Saturday, August 25, 2007

Photo Hunters: Happy

About | Theme: Happy | Blogroll


First of all, I am very happy that my humans are home from vacation and that I'm back home with them! In this first photo, I am with my human dad. I am always happy when I'm in his arms or on his lap.

My Guys - Dragonheart and his human dad(Click photo for a larger image. Credits for scrapbook layout can be found here.)

The next two photos are of my humans on their wedding day. Both of them say it was the happiest day of their lives. I know they make each other very happy and are more and more in love every day. Oh, and since a lot of people tend to mistake my human dad's uniform in these photos, let me tell you that it is his Mess Kit / Mess Dress. It's the formal uniform of a Canadian army officer, and the equivalent of a civilian tuxedo. He serves as an engineering officer in the Canadian Forces.

Wedding Day(Click photo for a larger image. Credits for scrapbook layout can be found here.)

The Kiss(Click photo for a larger image. Credits for scrapbook layout can be found here.)


Miz said...

Hey, I get to be first!

I do like the photos of you in your Dads arms and the scrapbook pages are lovely! You Mom is very talented.

Smalltown RN said...

those are great photos....I love the one of them on the beach...yes they look like a very happy couple and you look so perfectly happy in your dad's arms...

Anonymous said...

Wonderful Photos and Layouts! I can feel the happiness in each one!

Anonymous said...

great set of lovely pictures that radiate happiness!

happy weekend!

NafaSg said...

Hi friend

We are inviting you to read our article on Looking For A Long Lost Friend to help Sandy search for her long lost friend.

You may post and copy the Looking For A Long Lost Friend post in your blog to help Sandy search for her friend and add our badge along with the article posted.

We hope that your act of kindness will be rewarded.

Thank you, friend
Best Regards,

jams o donnell said...

Great photos. They are all such happy images. My offering shows one happy cat and one cat yu wouldn't want to see angry! Happy weekend

Daisy said...

Those are some great Happy photos. They made me smile!

Anonymous said...

The best place to be is in someone's arms so I can understand your happiness. I am sure you get lots of hugs and kisses.

Take care,

YTSL said...

Hi Dragonheart --

Those sure are happy photos! Hope you have a happy weekend too!! :)

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, you look stunning in that set of photos and your humans look amazingly happy! Thank you so much for dropping by my happy place today! :)

Have a good weekend.

jmb said...

Lots of happy photos here. Lovely scrapbook pages. Have a happy weekend

Parker said...

Those are some very sweet photos! It's nice that your folks are home and that you are with them!

Unknown said...

Great photo layouts!

Melli said...

Oh dear Dragonheart! Your humans are so adorable! I just LOVE the wedding pictures - and your mom's wedding flip-flops! Sweeeeet!

Anonymous said...

Awww, they certainly DO look happy! What a lucky kitty you are!

Anonymous said...

great photos! thanks for stopping by! happy hunting!

Kate said...

:) wonderful! It's been really neat joining up in the photohunt... so many cool photos, and it seems we are all thinking of weddings!

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

All are wonderful, happy photos! I love the ones of you with your human daddy. Those are so precious. And the wedding photos of your parents are gorgeous. Weddings are always so happy. Have a happy Saturday Dragonheart!

JC said...

You're one lucky cat, DH :-)

Anonymous said...

What a lovely cat you are and how clever to communicate you thoughts and feelings on the internet. Cats make me happy!
Your owners look a lovely happy couple.
Sara from farmingfriends

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Dragonheart, I never would have thought you were a scrapbooker! ;-) Thanks for visiting.
Photo Hunters

Detroit said...

Thanks for stopping by! I love your cat! Or I should say that I like you?

Katya said...

Oh such Happy photos! I love them all, particuarly the one of your mom in her wedding gown and white flip flops!!!

Thriftin' Gal @ Junk In My Trunk said...

Nice to meet you, Dragonheart! Looks like you have quite a happy household :)

Susan Demeter said...

You look like a very happy family .. :) Thanks for sharing these photos! And cheers from Canada!

Mosaic Cats said...

What a heartwarming way to start our day!
We are so glad your family is all back at home together again, DH.

Ivÿ said...

thanks for visiting mine.

these are such happy shots. love it. =)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, happy pictures and great layouts.

Carver said...

I love the photographs. Perfect for this week's theme.

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful HAPPY photos, thanks for sharing them this weekend.

HartofDixie said...

All three photos are beautiful.
Thanks for droppin' by!

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful happy pictures!! Love the happy couple on the beach, beautiful! :)

Jimmy Joe said...

I love those pictures, Dragonheart! You sure do have a great momma and daddy. I can tell how happy you all are together. My momma says the thought of having a wedding on the beach in flip-flops makes her happy.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

PastormacsAnn said...

Wonderful! Wedding photos are THE BEST! Great choice for The Hunt. Thanks for stopping by my place.

Lux said...

Great pictures! Lots of love - always a good thing!

Anonymous said...

beautiful!! I love the scrapbook pages!!

Paulie said...

Beautiful HAPPY photos!!!!!!

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Linda said...

Those are some of the happiest photos I've seen - not just you but your humans, too. I love to hear about people being more and more in love every day and they sure look like they were happy on their wedding day.

Thank you for your visit and have a fantastic weekend now that you're home!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That is really really happy photos~!! Marry with someone who really love each other should be the most happy thing in the world~!!!!

Great sharing, so touched~!

Mo and The Purries said...

Great photos!
Your mom really has the knack for the digital scrap-booking!

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures. Those are very sweet.

