Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Blog Blast for Peace

Dragonheart's Peace Globe
My human dad is an officer in the Canadian Forces. As such, he has participated in many different missions around the world, including serving during the first Gulf War, peacekeeping missions in Haiti, Bosnia, and Eritrea, and domestic operations such as the Winnipeg Floods in 1997. I am very proud of him and the work that he does, along with all the other members of the Canadian Forces, and all the other men and women who serve throughout the world.

Currently, Canada has a large number of men and women serving in Afghanistan. Although the news focuses on their engagements with the Taliban, they do a lot of good work for the local people, as they do wherever they are deployed. They build roads, bridges, docks, and sometimes schools and other buildings; they do demining operations, so it is safe for people to travel through roads and fields that previously held dangerous mines; they often provide medical care for the local people; they make and distribute toys for the local children; and they do many other wonderful, helpful things that you seldom read about in the newspapers or hear about on the news.

Even though I am very proud of my dad and all his does, I do wish that the conflicts throughout the world would end, and that all the men and women serving overseas could return to their families.

I pray daily for all the men and women who are deployed, and fervently hope that they come home safely to their families.

Let there be peace.

To learn more about the Peace Globes and the Blog Blast for Peace, visit Mimi.

To learn how to support our Canadian Troops, visit the Canadian Forces Personnel Support Agency.


Gemini said...

What a great sentiment, Dragonheart!

Anonymous said...

What a great sentiment

Kimo and Sabi said...

Peace be wif yous!

Karen Jo said...

I love your peace globe. Thank you for your perspective on what is going on that we don't get to read about in the newspapers or see on the TV news. Peace and love to you and your Mom and especially to your Dad.

Anonymous said...

What a great post, and thank you for sharing with us the wonderful things your dad does. And what a lovely peace globe! Purrs to you, Dragonheart, and peace and snuggles.

MaoMao said...

That's a really nifty peace globe, Dragonheart! Thankies for sharin' that about your Daddy. He sounds like a great fella.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Daisy said...

I am very proud of your dad, too! He does very important work. I like your peace globe.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why the humans need troops and wars and all that. We cats know so much better. When we don't want another cat in our territory we just make ourselves as big as possible. Meouwing deeply, hissing and if absolutely necessary we have a short and loud catfight. The bigger cat wins (always me) and the other just leaves. Imagine cat troupes!
Your male human is very brave.

Anonymous said...

may peace be with you today and always

Parker said...

That is a great perspective. We salute your Dad for the work he does all over the world.
Peace to you and your Mommy and Daddy!

Forest Dogs said...

A very moving post... we totally agree. Peoples round the world should end their conflicts, so all those involved can go home.

It's true, you don't get to hear how servicement make a positive difference, and we're glad you reminded us.

we thank you for these thoughts.

Have a peaceful day!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Thank you for the reminder of other things the men and women in the service do. If beans wood only lissen to each other and unnerstand dat we reely aren't that different then peace wood reign and all our service men and woman could come home.


GREAT post Dragonheart!

Peace Purrs

Anonymous said...

Great Globe Dragonheart your dad sounds like a great man you should be very proud of him :)

Chris said...

Nice post!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Your human dad probably does more for peace than most people. Peace to you and yours in Munchen, Dragonheart!!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

we love the peace globe you made!
You dad is a great man. we are very proud of him


GEWELS said...

Being from the States- I don't often hear aobut our Northern neighbor's participation. Thanks for ther eminder tht this is even more global than we sometimes realize.

Anonymous said...

We pray for your Dad, too! Our Great-Grandpa served for 32 years, our Grandpa served for 20 years, and our Dad served for 10 years. It is an important thing they do!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

peace to you too! your globe is furry nice!

smiles, bee

The Meezers or Billy said...

Peace to you our furriend!

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

May there be peace.

PS. We are proud of your daddy too.

Sarge Charlie said...

May you find peace My Friend........

Unknown said...

Dragonheart, please tell your dad thank you for his service! We are excited to be seeing our Man in Green in just a few weeks!

We love your globe! Peace to you and your family!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You are right to be proud of your dad Dragonheart.We only hear about the headline news on the TV and in the newspapers. Thank you for telling us about all the good work that he and so many others are doing that we would not normally hear about. Peace to you and your family.

The Furry Kids said...

We like your globe. Please thank your dad for serving in the military and for all the good things he does around the world.

Ali & Fiona said...

Peace to you handsome hairless kitty & thank you so very much to your daddy!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Peace to you, Dragonheart and we are furry proud of your human Dad, too!

