Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Cats on Tuesday: My New Harness!

Cats on Tuesday When my humans came back from vacation, one of the wonderful gifts they had for me was a new harness! Based on Latte's recommendation, they bought me a Puppia harness. It is a soft harness, and very comfortable. I really like it. As you can see, mine is in a camoflague pattern, so I match my dad when he's wearing his CADPAT (combat uniform). I really enjoy exploring our small Garten (yard) on my harness.

Dragonheart on his harness
Dragonheart on his harness
Dragonheart on his harness
Dragonheart on his harness (Click any photo to view a larger image)


The Cat Realm said...

WOW, Dragonheart, that is a wonderful harness! And matching your dad's uniform, how awesome!
I just wanted to tell you personally how much I - we - appreciated your support and help and friendship in these hard times.
The next weeks will not be easy for us but we know we have lots and lots of wonderful friends like you to help us and we really appreciate it!
Your friend Karl, and the staff.

kuanyin333 said...

What a spiffy harness! You look very beautiful wearing it.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Hey, Dragonheart, you look so handsome~!!
My favorite photo is the 3rd one, that is too handsome~!!!! You look great~!!!

Ingrid said...

Wow ! that's a very chic harness and also looks very comfortable ! Maybe when you are more used to it you could even go outside in a parc with your mum and dad ! I had to laugh about the expression CADPAT I just turned the letters around and it made CATPAD that's then for you, lol !

Daisy said...

That little camouflage harness is too cute! You look so handsome in it.

Andree said...

that is great! It never occured to me, but of course you need a soft harnass. Those other hard feeling nylon ones would chaff and hurt.

As handsome as always!

Puss-in-Boots said...

That harness does look comfortable and a camouflage one, yet. Trendy Dragonheart!

Parker said...

You match your Dad - that is so cool!

The Furry Kids said...

You and your dad are twins!! That is so cool. Be careful with that Puppia harness - they have a tendency to steal your bones.


Anonymous said...

How you are beautiful with your camouflage harness!! Your mum and dad did the good choice!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That's a very smart harness Dragonheart. It's great that you can match your dad when you go out.



wow don't you look fantastic. You did a great job helping your Mom and Dad select the purrfect harness for you.

I just wanted to let you know for some reason, our work computer has a very difficult time loading your page and sometimes it crashes on us and we can't get in. I know it our computer but that is why we don't comment daily. Does any one else have this problem?


Rosemary B❤️ said...

There they are... the two military men, patrolling the area for safety of others. Putting themselves in the face of danger...

You look snazzy in your new harness. We are very impressed with the fit and it looks superbly comfy, no pinching.

headbutts, Caesar

The M's said...

Nice harness.

LZ said...

I LOVE your new harness! I love how its color, its so you! Isn't it so comfy?? I really love mine a lot, its so easy to move around in. I'm glad you're enjoying!!


Anonymous said...

Dragonheart you look very snazzy in your new harness. And it is just like your dad's uniform!

Tink said...

Hi Dragonheart, good to see a familiar face! Your harness looks good on you.
I'm new to COT, just joined. I have sleeping pics of little Maia up.

Anonymous said...

You look strapping in your new harness!

Your Neice and Nephews are getting VERY vocal and VERY busy and VERY spoiled!


The Meezers or Billy said...

what a great harness Dragonheart!! you look like a little soldier!

Anonymous said...

You look very manly with your new harness, Dragonheart!
I love that it matches your daddys clothes. Everyone knows that you belong together. And I am sure that no one will do you any harm.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Woo, yoo look furry manly in yoor knew harness. Look at dem mussels! We is furry impressed...

Anonymous said...

I really like the camo and think it is great that you match your dad! You look as handsome as ever Dragonheart. Enjoy your new harness, if mine lived where they could get out onto others property they'd have one too!

Anonymous said...

I like the harness. You look so very manly!

The Crew said...

Oh D, your camouflage harness is great. We had to look hard just to find you 'cause you blend in so well!

You must have been very proud walking with your Dad.

DK & The Fluffies said...

DH is stylin'!

Suzanne R said...

You look very handsome in your camo harness, Dragonheart! And it looks like it is comfortable, as harnesses for kitties go.


Samantha & Mom said...

That is so neat that the harness matches your Dad's uniform! You look handsome as always in your outdoor pictures!
Your FL furiends,

Dorothy said...

That is so neat! A cool looking harniess. The kind Gretchen couldn't wiggle out of? You look happy to be outside with your dad.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

oh dragonheart! You look fabulous! I would love to lend you my army hat and matching cape. Then you could go off to work with your human! xx

Luna und Luzie said...

Oh, Dragonheart, this is a wonderful new harness. It looks good on you, like your dads uniform.

MaoMao said...

Oh man, yur kamoflage harness is WAY KOOL! I love it! And Brainball is droolin' ofur it -- she loves camo and olive drab and combat boots, too.

I think it's adorabble that you and yur Daddy match. You two sure are great furriends!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is a very neat harness you have. Guess what, I got my first harness yesterday. I haven't got to try it out yet. Probably not until next week, My Lady says. When will she ever learn that I should come first before anything else?!?!

FelineFrisky said...

How wonderful that you can explore in your new harness! You will be able to have such adventures now! D :)

Mr. Hendrix said...

Cat in Green like your Man in Green. I love it. You are very handsome and look even braver in your camouflage. I think I'll get my cousin Echo one like that for his Gotcha Day, he is a big Maine Coon so a soft harness would be nice.

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, you look so handsome in your camouflage harness! MaoMao is right, Brainball loves it. And how adorable that you and your dad match! It is fitting, since you are such close and special friends.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Irishcoda said...

Oh how nice, Dragonheart, now you can be outside safely! Our gang will not wear a harness. The most we've been able to do is get Mouse to agree to wear a leash to go out for awhile.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Wow, that is reeely grate the way yoo can match yer Dad win yoo go owt on yer harniss!!!!! Vary vary kool!

Unknown said...

Dragonheart, that is a very nice harness and stylish too. I have never seen a harness like that.

My Mum has recently bought me a harness, I will post about it soon.

Jimmy Joe said...

That is a super cool harness, Dragonheart! You definitely look like you're on a secret special kitty-op's mission.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That is a great camo harness....I almost couldn't see you in that last picture...

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Oh boy, Dragonheart! You look so handsome in that harness. We will have to have mommy look at that kind 'cuz we slip right out of the ones we have now.
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Unknown said...

oooh DH, we might need to get us each one of those cool harnesses! They would match our Man in Green....(who, by the way, will be home for good in about 2 weeks!)

TorAa said...

Mr Dragonheart, it seems you have solutions and equipment for every occasion

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

That is a fine harness, Dragonheart!
Very cool to match your Dad, you two look great!

Seeds said...

that cat looks like it would hate winter time... poor thing

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

My brother you look fit for any job in your snazzy new camo harness! I promote you to command sargent major!!