There will be several prizes awarded at the end of the contest. One prize will be for the cat(s) that find the most number of the scavenger hunt items. If more than one cat finds all the items, there will be a draw to determine the winner. There will also be a prize for the most creative entry, as determined by myself and my humans. As I mentioned, some of the items will be something that you have to create, and so the creativity of these items, as well as the creativity shown in putting together the final post with all the items, will be judged. There will also be a random prize that will be determined by placing the names of all the contestants into a hat, and one name will be drawn at random. Other prizes may be awarded, depending on the number of entries, at the judges' discretion. If you do not wish to receive a prize (for example, if you do not want to provide me with your snail mail address) I will make a donation, whose value is equal to that of the prize, to the charity of your choice.
This contest is open to all cats with a blog.
I reserve the right to change the rules of the contest at any time.
If you have any questions about the contest, please feel free to ask!
Today's item is the one that will require the most amount of effort and time, which is why I'm posting it first.
The Sphynx breed was so-named because we hairless cats reminded a cat show judge of cat statues he had seen in Egypt. What do you think of when you her the word "Sphynx"? Create an item that reflects this interpretation. It can be a poem (limerick, Haiku, or other form), a photo/image/graphic (just make sure you have permission to use it), a song, or any other creative art form. (Feel free to make a separate post for this item on your blog, and simply provide a link to it, if you wish, in your final post with all the items.)
Thanks again for all the birthday wishes and gifts I have received so far. All the cats who have posted birthday greetings on their blog, or sent me email greetings, have been listed in the post below this one. Thank you all again! You are all wonderful friends.
That contest sounds like fun! Your purrthday, but yur offerin gifts to offurs? Yur an amazin cat, Dragonheart.
Dragonheart, your the greatest!! Having a contest on your birthday and giving gifts,too!! We think you are the specialest cat and a wonderful friend to all!!
Samantha & Tigger
Your an official Mancat, indeed!!! I'll be holding my breath to see what your Mom says about you asking that question! I just hope that you or she won't have a problem with me having kittens...
Many, many purrs to you on your special day,
Spirit sez... Happy Birffday DragonHeart. We luff u!!
Ezra sez... Our Momma wants to know where your Momma founded that tunnel
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, mein freund!
HAPPY PURRTHDAY! those are really great purresents. we have a fountain just like that one, but Cocoa's scared of it so it got put away. grrrr...I really liked the thing.
your contest sounds fun!
ooo a "hunting" contest! That is so awesome. I hope you're having a blast.
I think you'll be a great daddy to Stella's kittens.
Happy Birfday, Dragonheart!
Me and all the Fancidots gang -- as well as owr foster kitties all hope you enjoy yur new drinkin fountain and play tunnel.
Yu simply haf the BESTEST parents any kitty could want!
Zenith, Fancidots gang and BCR reskoo kitties, too!
Oh, yeah, and Mama sez Herzlichen Glueckwuensch zum Geburtstag!!! Alles Gute und Liebe Dragonheart!
Happy Birthday little guy!!!!!
We are sure glad you joined the blogging community and we have learned so much from you!!
We had a fountain just like that but can't use it because Shaggy sheds a lot and his hair kept on clogging the pump!!
But that's not a problem you'll have.........!
Looks like you're havin' a wonderful Birthday! And wowie, sounds like a kool kontest comin' up, too!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Looks like you're having a wonderful, happy day, Dragonheart!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
DUDE! Happy Manly Mancat Birthday to you! I gotta get some of us mancats together and take you out for a prowl on the town now that you're 'legal'.
..even if I couldn't send you a present. ;)
Dragonheart, you are so sweet having a contest starting on your birthday. That tunnel sure looks like lots of fun for you. Happy Birthday again!
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Happy First Purrthday, Dragonheart!! You got some great purresents, and the contest sounds like lotsa fun!!
Congratulations on making it to one year old!
I like your new site! You're mom did a nice job, and you're presents are great!
Gretchen and I have a birthday greeting for you on our sites. Sorry, we're late with everything because our timezones are so far apart. I'm glad you had a good day...
Happy purrthday Dragonheart! You had some cool presents!
Wow! That drinking fountian looks totaly cooL!
Did it come full of tunatinis?
I hope this is the first of many, many happy birthdays.
Your pal,
Wow! I look forward to seeing what people have posted.
I'm impressed with that tunnel!
Happy Purrthday DragonHeart. Welcome to ManCatHood.
Happy Birthday! That tunnel looks AMAZING.
I hope I can get the investor to put aside time to help me with the contest. The Morning Scratchers will try our best!
Sounds like a cool contest - you got some really nice gifts, too!
Happy Big Birthday Friend!
Dragonheart, we're glad you got a fountain fresh for your birthday! Mr. Chen loves ours but he doesn't drink from the bottom pool, he likes to drink it right at the top! Your new tunnel is cool, too! We can't wait to take part in your new contest. Hope you had a great birthday!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
DH, we are glad you got some good gifts for your birfday! We won't be participating in your contest since our Man in Green will be home, but we'll be rooting everybody on!
Wowy - a scavenger hunt! We luvs findin' things - sometimes we finds things in our house that our beans didn't even know they lost!
wow, dragonheart! it's easy to see that you are well loved!
your party was pawsome. it was great to celebrate your debut into mancat-hood! and i got to escort one of the most beautiful girls (*stars in my eyes)...jade.
i'm looking forward to your contest!
benjamin who has mightily fuzzed you
Happy birthday! Your contest sounds great, I can't wait to enter.
We've been practicing owr Gurman fur this vary occashun...ready D'Heart. Here we go...
Feliz Cumpleeanos a tu,
Feliz Cumpleeeeeanos a tu,
FEELLIZ CUMPLEAAAAAN...what's that? That isn't Gurman?!? OF course it is...we've been prakticing that fur months.
Happy bday, Dragonheart! Yeaaaa. -Rosie and Cheeto
what an excellent idea! And I love the way you reserve the right to change the rules!
Happy, happy birthday! Wow! It's amazin' that you're a whole year old already! Time surely does fly in the blogosphere!
happy birthday Dragonheart. We love you.
Side tunnels... awesome! Hope you've had a great birthday, Dragonheart. I'm excited about your scavenger hunt, too!
D-Heart- Owr lady said she won't turn the computur on fur us during hur trip FAAAR FAAAR AWAY so we will try owr best to participate in yer AMASINGLY awesum scavengur hunt but if we cant turn the computur on it's going to be hard!!!
Happy Happy Birthday DragonHeart!
We think you are awesome! A contest is pretty cool too! Sending Squishy Love and Purrs
KC said...
O, Dragonheart, u's gotted some furry nice prezzies. Love love love ur's new tunnel.
a furry happy purrrrthday,
Purrs, KC
Missy Blue Eyes said...
Looks like you had a wonderful birthday, Dragonheart. Great gifts, great contest.
Dang it, I missed it. I was offline all day yesterday because we had visitors. Happy Belated Birthday, Dragonheart. You presents look really awesome. I love the drinking fountain.
What a great idea, D. A scavenger hunt sounds like fun. We'll play!
We can't really compete but we did post the answers to Item # 7....
We just couldn't resist....
Whew, I think I got it all!
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