Anonymous said...

Those are great happy photos. We are happy you are back Dragonheart!

MaR said...

I love your choices and the layouts are spectacular!!!

Ingrid said...

The pictures are very nice you look very happy on your Dad's arm ! And mum and Dad certainly were very happy on their wedding day !

Wilson said...

What a lovely happy couple....Thanks for the comments...Would it be possible to ex-change links with you?...Please leave me a message...Thanks...

Best regards,

Anonymous said...

You all look like a very very happy cat family!!!
And this was the first time I saw a bride wearing flip flops. *smile*
Well, I have to ask my male human if they wear them down there in OZ.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh wowie Dragonheart! These pictures are fabulous. You mommie is very creative. These three pictures are certainly ones that you can enjoy every day! Looking at them makes us happy too.

Puurrrrrs to you,

Patricia said...

What wonderful happy pages and photos! Thanks for stopping by Pollywog Creek and commenting on the happiness there, too! Blessings!

Samantha & Mom said...

You can't see, but we are smiling. Those are great scrapbook pages and you can see the "HAPPY!" radiating from them. You look so cute with your dad and your Mom and Dad look very happy. We are so glad you are home! Have a nice weekend!

Anonymous said...

Your humans look very "happy". Thanks for explaining the uniform.
Mama Bear

Chris said...

Brilliant happy photos.

A. said...

Good to see you're back - and happy!

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, your humans do look very happy in their wedding photos, but I would say that holding you is probably right up there!

sammawow said...

Oh, Dragonheart, those are all such lovely Happy pictures of all 3 of you! We're all smiling here now!

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Hot(M)BC said...

OH those are definitely happy pikshurs!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

There is no happy like a happy fambly! Glad yours is home. We'z finally done da's good to haf yoo back Dragonheart, wi missed yoo.

MaoMao said...

Dragonheart, those scrapbooking layouts are so bee-yootiful! And your beans look so in love and so happy. You're lucky to be their much-beloved kitty!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, again you have done a wonderful job. These are such happy photos, wonderful choices for today.

Reba doesn't have a Photo Hunt up today cuz I was too tired last night to help her do it, but she asked me to add you to her blog roll of places she likes to visit. I did that as well as I created a special blog roll on my blog too, called Animals that blog BlogRoll. We are both hoping you will add us to your links too... if you haven't already, that is.

Have a happy day!

Anonymous said...

I love your happy photos! Guess what? We have the same birthday! I was born on July 18th too.

Stine said...

Your humans look like they've got it right!

Jose said...

Nothing but happy moments, and happy memories. However I looked for your human dad and I couldn't see him, anywhere was he camouflaged or something? lol

ipanema said...

it is true that a wedding day is one of the happiest moments of a person's life. lovely photos! :)

Zoey and the furballs said...

Those are all very happy! But the best is that you're home!

Liz Hinds said...

Very happy days. And Dragonheart, you must be happy to be so loved!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are glad to see The Green Guy is home again...

We think we shoud add something to that, but we cant think of anything better than that he is home.

We guess that is the only important thing....

Andree said...

You are part of a very fortunate family, Dragonheart. May it last forever!

Gretchen said...

You beans are very nice looking. they look very happy. I think you mom bean is very talented with her scrapbook pages.

Jenifer said...

Beautiful pictures!

and definitely HAPPY!! said...

Those are reallly happy moment

Puss-in-Boots said...

Yay, Dragonheart! Your mom and dad are home...

It was lovely to see the photos too. I like the ones of your mom and dad on their wedding day...very romantic.

The Furry Kids said...

Those are really happy photos. Your mom is a great scrapbooker.

Joyce said...

wow great photos..perfect for the happy theme...happy weekend

Anonymous said...

Flip flops with a wedding dress? I love the idea! :D

Anonymous said...

What wonderful photos! You all look very happy together. That makes me happy too!

Anonymous said...

The wedding photos are just lovey! Very happy.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Those are great "happy" photos, Dragonheart!

SabineM said...

Great scrapbook photos! Definitely feel the HAPPY vibe!
Good choices for this week!

Boy said...

Wonderful happy pictors!

Everyday Healy said...

waw.... I wish I had such romantic wedding photos too..., wonderful! Great pick for the theme! :)

eph2810 said...

Wow - love those photos of your humans. And the one with your human dad is just very precious. I am glad that you are all back together. Thank you so much for sharing.

Heart of Rachel said...

I'm glad that you're very happy now that your dad and mom are home. I'm sure they are very happy to be with you again. Thanks for sharing these great photos.

Thanks for the visit.

Anonymous said...

nice shots.

Anonymous said...

i love the compilation of pictures and it was a great take on this week's theme :D

Angela said...

Wow awesome wedding shots with bridal flip flops! That's the way it ought to be. Thanks for visiting.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Those are some very happy photos, Dragonheart.
The scrapbooking sure is pretty!

~ Timothy

Unknown said...

holy cow! Look it all of those comments! And what a great set of happy pics. I'd be happy the humans were home again too!

Thanks for stopping by, and if you don't mind, please vote for me in a photo contest I've entered. Just return to my page again to click on the link to vote.

I need 200 plus votes! :)

lissa said...

Sorry but your comment was mark as spam so I didn't read it until now.

Those are nice scrapbook art work(is that what I should call it?). Very nice.

Thanks for visiting at my new blog.

Anonymous said...

The humans definitely seem happy and they are happy they have a happy cat! Great photos.

Anonymous said...

Great photos and scrapbook layouts! Someone looks very happy!