Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Wordy Wednesday

Here I am hiding out, because I don't want to go to the Katzenpension (cat hotel). My humans are going on vacation for 10 days, and didn't want to leave me alone in the house with a cat sitter all that time, so I'll be staying in a cat hotel. Which means I won't have regular internet access to visit all my friends as much as I normally do. I will still try to sneak out and use the computer as much as possible, but if I'm not around much, you'll know why. At least the Katzenpension looks nice - there are lots of scratching posts and windows to look out of, and a fish tank, so there are fishies to look at too!

Like I said, I'll try to post and comment as much as I can, but it won't be as much as usual. I promise I'll visit you all again when my humans are back.


Anonymous said...

Wow, a cat hotel sounds like great fun! And you get to look at fishies! Do you get to eat them too? *hehe*

Tara said...

Hmmmm...katzenpension sure sounds like cat prison to me! Hopefully it will be better than that!

We will miss you!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Ten whole days! Omigosh, yoo'll hafta teleport over and we'll play together and our mom can give yoo some snuggles if yoo need them. We'll teleport in and visit too...ten whole days, how awful.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

katzenpension feels okie, I hope you will have a good time there, maybe you could make friends.

But, I certainly will miss you a lot and a lot~!!!!
You have to hang on~!!

Daisy said...

Oh no! I hope you enjoy your time at the cat hotel. Think of it as a spa retreat. We'll miss you lots!

Shaz said...

Hope you all enjoy your vacations, just think of the love those humans will shower you with when they return x x x

Christine and FAZ said...

EEEK! Good luck, we can't wait till your home and blogging properly again. You could come and spend some time in space with me if you like. FAZ

Parker said...

Come and play with us Dragonheart!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh goodness, poor Dragonehart. We wish we could come over and take care of you for 10 days.
I hope the kitty hotel will be a nice place where they will love you and give you loving care.

10 days is a long time. we will count the days.

(((hugs))) and purrrs Princess

Anonymous said...

Oh poor Dragonheart! I HATE Katzenpensionen. Actually I was only in one once but got terribly sick. One of the cats was ill and made us all ill..
My humans have promised me to never put me in a Katzenpension again.
But I hope yours is better and you can enjoy all the fishies.

Jimmy Joe said...

Oh man, Big D, we're gonna miss you. Have fun at the cat hotel, though--sounds okay. Aquatic entertainment centers are awesome.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Oh wow! Fishes sound good!
I sure will miss you a lot, so hope you can sneak into the office and just give us a quick 'Hi'

Hope your Mom and Dad have a good time, and you enjoy the fishes :)

~ Napoleon

Unknown said...

DH, we would hide too!

We'll miss you but try to have fun at the kitty hotel!

Anonymous said...

A cat hotel sounds wonderful. We've looked and there aren't any hotels around here for cats (specist area!). At any rate, the Woman has a cat sitter to come and visit with us while they are gone in September. I doubt she'll blog for us though..

The Meezers or Billy said...

don't forget to demand clean linens AND chick-hen and ham all the time. after all, you're paying to stay there, they should wait on your hand and foot

Tyler said...

We will miss you Dragonheart. It's kind of like you will be receiving your own mini vacation. You'll have to tell us all about when you get back.

Michelle said...

Well now that looks comfy. :D

catsynth said...

Sorry you're going to have to leave your family for a few days. The cat hotel sounds like it could be fun though. We have nice hotels and spas for cats around here - but I have a sitter come in for Luna, she's really nice.

Unknown said...

Ten days without your Mum and Dad will fly by quickly! Your Katzenpension sounds like a good place, it will be like a vacation for you too! I hope you all have a good vacation!

Monty Q. Kat said...

Maybe Skeezix can give you some cat-spa tips?

Anonymous said...

I have never been in a cat hotel. I don't think I would like it.

Rascal said...

Well, I hope they treat you well, Dragonheart. You deserve the very best. Enjoy your stay!

Shaggy and Scout said...

We hope the spoil you rotten there, DH!

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

OH NO! Ten days. Dragonheart, you are taking this very well. We hope you have fun at the katenpension. We'll miss you but we'll be thinking of you.
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Boy said...

They are going off and not taking you awong?? That's bad!
But a cat hotel might be fun.
Perhaps you could sit in the wounge dwinking cocktail, or enjoy the spas and jacuzzis, or make wots of fwiends with your neighbours!

Puss-in-Boots said...

There you go, Dragonheart, you're going on holiday, too...see it's not only moms and dads that have holidays. Handsome Sphynx mancats have them too.

But I will miss you, Dragonheart. I'm quite smitten with you and your beautiful face with those lovely eyes.

Anonymous said...

Wish you could come and stay with me!! Hopefully the days will go by quickly.


MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Dearest Brother! I always go to the Kitty Kat Hilton when my beans go sailing on the big ships. It is not so bad...I get roomservice too:)
I will miss you very patio is avalible just in case you can get away to catapult on over here. I will take good care of you!
love your sister Peachy

Forty Paws said...

Oh my goodness! 10 days in a cat hotel??? Mebbe we'll all teleport over to see you! Is your cell big enough for 10 of us?

Luf, Us

Around Your Wrist said...

i hope your visit to the cat hotel is good!

ben fuzz

ps we've tried the catblog center to learn how to make those expandable link lists...without success. do you have any advice?

The Furry Fighter said...

bye bye dragonheart - will mis you my whiskerless furrend!

Lux said...

Oh Dragonheart ... I sure hope that Katzenpension place turns out to be a luxury hotel, with whatever toys and food you like at your disposal.

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

Dragonheart, if you stay in Malaysia, I would offer to cat sit you while your parents are gone :)

TorAa said...

Katzenpension - without a mousepark and a fitnes center? You can not hang in the windows for 10 days - unless you report something of interest to report. Mieeew.

MaoMao said...

Dragonheart, we will miss you! And we hope your humans have a good time. Hang in there at the hotel! We'll be thinking about you.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart! We will miss you bunches and bunches. Teleport over and play with us Ballicai any time you like, my friend!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Karen said...

we already miss you. I hope you are having fun at the cat hotel.

Anonymous said...

I wish you very nice holidays maybe you will find some friends in your Katzenpension ! Nice holidays to mum and dad too of course !

Anonymous said...

At least it sounds like a very nice Hotel.Have a good tie and hurry back.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Ten whole days locked up??? Eeeew we hate it when that happens. Hope the Cat Hotel spoil yoo to bits cuz yoo deserve it if the Beans dessert you. Hope they have a good holly days though.

The Cat Realm said...

Poor, poor Dragonheart!!! We will send our purrs to you for the next 10 days! We hope the staff chose a 5 star hotel! Our maid once chose a not so good Katzenpension for her former employers in Germany and they got sick there!!!!
Come and try to sneak by before they imprison you:
See Anastasia in the Groucho Marx glasses AND I am giving away a price today!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

A cat hotel? I bet it is kinda like the place I stayed when I went mith Meowm last December! I wasn't to happy about the trip, and Meowm wouldn't let me I had to go!

Look forward to hearing from you when you get back home!

Samantha & Mom said...

Dragonheart we hope you are having fun at the Cat Hotel! We miss you!!
We will teleport over and come play with you, so you won't be lonely!!
Your FL furiends,

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

I bet if you had a great pet nanny like our Diane, you would gladly stay home. We luvs her!

We hope you have a wonderful time at your hotel.

Zoey and the furballs said...

Well at least it sounds like there will be some fun things to do there.