Here I am enjoying the sun on my Gizzy quilt. :)
The Meezer Gang tagged me for the Proverb Meme.
If at first your humans don't tend to your needs, meow and meow again.
I tag:
A proverb is a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated, which expresses a truth, based on common sense or the practical experience of catkind. They are often metaphorical.The Meezer Gang's proverb was:
The early cat gets the clean litter box.My proverb is:
If at first your humans don't tend to your needs, meow and meow again.
I tag:
Hahaha! I love those proverbs, Dragonheart. Very cute.
I love your proverb, especially the"meow and meow" again part.
This morning I meow a half hour to michico, my mouth aim michico's ear meow very loudly at 5am. Just want she could accompany me with a breakfast. (she doesn't need to prepare, just need see me eat it, because my food always put there, empty will fill new, empty will fill new)
Recently I find out she is very good resistance my loudly meow meow, I think I have to change my sound.
Oh how fun! I get to do another Proverb!! Thank you for tagging me, this is so fun! I just love yours Dragonheart! I never succeed at first this is good advice!! Stay tunned for my next proverb over the weekend:)
Happy Friday to you!
Good one, Dragonheart! I like to meow and meow again, too.
Good proverb Dragonheart and thanks fur da tag. Mom put our scavenger hunt post up last night! We'll haf to think about ours, hmm, maybe it will come to us during a nap...
THAT is soooo true!!! I love it! You can teleport over if you want to, as I am in Jail again. I wanted to fight Kaia this morning...and it is early here...6:30, Mom put me in there...Stillllll no babies...maybe today!!!
Great Proverb Dragonheart I put it to use many times :)
Dear Dragonheart, This is a perfectly wonderful meme. ...and so true. Sometimes our mommie is slow... or perhaps clueless. Thank you soooo much for picking us for this! we will get right on it. Since we have lived for almost forever, we know a lot of proverbies.
Have a very frooty Friday
(Prinnie is upstairs.... still waiting)
Yes I agrees MEOW louder too if it doesnt works by just meowing twice.
this is a fun meme. oldies with a twist that makes them just for us.
ben fuz
lucy-furr (who's made at mommy because lucy's getting in trouble for scratching on the furniture)
We like that proverb. Tigger is good at the meow and meow part.
Your FL furiends,
Persistence will get you everywhere...
Words of Wisdom Dragonheart. FAZ
Oh good I'm glad the package arrived safely and quickly!! I do hope you enjoy the toys, I picked them out especially with you in mind :).
That is a very great proverb. One that I really take to heart.
Earl Grey
fantastic proverbs!
Advice to live by, Dragonheart! Great proverb!
Just to let you know we'll have our Scavenger Hunt post up 7/28.
The Crew
Yes, meowing until total annoyance has set in is the best approach. Great proverb and Frootbats DH!
Thank you for your continued support of our Dorfie!
Luf, Us
Very true proverb. You are a very gentle cat. We have been know to bite, sit on, sufficate and or pee on the bathroom rug to be heard. Your beans sound very responsive to your needs. That's good.
I figured you'd want to know so you can purr for Stella...she's in labor!!! I'm so excited for her!!
Oh yes, DH!
I put your proverb into action every single morning of my life when demanding my cream before Mosaic Lady has even had her first sip of coffee. I do not WAIT.
That is an excellent proverb, Dragonheart. Happy Friday!
Happy Frootbat Friday, Dragonheart! You look so handsum on your Gizzy quilt.
I love your proverb! Yes, meow and meow again -- and with me, I MAO MAO MAO MAO MAO and MAO again, hehe!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Excellent proverb, Dragonheart! And you know what, I employ that method myself -- usually I don't talk very much, but during stinky goodness time, I talk a whole, whole lot, even more rapid-fire and more loudly than MaoMao! *giggle*!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Dragonheart! You're an Uncle!!!
I looooooooove it! So true! My brother Clyde has that one all figured out.
Nice sunspot!
I love your proverb Dragonheart. I also love the picture of you on your Gizzy Quilt, I like that your quilt has dragons on it, very nice.
Good proverb! We actually whine more than meow!
Stella's havin her babies! Concatulations buddy!
That is a great proverb! Very useful too. Anastasia uses the modified form and substitutes "meow" with "bite".
To do it your way is much more sophisticated!
We worked hard on our proverbs and each of us has one. Momma said she would publish them tomorrow. We luv yours!!!
Dragonheart, I really have to say I enjoy your comments and being able to visit you on Saturday, loved your proverbs.
Looks like your human found a new hobby, let her know I can relate to that. It is fun, creative and time-consuming but fun and creative...
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