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The daily adventures of four Sphynx: Dragonheart, a black and white tuxedo; Merlin, a blue lynx point and white fighting large cell lymphoma; Devi, a black and white rescue; and Chloe, a crazy tortoiseshell.
Haha, we do that too when we watch the birds. We have got 3 squirrels that have moved into the tree outside our window, and they drive us crazy.
DH you would be a very good drummer ! and probably become the first drummer cat in the world ! then your humans could earn a lot of money !
Oah yes, I do that too when I watch birds.
Michico always concern about while I into that condition.
But it's really normal, right.
I like your tail, that really means you are excited.
Great vedio, and thank you for sharing~!!!!!!!
OH dRAGONHEART YOU ARE SO COOL! YOU COULD START A KITTY BAND...gee sorry it is dark here and the caps were on! Gene Krupa would be proud of you! Birdie watching makes me tired...you too it would seem:)
That's some great bird cackling! You sure get excited. I loved watching your tail lash about. Now I think I will go look for birds...
I like your beat!
Wow, you are totally like me! I do that chittering, and I slap my tail so hard on the kitty condo whenever I see da pigeon (or two or three!)
Da pigeons don't come 'round no more....can I join you instead?
That is a great video Dragonheart!
We hope you don't hurt your tail, it sounds very loud.
No wonder they called you Dragonheart. Most kitties don't have such a descriptive name. I enjoyed the tail lashing sequence particularly. I would like to see a video if the glass pane were removed. The scent of the hunt!
Very cute video Dragonheart. I love watching the birds.
That is so cute. The cat we adopted had always been indoors. Here we live miles off the road with no one around so our cats can go outside. Imagine her surprise when she was allowed through the door to see the birds in real life. She spends hours out under the tree just looking up watching them. Thank goodness she is a bad hunter and can't catch them!
Dazey is a chitterer too. She likes to watch the birdies and squirrels. And her tail does the same as yours, Dragonheart! back and forth!!
Wow, bird watching makes you very sleepy, I liked your yawn. Chase chitters too!
wow dh,
dis iz a akshun packed videeyo! i wuz havin a grate time watchin yer mowth open an cloze ... an i luved watchin yer tail slammin against da chest!
Oh dragonheart we never tire of watching our four cats chirp and whomp their tales when they spot a bird or squirrel.
So much entertainment.
Ali needs to take huntin leasons from you, he just loudly meows and meows & make racoon noises.
Look at your tail go, Dragonheart!!!
That is a nice video! As you know I do the same thing. When I chirp it looks exactly the same! I always get really excited!!
Wow, we cood feel yoor excitment! Zippy looks like dat when she hasta be inside and watch da birds. We cood just imagine da chattering noyzes yoo were making.
On thing I find so fun is that we have a second floor window that looks out at a tree that the birds love! I can get so close!
I wish I could hear you chittering. I love to chitter at birds and the torch light on the floor. FAZ
Dragonheart - you are brave and fierce hunter. Very worthy of your name!
Missy was watching the birds yesturday, she doesn't get as excited as you though.
Aw Dragonheart... you are such a nice kitty. You have some serious whippy tail going on there too!
happy day <3 Prinnie
You do enjoy your birdwatching don't you?!
Hehehe our tails flip like that too! Meowmy always tells us we's gonna flip 'em off our butts acause they flip so hard! Silly Meowmy!
Very nice video Dragonheart, we's got chirpy kitties here too! Mister E and Little M BOTH like to chirp!
wow - looks like you really really really want to get at those birds. we do the same thing, but not quite as enthusiastically.
Great video, Dragonheart, I do this voice like you and I scratch on the window. My tail is also going like yours. Sometimes I can catch a fly or a butterfly, but never a bird.
Have a nice day :-)
Miss Scarlett used to chirp at us when we were downstairs and she was sitting upstairs in the loft looking down... I think she thought we were insects. She chirps at insects too!
oooo that looks very familiar. Bird watching is very fun. We should telyport to each others houses. I bet we get different birds in Ohio. I love to watch different birds. Do you run to your window when you hear them chirping outside like I do? Maybe your beans will hang a feeder outside and you'll get birdies all the time!
hehehe, whatta wonderful video! You look so cute, chitterin' at the birdies. And that reeeeally fast yawn you did was cute, too -- I could tell you didn't want to miss any bird watchin' action from yawnin' too long!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
*giggle*, Dragonheart -- you look like you're having so much fun watching those birds! You are a Mighty Hunter, *smile*.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
You are a very great hunter! Excellent tail whapping.
Dood, that's wild, espeshully the tale wapping!!! I love to hunt berds wich is why thay gave me SO MANY BELLZ ON MY COLLAR wich suks cuz the only berds I can ketch are DEFF BERDS and I do the tale wapping thing BUT NOT LIKE YOO YER THE TALE WAPPING CHAMP! I reely like the moovey I think watching mooveys on blogs is neet in fakt I'd like to make a moovey and put it on my blog but THEY WON'T LET ME HAVE A BLOG and I don't think it's fare that evry singul other cat I know has a blog IXSEPT ME and I'm the only one hoo livs an ixsiting life all the others stay inside and SLEEP ALL DAY and I sleep too but not more than 18 howrs cuz I've got PLACES TO GO AND PEEPUL TO SEE and did I tell yoo whut a grate moovey that was??? Good Hunting!!!!!
I think it's about time you got your own bird Dragonheart. A bird of your own to play with. And as most toys, you'll need a new one - and a new one - wouldn't that be fun?
says Rosa and Felicia
My ancient computer doesn't do video but the photo is great -- your body language is so expressive and I can almost see your mouth moving, DH!
That is the most adorable chirping chittering we have ever seen. You deserve another Acatemy Award for it!
What an unusual looking cat you are! A Canadian-German-Sphinx is also an unusual combination. Love the blog and have added you to our favourites list.
So cute!
What a great video! I do that all the time too, and I'm still convinced I'm going to catch a pigeon, even though they are two stories above me when I go outside!
I love watching your tail swish! That's a wonderful video!
So very cute!!! I was getting all worked up just watching!
The tail movement is simply amazing--a very GOOD video!
Oh, that's reely grate, Dragonheart! I's sure the burds fear you. The cat afore Bonnie chittered at birds all her life! Mom finks I mite do it sumtimes.
That's such an expressive video, I love it. Dragonheart has quite the strong tail! I was thinking it must be bruised after all that banging around!
You look like you are having so much fun!!!!!
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