is very slow, due to a variety of biomechanical problems, but she still loves running. She has completed two marathons (26.2 miles/42.2 km), four half-marathons (13.1 miles/21.1 km) and many shorter races.
- She loves reading. Her favourite genres are fantasy and historical fiction, but she also enjoys some mysteries, some science fiction and some regular fiction.
- She also enjoys reading comic books, a hobby that my human dad introduced to her. Her favourite comic book writers include Gail Simone, Brian K. Vaughn and Bill Willingham. Her favourite comic book artists include George PĂ©rez and Greg Land.
- She has been involved in Girl Guides (Girl Scouts in the U.S.) for most of her life. As a Guide she earned her All Round Cord (highest honour a Guide can earn) and as a Pathfinder she earned her Canada Cord (highest honour in Canadian Guiding). She volunteered for many years as a Junior Leader and a Leader.
- She doesn't watch a lot of television, but there are some shows she (and my dad) never miss. Her all-time favourite T.V. show is M*A*S*H. Other favourites are Mythbusters, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica (the new series), Smallville, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Entreprise, and The Muppet Show. She also watches shows and documentaries on Discovery, Discovery Civilization, Discovery Science, the History Channel, and the National Geographic Channel. Especially when she is running on the treadmill.
She is fascinated by ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire, and plans to visit Egypt to see the pyramids and the sphinx in the Fall. She also wants to visit Rome.
- She loves horses and horseback riding. When she was younger, she rode hunter seat and dressage. Now she takes dressage lessons once a week. She's never owned a horse but has always wanted to. She fractured her L2 vertebra (that's a bone in the lower back) back in 1993 falling off a horse while jumping, but refused to let that stop her from riding again once she was healed.
- She loves cats. Her favourite breeds are Sphynx (of course!) and Siamese. Other favourite breeds include Devon Rex, Cornish Rex, Ocicat, and Abyssinian. But she loves all cats, regardless of breed. Since my dad is allergic to all cats except Sphynx, she is happy that Sphynx are one of her favourite breeds!
Yer mom sounds furry interesting and fun! Our moms both are adoptees!
Mommakitty says yer momma might like reading da "Outlander" series - it is historical fiction.
your mom will LOVE Egypt - if she needs any trip advice, send her my way. :)
Wow. Great info about your mama. I am sure glad that Sphynx is one of her favorite breeds. I would never know gotten to know Sphynx if it wasnt for you and your mama.
Your mom is a very interesting woman! I'd love to visit Egypt too, especially Bubastis and the Temple of Bast.
My TT lists the 13 goals of a witch, with my thoughts and comments.
Thanks for telling us all about your Mom. She sounds very nice, and smart, too!
That was very interesting - your Mommy sounds wonderful! Thanks for sharing! A lot of adoptees out there - my Mommy too!
Yay! I'm glad for you that your humans are home. :)
So, what are you getting your mom for Mother's Day? Only 10 more days...
Wow, Dragonheart, you are very lucky to have such a multi-talented human mom! :) hope to hear about your human dad too! :)
we enjoyed reading this, and we really like your mom.
We are all super achiever brains here too, well... Caesar, his brains cells are diminishing rapidly.
We are so happy that your mommie brought you home. That was a very smart thing!
We love all of you!!
Owwie! Your Mom got broken after she fell off a horsie? That's why you'll nefer find me on one. Your Mom is furry strong and brave. I like her!
What a great Mom! I think our Mom's would get along well. I love her wedding picture, it's just beautiful, as is she. She sounds like a great, well rounded person. Thanks for introducing us fully to her.
I wanted to be a physical therapist also, but ended up down a completely different path, and M*A*S*H is one of my all-time favorites too.
I really like your mom! She sounds quit amazing!!! You can tell her she's welcome to ride our horse anytime she happens to be in the "great" land of New Jersey.
great list! I don't think I've been here before but I loved it. I think you even inspired my cat. She's not fancy, just a wonderful calico who is at the moment, is either trying to nap on my keyboard or help me type this lol
Egypt is wonderful I tell you !
