Thursday, June 28, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Thursday Thirteen

#24 - 13 Things I'll Be Doing While My Humans Are In Berlin

So my humans are off to spend the weekend in Berlin. They'll be back on Sunday. While they are gone, here are 13 things I'll be doing:

  1. Sleeping alone in their bed at night, between their pillows.

  2. Waiting anxiously for the cat sitter to come twice a day to feed me, change my water, clean my litter, cuddle with me, and play with me.

  3. Playing with the new toys my humans gave me since they are leaving me.

  4. Playing with the cat sitter when she comes.

  5. Naping in my sleeping bag.

  6. Lying in the sun on my Gizzy quilt.

  7. Watching birdies.

  8. Using my scratching post.

  9. Siting on my cat tree and watch everything that's happening outside.

  10. Playing in my tent and wish Stella was here to play Tent Wars.

  11. Visiting my blogging friends less than I normally do, since it's harder for me to get on the computer when my humans aren't here.

  12. Missing my humans.

  13. Waiting eagerly for their return.


Meow (aka Connie) said...

Oh, I hope you won't be too lonely. I'm sure your people have left lots of lovely goodies for you.
Take care, purrrrrr, Meow

Jimmy Joe said...

I understand, Dragonheart. I get real lonely, too. My momma's in Paris right now. I wrote my 13 about that. I'm glad they left lots of toys for you!
Your buddy, JJ

Amazing Gracie said...

Poor Dragonheart! It's hard living up to your name when your people aren't home!

Anonymous said...

I knew it! My cat's not checking her e-mail when she's sitting on our computer chairs, she's blogging. All I need to do is find her blog site...

She's quite lucky though because my computer is left on all the time, so she can always blog if she wants to.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dragonheart,
you have many things to do while your humans are in Berlin! That is good because than you won't feel so bored and lonely.
Take care!

Darla said...

Wow, you're very understanding, Dragonheart! Aren't you even a little bit tempted to punish them for leaving you home alone? A little surprise in a slipper perhaps? :)

Daisy said...

I hope you have a nice pet sitter. When my Mommie and Daddie go away, they leave the bed unmade so I can climb in and sleep there.



Those sound like a great list and will keep you occupied until your Mom and Dad come back.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You seem to have plenty to do while they are away, but if you want us to visit, we'd love to come over and see you. If you wish you can come and visit us too. Just sneak out when the catsitter's not around.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh Dragonheart. I wish we were next door neighbors. We could play together. You will be very lonely and I know you will miss your mommie and daddie.

I hope this week-end goes by really fast!

Christine and FAZ said...

Hi DH, I hope you have fun whilst your humans are in Berlin. I finally managed to do the Meme you tagged me for today - sorry for the delay. Purr FAZ

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, poor lonely Dragonheart. We cood teleport over and play tent wars with yoo. Have fun playing with the cat sitter...

Monty Q. Kat said...

MomBean said if you get lonely you're welcome to teleport over here. I can show you around and we can play Tent Wars!

Bernie said...

WHAT, your not going to learn how to use a mobile (cell) or normal phone and call them??
Great list, looks as though you will be having a lazy time alone...
Our list is also up if you want to stop by and have a look...

LZ said...

I bet you're pretty lonely but I'm sure you'll enjoy some nice quiet time too.


The Meezers or Billy said...

awww Dragonheart, we is sorry you will be alone.

Anonymous said...

C'mon Dragonheart! You know what they say? When the cat's away, the mice will play! But, somehow, that just doesn't seem right in your case...

Ingrid said...

Ah poor baby alone again ?? Don't worry they come back and if you sleep most of the days it will seem very short !

Cafe Cats said...

It sounds like you have a good time planned while your furrparents are away.

I've got my TT up, and an update about Samantha.

The Furry Kids said...

DH, I hope your mom and dad come back soon. I hope you're not too lonely. If you want, you can teleport over and we can play Tent Wars and catnip bubbles and milk jug rings (because you never got to play that yet, right?)


Ali & Fiona said...

There leaving you again? Parents are very silly we don't understand why they need to wander from home.

Lori said...

Hang in there....they will be back before you know it!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

aw dragonheart!! I thought of one more thing you could do, if you were so inclined: plan revenge so that they never leave you again.

But then, you are a really nice cat so I can't imagine you would do that xxxx

JAM said...

I hope you make out ok while they're gone Dragonheart. I'm sure they'll miss you too. They'll probably bring you some gifts from their trip as well.

Mr. Hendrix said...

I'm sorry your beans will be away. It gets very loney. I'm glad you have someone to come and play with you and snuggle with you.
Take care!

The Crew said...

You mean they didn't leave you a list of tasks to get done while they're away! Don't you have to do chores or anything? When my family leaves, they always say "George, you're in charge" so I have to watch the ENTIRE HOUSE plus my brother & sisters!

Anonymous said...

You sound much more active while your humans are away than Vader. I think all he does is sleep. I hope you have a safe time and that you get to enjoy them again before you know it!

MaoMao said...

Awwww, I'm sure you'll miss your beans! Hey, what say I teleport over and we'll rassle!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dragonheart. Sorry to hear your humans will be leaving you alone again. I know it is very hard for them to go and leave you behind, as it is for me when I go away and leave my sweet critters home. I didn't get my T13 up this week, but I did have a great idea for it, so maybe next week.

That's quite the list of things you'll be doing. You're lucky to have a sitter coming twice a day. My critter sitter only comes by once a day.

I've tagged you with a meme. Hope you don't mind. When your humans get back, maybe they can help you to check out my blog for the instructions and see if you want to do it.

Have a great day!

Imma CritterMom

Zoey and the furballs said...

Awww, that's sad. If you're lonely you can teleport over. We're getting a new kitten on Saturday. There'll be lots going on here.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Glad you have cat-sitter, your momma will be back soon~!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Some times it good to git yer beans out of da house to git some real kick back time in fer yerself!

Puss-in-Boots said...

Dragonheart, don't fret. The time will pass quickly and your mom and dad will be home before you know. You just keep watching those birdies!

snowforest said...

Hope your beans get back soon... have fun meanwhile.. and take time to visit the new look of the cat blog and take part in the new daily quiz... :)

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Hello Dragonheart. we hope you are having a happy day today.
We are going to take a nap and dream about you playing with your toys and being wild like we used to be when we were almost one year old!

<3 Love Princess and caesar