Friday, July 13, 2007

Weekend Cat Blogging

Weekend Cat BloggingI am excited to be hosting Weekend Cat Blogging this week, especially since my first birthday is next Wednesday!

I have lots of catnip, feather-tailed mousies, and yummy salmon for everyone, so join in!

If you want to take part in Weekend Cat Blogging, here's how it works: Leave a link to your site here in the comments section, and a a short description of your post, if you'd like. Also, a link back to my blog, mentioning this weekend's Weekend Cat Blogging would be appreciated, but is not absolutely necessary.

I'm looking forward to reading all your posts!

Check out this week's Weekend Cat Blogging Round Up! You can find this week's WCB here.



HI Dragonheart...

I have my linkie all set up for this weekend cat blogging!

♥ аббу ♥

Laura said...

Hi Dragonheart,
Happy almost birthday!
Please come celebrate my 5th Gotmeversary as I join the WCB for my furst time!


Ann (MobayDP) said...

Happy PRE-Birthday Dragonheart!

is coming to help you kick the celebrations off this weekend ;-)

Parker said...

Hi Dragonheart! You're gonna' be a great host!
Not too long till your birthday!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dragonheart,

Thanks for hosting WCB this weekend!

Lyra's having a quiet moment.

The Meezers or Billy said...

Hi Dragonheart - I would like to participate from my campground!

Anonymous said...

That's exciting Dragonheart!

I think my feature Friday will be this weeks weekend cat blogging.

Why are there all those people searching about marrying goats?

Bonnie Loves Cats =^..^= said...

Happy upcoming first birthday to Dragonheart. I wish you lots more to come. Thank you for hosting this WCB #110.
This is my link -
I volunteer at our local cat shelter where GusGus was adopted. GusGus looks facially like an Oriental Shorthair with crossed eyes. We are happy he has found a new home.

whaleshaman said...

What a lucky day, Taboo woke up in time play with all her weekend friends!

Hey, I'm Trying To Sleep Here...

She also wants you to know you'll always be a kitten to her! [& may we all grow old as gracefully as she has...]

Anonymous said...

Hey Dragonheart!
When the Mosaic Lady (aka, Laura) took the dawg for a walk today, we started OUR OWN BLOG!! Just for us cats! Now we don't have to listen to her bitch about us "diluting the theme" of her precious mosaic blog!
Please come teach us the ropes. We have so much to learn about being good blogging cats.
Your new friends,
Willie and Bianca (and Sadie, we suppose, who already bogarted the other blog with her Gotchaversary party blathering and stuff.)

Anonymous said...

Hey Dragonheart, my humans are both having birthdays next week too. (They're both a lot older than you are, though.)

Here's our contribution to your effort: Traditional Friday Cat Blogging with Miss Lizzie Bennet.

boo_licious said...

Happy Birthday Dragonheart! Kisses and hugs from all of us. Here's our entry for this weekend. Take lots of care.

leucanthemum b said...

We hope you have a happy birthday, Dragonheart! You are so MATURE, now!

From the Zoom Crew at Composite Drawlings

Anonymous said...

oooh a birthday! How fun!

Here is our link

Kitikata-san said...

DH, you aren't even a year old yet? Oh DH, you are definitely the cutest hairless kitten I have ever seen in my whole life! Happy Birthday baby kitty!

Anonymous said...

Hiya Dragonheart,

I've never joined the other kitties for weekend cat blogging! I'm excited. Here is my link:

DK & The Fluffies said...

Purrs Dragonheart - We're having a sleep over!

sher said...

Hi Dragonheart-thanks for hosting this week. Here's my link:

Sundance has become an escape artist!

The Cat Realm said...

Hello Dragonheart,
thank you for hosting this weekends WCB - it´s a lot of work, so it is really nice of you to do it!
Here is our link
Your friend Karl
You made such a fuzz about your birthday - I can hardly sleep anymore in anticipation! It will be great!

MizD said...

Hi Dragonheart,

Over at Belly Timber, we've got brand new furry bosses in charge!

Thanks for hosting!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

You are so close to being ONE Dragonheart!
We didn't blog too much this week, so if we can use today's photo we will join in WCB.
Or one from last week

~Sara and Napoleon

Skeezix the Cat said...

This weekend I'm going to hed over to the Calgary Stampeed and I'm also wishing Mom Robyn of Hot(M)BC a Happy Berthday!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

My sweet brother Dragonheart! You are a wonderful master of ceremonies for weekend blogging!!!
I have posted a treasure hunt for the summer time at the seashore. Come and find it in my picture....If you can that is....not efurrry cat can:)

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

hi dh,
don't ferget mi squillion'z contest will begin tomorrow mornin at 12:01 AM EST!
thank u fer undertakin da enormus task uv da WCB!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting!
This weekend Puddy is reluctant to show off her new blue collar, and she even blew me a raspberry out of defiance!
Here's our linkie:

Katie and Puddy

Samantha & Mom said...

Hi Dragonheart:
Here is our post for the weekend. Thanks for hosting! Mom made it to the vacation. Come on over next week and play at our house, Mom left lots of great food and stuff to play with.
Samantha & Tigger

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Ohhh Happy Cat Blogging DragonHeart! Sending you excellent purrs and loves...

Here is our wee submission, yes I know our permalinks are goofy!

Great Round up too by the way! Scritches

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Yao-Lin caught a mouse!!

baby mao is not impressed!

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Hi Dragonheart!
Happy almost-birthday!

Can you help me name the new foster kitten?

sammawow said...

Hi Dragonheart - thanks for hosting all the wcb cats this weekend. We are just taking it easy on our beloved porch. Here's our link:

Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Babeth said...

Hello Dragonheart,

Wow ! You're going to have a big birthday soon !
And playing the gracious host as well... you're sure growing up fast !

We had several young visitors this week and one of them was The Ghost Lady...

Pet and The Bengal Brats said...

Thanks for hosting!
Here's our link :

Hot(M)BC said...

Fanks for hosting Dragonheart! Mom was not at the puter a lot yesterday, so our post is today. Hope that's ok. I got the box back! hehehe
Boni Maroni

Anonymous said...

Defcon 3 flea control

Cato takes on Ctenocephalides felis -- the common cat flea

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Happy almost birthday!

Today I helped Mommy put in a new ceiling light.



Hey Dragonheart, is it TOO LATE for me to add my blog post to WCB?? I had to wate for Mao to leeve town so I cood post on his blog cuz he got mad at me for putting a nice eye-ketching bakgrownd on this page but I got tageed for a meme and I needed someplace to post my ansers and I had sum good ansers in thare, yoo shood reed it are yoo gonna have A BIG BERTHDAY PARTY???? I LOVE PARTEEEEZ!!! If yoo need sumwun to be the life of the party, I'M THARE!!!!

Heer's whut I bloggd abowt this weekend:

John D. said...

Just like to once again recognize our incredible foster parents at Scamperdude (if not too late). Thanks!

The Feline Sextet said...

We bloggied a few minutes ago, we hopes we's not too late!


Zenith & the Fancidots Gang said...

Happy almost Purrfday, Dragonheart my almost fuzzy buddy!

I hope you have the most WONNERFUL Purrfday EFFUR !!!

Luf -
yur littel pal,
Zenith (and the Fancidots Gang)

Anonymous said...

Nice Blog....Top Seo Blog