My mom has crocheted this beautiful snuggle, Maple, to auction off for MontyQ's BabyBean's medical bills. Please place your bid in the comments section of this post. There will also be a couple of Bavarian treats included for the winner! All proceeds of the auction will go toward BabyBean's medical bills. My mom will pay for the shipping to the winner. The auction will run until September 3rd, 2007, midnight Munich time (6 hours ahead of Eastern time).
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This is beautiful... we can start the bid at 20 US $$ .... bad kitty cats and megan
That is very beautiful!
WOW that is a superbly beautiful blankie - er - snuggle.
lots of our favorite colors!. We think that will go very fast!
That is such a beautiful snuggle! Your mommy is very talented. We will bid $25 USD.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Oh, please thank your Mom for me, Dragonheart! BabyBean sends her love for you-and belly scritches. (I've been teaching her how to give nice ones.)
That's a beautiful snuggle DH! We didn't know that your mom could knit! How great!
Luf, Us
Oh how wonderful Dragonheart! That's a byootiful snuggle! And your Mommy is furry generous to pay the shippin too!
That is really really beautiful~! And great work for BabyBeans~!
Gizzy quilts look so comfortable and pretty.
Just beautiful - can your mom share her pattern? DKM is just starting a blanket for her brother and this would be perfect!
Your Mom Crow-shays too!!!!!!
She is amazing! Must be relaxing for her after all that running!
Such a wonderful snuggle Dragonheart! I bid $30 for it.
So nice to have you back home again...I missed you very much:)
Love Peachy
Oh dear I forget to tell you I have tagged you for a very fun meme...come by for a visit and see what it is all about!
The snuggle is gorgeous and I know a kitty who would look fabulous on it. I will bid $35 USD for it.
Wowy - that is furry beeyooteeful!
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