#19 - 13 Things I Miss About My Dad
- I miss waking him up at 05:00 or 05:30 by gently tapping his face with my paw, and then breathing right in his face. Although he ignores me and goes back to sleep until 06:00, I still miss our first moments together in the morning.
I miss having him feed me my first serving of stinky goodness at 06:00. Mom is feeding me now, but I still miss dad doing it.
- I miss drinking the milk left in the bottom of his cereal bowl when he's finished eating (no, milk doesn't bother my tummy.)
- I miss our "guy time" together in the morning while mom is still in bed.
- I miss watching him shave in the morning and having him turn on a bit of water in the bathtub so I can play with it.
- I miss greeting him when he comes home from work and smelling all the interesting smells on his combat boots and pants. One of the officers my dad works with has a woofie and often brings him into work. So sometimes my dad smells of woofie.
Although I'm not supposed to, I miss playing with the strings that dangle from his uniform when he changes out of it.
- I miss sitting on his lap while he is reading or watching TV.
- I miss playing with him. Mom is better at playing with the wand toys, but dad is good with the red dot (laser pointer.)
- I miss sitting on his chest while he's reading in bed at night, putting myself between his book and his face and demanding head scritches.
- I miss his head and chin scritches. Mom scratches these spots for me but it's still not the same.
- I miss curling up between dad and mom at night. Even though I usually end up sleeping curled up behind or between mom's legs, I still like to curl up between them while they are reading in bed (after I get my head and chin scritches, of course.)
- I miss him! I love my dad and I am very happy that although he's allergic to cats, he's not allergic to Sphynx! He's the best human dad a Sphynx could have.
Oh, I am sorry your dad has to be gone for so long. He sounds like a very wonderful dad, so I can see why you miss him so much. But you should also be very proud of him, because he has a very important job.
I know how you feel dude. But he'll be back before you know it and maybe you will get extra treats out of the deal!
Oh poor Dragonheart. We'z sorry yoo misses yoor dad so much but like Daisy sed, he has a furry importint job. It will be furry nice when he comes home and we bet he misses yoo too.
I'm teleporting over. I gotta get out of this place for a bit. Wanna play? I'd love to hear more about your Daddy!
Aw, it's no fun when your beans go away for a little while. But he'll be back, and maybe he can bring you some treats from Canada!
Wowie Dragonheart... we miss him too now :-D
Your dad sounds like the best dad ever. You mommie must be slaving to keep up with the double duty too.
we love you Dragonheart. These are wonderful pictures of you and your daddy.
~C + P
What a devoted boy you are. We really like that second photo. Don't worry, your Dad will be home soon.
Our mom is gone right now, but she will return on Sunday. Your Dad took a VERY long trip, so he might be ready for a long nap with you when he returns.
Oh, bless your little heart! I am sorry you miss your dad, but he will be home soon.
purrs purrs purrs,
I am sorry your Dad is away, but he will return soon and you'll have all sorts of guy time together. It will be so very special for you.
{ats & Purrs, D :)
I guess I need to give the Tall Man some more credit. But he doesn't sound as great as your dad. Obviously your dad loves you very very much.
we bet your daddy misses you furry much too Dragonheart!
O Dragonheart, that is just the sweetest tribute! Your Daddy misses you bunches, too! How could anyone not miss you?! He'll be home in just a few days so hang in there! You have a great Mommy and it sounds like she's a good companion,too!
I'm sorry your daddy is gone for so long. He sounds like a very good daddy and he has very important responsibilities being a Man in Green. I'm sure that he misses you just as much. Maybe he'll bring you some new toys when he gets back!
Its sweet you love your dad so much! I'm sorry he is gone, but I'm sure he misses you too. He is doing a very important job.
Mommie is sad because you miss your Daddy so much. He will be home soon.
Awww Dragonheart! I'm sure your Daddy misses you too!
You do a lot of special things as a family, that's wonderful!
We are sad that your favorite daddy is away. It is hard to miss the ones we love but it sure is great when they come back home. We bet your mom misses him too!
Dad's are great!
You're Dad is very special! It sounds like you can't wait until he gets back home. Monday isn't too far away!
My mommy's eyes got alittle misty cause this is so sweet.I love the photo of you and your dad he sounds very special :)
you are furry lucky to have such a nifty dad--we'd miss him, too!
These were very nice things your wrote about your Dad. I especially like the second picture of the two of you together. It is very very sweet.
Hi Dragonheart, aren't you a lucky guy to have such a good Dad. Happy TT!
These were precious! Happy TT!
Your daddy sounds superduper, Dragonheart! I loved that picture of you sittin' on his hip. You two look like you're very close. I'm especial close to my Daddy, too. We love our Guy Bonding Time!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Awwww, sounds like you and your dad have such a special relationship, Dragonheart!
That is sweet. But don't tell anybody I said that.
Your dad loves you a lot, we can tell by the pictures of you and him. I'm sure he is missing you as much as you are missing him. I'm so glad he is allergic to you. You are the sweetest cat to love your dad and mom so much.
Be blessed,
Samantha & Tigger
Sorry you miss your Dad so much. I bet he misses you just as much though. Hope you're reunited soon!
aw, don't be sad, I am sure he will be home and back in your service again soon! I bet he misses you just as much!
It's sad that your dad has to go away and you miss him so much, but it's not much longer now, and you will soon see him again. Just think of all the playing and snuggling you have to look forward to.
That is a gud list. I miss my Daddy when he goes fishin in his bote. He goes for free days and too nites. I do like the fishes though.
I wakes him up at 5:00 in the AM too.
Awww, that's a sweet list. :-)
Glad he'll be home soon!
awwww...I'm sure you miss your dad, but he will be back home sooner the you think :) And then the world would be alright again :)
Happy T12 - have a good day!
I'm sure he misses you too!
Vader's daddy is away a lot and I know that Jeff is just as happy to see Vader as Vader is to see his daddy.
Abscence makes the heart grow fonder...but that's not easy to realize when you're missing someone. At least you know he'll be home soon -
Aw... that's so sweet. We're sure he misses you too!
You wrote a wonderful TT about missing your Dad. He must be a very special person. Monday isn't too far off and then he will be home with you again. I'm sure he misses you as much as you miss him.
Awwww...very sweet.
Dragonheart, what a great TT of things you miss about your dad. It was fun getting to know your routines with him!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
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