Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wordless Wednesday: The Great Outdoors

Dragonheart exploring the yard(Click photo to view a larger image)


Kimo and Sabi said...

Hey Dragon-dude - gots any nip in yer yard?

Bernie said...

What a good looking kitty. I always enjoy stopping by here...

Ours is up as well if you want to stop on by for a peek...

BeccA's Buzz said...

Uuuummm, your cat is naked.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Wowwww, you are so man in this picture, discover something??
You are a great adventurer~!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dragonheart. I used to have a kitty named Moonbeam who never went outside except on a harness. All my other kitties go outside without them. It depends on what is most safe, and it's nice to see your human Mom & Dad keep you so safe. You look very handsome in that blue.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Dude - that was heavy news about yer mom's friend and the cracker-doctor. Mommakitty has been seein' the gyro-proctor since 1988! da way - got any nip?

catsynth said...

Wow, the outdoors looks like fun. Hopefully Luna will get her opportunity as well.

We have a numerical WW post related to our little domain/webhosting debacle...

Ingrid said...

Are you checking what is behind the fence ? Your leash is very chic !!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Isn't it fun to be able to go outside!? I was so happy to get to do the garden wandering last week. Maybe mommy might let me once again....
I am having fun with your contest:)

Daisy said...

The Outdoors is very very fun!

ps: Congratulations on winning the picture frame!!!

Ramses said...

Looks like you have some nice "outside" to go visit! :)

Parker said...

Concatulations for winning Jeter's contest!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hahaha, I think Kimo and Sabi are still looking fur nip! Um, yoo din't find any in yoor yard did yoo?

Samantha & Mom said...

You are a very adventurous cat, Dragonheart and your leash is very pretty. What did you find so interesting on that fence?
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger

PS: We can't seem to leave a link in the Mr. Linky box, are we doing something wrong?

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Thi is a great picture of you investigating the great outdoors. I bet you made some amazing discoveries.

Happy Day Dragonheart and congrats of being the winner of the framie :-D


Susan Demeter said...

Love these adventuring photos of you Dragonheart! Happy WW :)

Anonymous said...

The outdoors is a great place! So many smells, so little time...


Anonymous said...

CongRats! for winning.

Le Butterfly said...

Congrats !!!!!

Very cute

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Yay! We like da gurreat outdoors too!! Isn't fun???


LZ said...

Congrats Dragonheart you won my contest!! I'm glad you're enjoying the Out of Doors- you are brave!

(This time the LL figured out all of the International stuff so it should actually get to you Friday.)


Concats on winning Jeter's contest and that is an outstanding picture of you! What a wonderful place you have to go and visit.


Tara said...

Great photo Dragonheart, I love the outdoors!

Contgrats on winning Kaze contest! I had no chance on that one, because the timing of the questions meant Mom was at work. When Latte started posting later, it was Mom's lunch hour, so I finally had a chance.

Great competition!

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Oh my, you look so lovely in the outdoors - that is really a terrific photo of you!

Purrrrs, China Cat

Monty Q. Kat said...

What did you see?

The Cat Realm said...

Congratulations on winning the frame!
It was a fun contest, I hope he does it again!

The Cat Realm said...

We can not enter our name in the linky box....
Maybe linky knows that we put some words on the Wordless Wednesday...?

Gemini said...

That is the coolest photo Dragonheart!

Tyler said...

Dragonheart that looks like you're having a wonderful walk.

Jenifer said...

Cat leashes are so cool, except my rex is a Houdini artist and has figured out how to get out of almnost every one!

Forty Paws said...

You look like you're having a lot of fun!!!

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

trying to go somewhere? Cute.

Forty Paws said...

Hey DH! Gatsbi's food does that swelling up thing really bad because it's high fiber (D-I-E-T food) and she yaks it up after it's swollen just like you do!!!

Glad to hear other poodins do that too!

Luf, Us

Samantha & Mom said...

Thanks for the Blogoversary button. Mom would forget her head if it wasn't attached. We also saw the Birthday countdown. Where did you get that? My birthday is at the end of this month and I don't want Mom to forget like she did Tigger's.
We finally got our name to appear on our comments through blogger thanks to China Cat and Willow. A light finally came on and we figured, it had to be there, cause everybody else had it.

Anonymous said...

Is you trying to climb the fence? Whats over there, maybe some birdies? Hopefully not vishus deer or rude lizards.

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

congrats for winning the best buds frame!
you look like you have fun outside!

purrs K&O

ICJ said...

Great shot! :-)
Happy WW!

Isabelle aka Tricotine

Cafe Cats said...

You look very handsome in your harness, Dragonheart!

jams o donnell said...

LOL it I can almist see you say "there ain't a jail built that can hold me"

Mosaic Cats said...

Hi Dragonheart!
We wanted to congrat you for winning the Best Budz frame! We can't wait to see a photo of the frame with the photo of you and your dad on your dad's desk with the photo in it, on the desk, with you and your dad. Huh? Those are too many confusing words for Wordless Wednesday.
Your friends

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer dh,
i wanna thank u fer enterin mi squillion contest! it wuzza grate entree an, az evreeone knowz now, da judjez luved it!
now i gotta get da frame to u. pleez send me a pmail to wid da best way to send yer fabyoolus prize to u so it won't take 4-5 munthz!
an btw ... thankz fer da good luck yer bringin mi teem.

snowforest said...

Seems you found something. Going outdoors is great fun - particularly in a natural surrounding!

Hot(M)BC said...

You NEVER make a mess Dragonheart? Wow! How do you do that? Maybe I should learn just in case I want to impress somecat (or maybe somebean).
your bud Pepi

Anonymous said...

awwww what a cute picture....and congratulations!