Friday, June 15, 2007

Frootbat Friday

HairNSkin Dragonheart(Click photo for a larger image)

In this photo, I am checking out the birdies in our backyard. Watching birds is so much fun! In this photo (especially if you click to see it full size) you can once again see the short, curly fur on and in my ears, my ear tufts, and the fur on my nose. As I've mentioned before, the fact that the fur on my nose is black and white means that I'm black and white in colour, and due to the pattern of my colouration, I'm a black and white tuxedo Sphynx.

Visit the Ark to find more animal posts of all kinds.


MaoMao said...

Hiya, Dragonheart! That's a super-handsome pikshure of you, and I like your little furs! You're a great-lookin' feller! And isn't it fun to watch birdies in the back yard. I like to do that, too.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

What an lovely photo, Dragonheart! You always look so elegant *smile*.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Anonymous said...

I love your little hairs on the ears!
Watching birdies is always great fun. I can immitate the chirp of a magpie! I always do so when I see a bird. My female human was very impressed when she first noticed my chirping.

Anonymous said...

Aren't we cats just great? Birds are so much FUN!

snowforest said...

You sure look very intent in this photo Dragonheart. Checking out birdies and thinking about preying on them...are you?... :)

Mattingly said...

Dragonheart, we love looking at your little furs! And now I know the answer to the question I asked awhile back. I was wondering if it were possible for you to be a gray and white tuxedo kittie like me, but I forgot about the black furs on your nose. Ooops! Well, whatever the color of your tux, you are always looking super handsome in our books!

Ingrid said...

Little Rosie is then like you, because she is also black and white and as you can see she has a mask like Zorro !

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Hello my sweet brother Dragonheart. It means so very much to me to have you as a furrrend. You are so kind and a real gentlecat. Someday a very lucky ladycat will come into your life...until then, I am honored to have been considered worthy under the right circumstances. My sweet mancat ALI is a dream come true for an older lady like me.
I thank you for approving.
Please watch your Briefkasten because some meow mail will be coming your way next week (I hope:)
You look very dashing in your photo...
Love Miss Peach

Daisy said...

Bird watching is a great hobby! You look cute.

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Hi Dragonheart!

You photograph so well in profile.

Hey -- I'm having a contest for my 100th post. Pop over at my blog and take a guess. If you win, we will make a donation in your name to an animal charity!



Wow another gorgeous picture of you!!! We love to watch the birdies too. We will chitter at them when they come real close to us on our back porch.


Rosemary B❤️ said...

Happy Frooty Friday. I hope this week-end you have a good time with your mommie and daddie.

This picture of you is adorable, of course. Mommie wants to pick you up and give you kisses


Ali & Fiona said...

Black, White & Handsome Sphynx should be your full description.

CRIZ LAI said...

Nice cat you have there. Two strays followed me home few days ago and they are enjoying themselves in the comfort of my home now :)

p/s I posted their pix in this Saturday's Photo Hunters...hehe. This my 1st submission :)

Samantha & Mom said...

Hey, Dragonheart, you looking handsome as usual. There are lots of birds where we live to. Have a fun Friday.
Your Florida friends,
Samantha & Tigger

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

I love the birdies too! I hope we can watch birdies together sometime...or even better, catch them to eat!


PS. Hehe, my daddy wonders sometimes if we have been taken over by the Gao'uld...not just coz the laser eyes, but b/c we can be angelic one moment and a BIG troublemaker the next....

Parker said...

Hi there handsome! Bird watching is a hobby of mine too!

Anonymous said...

This is one of my favorite pictures of you Dragonheart!!! Pee Ess: YOU'RE GOING TO BE AN UNCLE!!!!

LZ said...

I love your little ear tufts! I like to watch the birdies too, they are so interesting.


Puss-in-Boots said...

Aaah Dragonheart, you look as if you are contemplating the mysteries of the Universe rather than bird watching.

You are an interesting looking cat, Dragonheart, a tuxedo sphynx, eh? Very descriptive.

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Hey, Dragonheart. Another stunning photo of yourself. You sure are a handsome kitty.
Have a wonderful week.
Take care, Meow

The Furry Kids said...

Bird watching is the best! You have great ear tufts.

Earl Grey

The Meezers or Billy said...

what a great pikshur Dragonheart!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

gess wut, dh ... dere iz a black an wite tuxeedo cat dat comez to vizit in mi backyard. mi brudder whitey gave him da "wut fer" da udder day ...
thot dat since yer considered a tuxeedo ... u would be intrested in da tuxeedo vizitor.
luv--yer frend--jh

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, that's a great photo!

I'm going to have to address the whole international cat vote thing here soon. I'm still working on it. If US laws weren't so strick and cats actually WERE in power--well that would make life so much easier!

Kimo and Sabi said...

You gots nice ear tufts!

Fanks fer supportin' our petition - we is gettin' a stroller!!!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

You strike a great pose watching those birds, Dragonheart.
I fink you are furry handsome.
~Gracie of The Bunch

Tara said...

I love watching birds! Do you give them the little chirp? I do...

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Oh, I love bird watching, too.

Twizzler, Jack, Fwankwin, and Gracie said...

You look very regal! Our mom says that you have beautiful eyes.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Dragonheart, yoo are sooooo handsome!

Samantha & Mom said...

Hello Dragonheart:
We are so excited. Mom finally figured out how to put a picture on our comments. We just had to tell somebody. She's a little slow with some things on the blog.
Your Florida friends,
Samantha & Tigger

Gretchen said...

Oh, Dragonheart, thank you for coming by to say hello. I love birdwatching from my windows too. I think you are very pretty the way you are. I'm loving meeting feline friends from all around the world. I find they all speak the same language. It's wonderful!

Zoey and the furballs said...

You're a tuxie like me! That's way cool. We've always thought that you were adorable and now I know why! Have a lovely weekend!

PowersTwinB said...

No, No are a BEAUTIFUL black and white Sphinx...Love this photo of you checking out the birds!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Dragonheart! I wanted to say thank you so much for announcing Gretchen's blog on the Cat Blogosphere! You're a super repurr-tor *smile*.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

DK & The Fluffies said...

I love your little ear tufts! ~DKM

LibertyBelle said...

Hi Dragonheart - well I've been searching for those hairs and haven't found them yet - but I will!!!
Lovely photo, as usual!
Drop by and see my photo from the musical Hair!
Happy weekend

Anonymous said...

Yes, we know the joy of watching birds through the window. Luna can spend hours watching critters out the back window...

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Dragonheart, you always look so alert and serious. But, I agree, birdwatching is serious business. I get a lot of birds in my yard and I even posted some photos of them today (though they're kind of far away).


boo_licious said...

Hiya Dragonheart. That's such a nice pose of you staring at the birdies outside.

sammawow said...

That is such a lovely picture. We did see your little furs and we love watching birdies too!

Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow