Monday, July 09, 2007

Monday Mail!

I've been a very lucky cat, recently, and I've received a lot of mail from some of my wonderful friends. A couple of these packages have been for winning or participating in contests, but with my birthday coming up, it's been fun to pretent that they are birthday presents!

First off, I received a wonderful collection of sparkle balls and other ball toys from Junior, for participating in his contest. These toys are so much fun to play with! The sparkle balls are great, and I love the little blue balls that make noise when they roll across the floor. They are a lot of fun to chase! Thank you so much Junior!

Sparkle balls from Junior
Next, I received a fabulous prize pack from Mr. Chen & Ollie for winning their 100th post contest! I was amazed to see that the Temptations made it through customs!!! I guess a package marked "cat toys" wasn't as much interest to them. So now I have finally tried Temptations! They are yummy, just like many of my other treats are yummy! I also have lots of fun playing with the feather flip balls (I love feathers) and with the fishing glove! Thank you so much Mr. Chen & Ollie! What a fabulous prize pack!

Prize Pack from Mr Chen and Ollie
Last, but not least, the wonderful Miss Peach sent me and my mom these beautiful ATC (art trading cards). Miss Peach is very talented, isn't she? Aren't they lovely! The onf of me is a birthday present for me, and the one of the Meezer is for my mom - it's the one who came before me, Whiskers. Thank you so veyr much, Miss Peach! They are beautiful and we love them!


Thank you very much, Junior, Mr. Chen, Ollie, and Miss Peach! It is wonderful receiving mail from my friends. You are all very generous and I thank you sincerely for these wonderful gifts!


MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

I am so happy you have such neat things meowing their way into your Briefkasten! The glove looks like fun and I am happy you got to finally taste temptations:))
it was fun to do the ATC's for you and your mom bean:) Glad you like them....I think it looks like you too:)

Daisy said...

Those are some wonderful things you got in the mail. I am very happy that you finally got to try Temptations!

Miss Peach is a very very talented artist! I am so impressed.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That's some great purrezzunts you have got. We love Temtayshuns too, but we can only get two flavours in the UK.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

wen u sed "last but not least" i wuz fulluv anticipashun ... an den it wuz doze grate cardz frum miss peach.
wut da heck duz evreecat know dat i don't abowt sendin mail to u. ware in da name uv d-o-g iz yer cap?
*stamps paw*

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Hey Dragonheart! toys toys toys and treats! Lucky you. Soon you will need a bigger toy box...or just two toy boxs (that is what we have).
Miss Peach's art work is very amazing and cute. We love art work!! Those would look sweet hanging on a wall.

happy day Dragonheart!

Catzee said...

Ooo, what a lot of nice prizes! I love prizes! An' I'm glad to hear ya like bein' bald cuz I worry that ya get too cold in the winter time. I like havin' furs, but not hair.

The M's said...

Wow, those are some wonderful prezzies.

LZ said...

Wow, you really have received a lot of great mail from your friends! I'm glad you tried Temptations they are SOOOO yummy.


The Meezers or Billy said...

wow, that's great stuff!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Wow, dat piksher Miss Peach did looks just like yoo (furry hansome). Poor Jeter, his cap is not haffing much luck wif da mail system is it? We'z so glad dat yoo got to come to da party! Hope you enjoy yoor tem-tay-shuns.

Monty Q. Kat said...

Wowzers! You are a lucky mancat! The cards are faboo!

Ingrid said...

The first picture looks as if you have robbed a Christmas tree, all these colorful balls ! You are a lucky cat to win such beautiful things. I never won anything in my life not even a plush cat !

Tyler said...

Dragonheart those presents are the coolest! I love the chicken Temptations, but not the salmon ones so much. Have you tried both? Are you Canadian or were you born in Germany, D? I thought maybe you had duel citizenship. Maybe you don't care what you are as long as you get to live with your family.


Wowie Dragonheart

Those were some really great gifts that you got!!! You're going to have lots of fun playing with everything.


DK & The Fluffies said...

Fun stuff!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

What a great Monday for you, Dragonheart! Such nice toys and the pictures from Miss Peach are very pretty.

Gretchen said...

Wow, those are nice gifts, you're a luck girlcat to get so many nice toys. I like you're trading card that Miss Peach did for you. It looks like you.
You're getting older by the minute...

Unknown said...

You received some very nice gifts! On Friday I received my first mail EVER - isn't getting mail fun!

Karen Jo said...

I'm glad that your mail is getting through to you now. You got lots of nice things. That glove looks very interesting. I wonder what's holding up Jeter's cap?

Shaggy and Scout said...

That is a great bunch of prizes DH!
Those balls will keep you very busy and help you expend some of that energy you have!!!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I am SO glad your package arrived!!!!!!!! I LOVE sparkle balls, but am not to fond of those noisy I know who to send them to now!!!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Wowy - art trading cards! What a great idea!

Mr. Hendrix said...

What great presents! I'm so glad you got to taste temptations. Delish huh? Miss Peach certainly made you both look great. I'm impressed.
You've got great stuff!

Zoey and the furballs said...

Those are some great packages. I especially like the art cards. They are spectacular!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah, such a wonderful gift~!
You have very good friendship around.

Have great time with your toys~!

Artsy Catsy said...

Wow, Dragonheart, you sure did have a magnificent Monday! We're not surprised everycat sends you presents, because we all love you!

Everybody at Artsy Catsy

Tara said...

Such wonderful gifts! We are all so lucky to have such great friends! That Miss Peach is something else, isn't she?


DK & The Fluffies said...

Hay! You left our 7,000th comment! Come by for a prize.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Youve been tagged for a new meme. Drop by and see what it is!


Lux said...

Those are absolutely gorgeous art trading cards! And what other fun things you received!