Sounds like your Mom is very active. I'm sure you keep her on her toes. Good for you.
Thanks for visiting my TT!
Siamese! Need I say more... By the way my birthday isn't far from your Mom's. I'm March 1st...
wow, your mom is awesome! smart, pretty, fun. just like you! (would you rather be called handsome?)
as much as i enjoy the pictures of you being acrobatic, i like to see the pictures of you snuggling with your mom or dad, too.
mama went to egypt several years ago and loved it. your mom will find lots of kitties to pet while she's there...in the airports, around the archeological sites, in the markets.
Your girl human sounds very nice and very interesting. My girl human likes reading too but she says she would never be brave enough to run a marathon. FAZ
You have a really cool Momma!
Thanks for sharing:)
You are very lucky, Dragonheart, your mom sounds very interesting, smart,versatile, and fun!
happy tt :)
Oh, Dragonheart! What a wonderful mom you have! I just want to know what you will be doing while your mom is on her trip? I'm sure that you will miss her!
Ooo, Dragonheart, yoo picked a reely good mom. Our mom likes to read so much dat she even reeds da cereal bokses when she eats her brekfast. She was furry mad when she started needing glasses.
Great TT DH! It is lovely to learn about our beans.
Luf, Us
Very interesting! And that is the cutest picture of you and your mom snuggling.
Your Mom is one interesting lady and it gives me hope that she has had back problems but today is able to run marathons! Wow! Happy TT and thank you for visiting my TT!
Love the picture of you guys in bed together.
Mmmmm, book porn.
You wrote a great TT about your Mom, Dragonheart. She sounds like a fascinating person to know.
Happy to hear that your human is finally home *grin*
Your mom seem to be the perfect mom for you. Hope you able to spent "Mother's Day" and have good time
Happy T13!
You have the coolest mom. Glad to hear your humans made it home safely.
Your Mom sounds really cool. We love the picture of you cuddled up with her.
Titus, Tazo, & Earl Grey
Guess what the LL found out? Kieffer is right in Munich! So if her saddle needs to be adjusted she would have to send it to Germany. Lets just hope it fits the horse well. Your mom is lucky to ride such beautifully classically trained horses. Snap is just your run-o-the mill off the track TB.
What an interesting mommy you have, Dragonheart! I am also adopted. Very useful and informative post; it really serves the main purpose of T13 (getting to know T13ers better).
wow - your mom and Not The Mama have lots of common interests, except for that running thing...
Maybe your mommy can run for all uf us, eh?
Carmen already said if she needs any trip advice, but I'm willing to give tips, too --- oooh, especially about tipping! It's called Baksheesh - and RESEARCH it before you go, and still ask me about it!
Our Mom's Aunt lived in Winnipeg for like 25 years!!! That's cool! She was a teacher there.
Sounds like you have a great Mom, Dragonheart. You also have a good blog. I like to come by often. Have a funtastic Thursday.
Samantha & Tigger
Yer lady shood spend time with the Food Lady and Mr TF watching teevee. They don't watch much teevee either (wich is too bad cuz I reeely like it), but they do love Mythbusters and ST Classic and STTNG. Mr TF does his Mike Rowe impreshun frum Dirty Jobs win he kleens the catbox after I've had the sqwerts.
BTW, chek yer emale. I need to know whut yoo wunt for yer aCATemy Aware prize.
Awww... You're mommy's awesome! Just like my mommy. I love my mommy sooo much. Love, Minden (Haley-O's kitty...).
I really liked learning about your mom! She is very smart, and very pretty!
Your Momma sounds great -- so nice and smart, and purr-etty, too! Like your momma, my momma used to like to run but her knees and her hips got to disagreein' with her. She still loves fast walkin' for exercise, though!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Nice to learn stuff about your mine.
Mine's up.
We loved reading about your mom. She sounds very smart. Our mom, who shares the birthday (March 19, 1958), also graduated #1 in her class in high school. Unfortunately, it was all downhill from there for her. At least she graduated from a good college.
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