Anonymous said...

The news does tend to focus on the bad. You are right to point out the good and kind things that people do for one another. That is peace. Peace to you and your family Dragonheart!

Lux said...

I love your post, and your globe. Peace, Dragonheart!

Anonymous said...

Hey, we're participating, too.
Peace for all kitties and humans :)

Christine and FAZ said...

Nicely put Dragonheart my dear pal. FAZ

Anonymous said...

That is a great post. You must be very proud of your human Dad. Peace be with you and yours.

Tara said...

Wonderful post Dragonheart! Peace to you and yours!

Aldon Hynes said...

Great peace globe, and great tribute to your dad. Canadian peacekeepers are great. It would be wonderful to hear more stories about some of the things your dad has done to help people in Afghanistan.

Reba said...

Hi Dragonheart. Thanks for bein' brave enough to come into my run. Not many cats come into a Rottweiler's run like that. You scare me, so I won't chase you.

My slave... ummmm, I mean my Mom [Imma (Alice)] is here wiff me and we bowff really likes your WW post. We's gonna put links on our blogs to send more peoples here. Weez Canadians too.

Peace to all!!

The Crew said...

Peace out, D!

We hope some day, all those that are serving their countries and trying to protect us all will be able to come home and just live peacefully.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Great statement. Just because we hope for peace, doesn't mean we don't support our men and women in green, we totally do. Your daddy is a very brave man.
We also understand that Canadian, British, American, French etc., our men and women in green do more than "fight," they build, educate and protect.

Stine said...

Peace to you and your Canadians...

RUTH said...

My father was in the armed forcs when he was younger (we were posted to Germany at one point) and my son in law has served in many nations fighting for the cause of Peace.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Dragonheart, we reely appresheate all the hard werk yer daddy duz, and purray for peese so that he and all the other troops thruowt the werld will not be in harm's way.

Pax vobiscum.

Liz Hill said...

Love your globe and words

sammawow said...

You have a lovely peace globe and we wish peace to you all...

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Be safe...

Grant Us Peace - "All You Need Is Love"
Sitting On The COUCH For Peace

Max said...

Peace, Dragonheart!

The man passed gas for the US Air Force for 20 years...I know he worries about all the people serving their countries, and just wants everything to be ok for them, too.

Unknown said...

Sending uncountable "Thank you"s to your human dad for his service, from the bottom of our hearts, dragonheart - and of course, a huge "Thank you" to you for this amazing posting.

Sanni, Frank and Luis,
Jersey, the furry diva and
The Pimping Team

are wishing LOVE & PEACE to you and yours ♥

Vielen, vielen Dank euch allen!

Andree said...

A beautiful post, Dragonheart. Thank you.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i'm wishin fer peace arownd da world ...
peace an luv to u an yer mom an dad!
luv--yer grate frend--jh

Bud Fisher said...

May the warmth and spirit of this Peace Globe Day bring us all peace. You’re globe is beautiful.

From WTIT: the most peaceful Tape Radio Station ever…

Forty Paws said...


Meowers from Missouri said...

peace an' love, dragonheart, buddy! what a fine bean your daddy is, eh? we purrs an' purrrays for all the servicebeans, also--our daddy an' grandbeans wore unyforms, too.

purrs & head bonks--the meowers

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said... all means love deep down for all your brothers.
America is lucky to have such a Peaceful neighbor in Canada....very lucky.
Luf Miss Peach >(^,^)<

The Feline Sextet said...


Sandee said...

What an excellent tribute to your father and everyone serving in the military. Peace to you and yours. :)

Lara Croft said...

You should be proud as we are of all of them. I hope they all get to come home soon and will be able to find an inner peace. - LC

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That is a great thing that your Dad and all the other soldiers are doing. Give your Dad a big kitty hug and gentle headbutt to thank him for his service!

Sparky Duck said...

all the advertising said I had to stop by. And all the advertising was right!!

Artsy Catsy said...

Dragonheart, our world is a better place just having you as our friend! We wish you a peaceful, loving world, today and all days.

Everybody at Artsy Catsy

Travis Cody said...

I'm cruising by from Mimi's. Happy Peace Globe Day.

Peace to you!

MaR said...

Peace to you and your humans!

MaR said...

Peace to you and your humans!

Mimi Lenox said...

Gorgeous globe and beautiful post.

Thank you for spreading the word of peace around the blogosphere.

Dona Nobis Pacem,

Shaz said...

Sorry we're late. May peace be with you & yours x x x