Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Cats on Tuesday: Having Fun!

Cats on Tuesday So yesterday I shared a video of myself playing with my trackball and my tunnel together. Neither toy is new, but combining them together is! It is lots of fun with the side tunnel of the tunnel on top of the balltrack, because the tunnel hides the ball sometimes, and it is fun to fish underneath it to get to the ball! Here are some photos of me playing with the tunnel and trackball together. It is tons of fun!


If you have problems viewing the slideshow, you can view the individual images here.


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Hey, Dragonheart, I will ask michico to find a toy for me, too.
Recently, my toy is not so fresh to me anymore, I think it has to wait for another circle will have fun, Hahahaha~~

Glad to see you have more fun. That's always good thing to be happy~~

Ingrid said...

I saw this trackball yesterday on your video, that's really a very nice toy ! For some unknown (Blogger) reason I couldn't comment. BTW did your mum buy your tent in Munich ? I asked so many petshops here because I want to buy one for Kim to put it outside under the roof. She always sleeps just under the sky often in the wet grass ! She really is a strange cat. As we go on Friday to the Garda Lake for a week and will stop in Germany before, I thought I could find it there maybe. The people in the petshops here in Brussels look at me as if I was mad when I describe a cat tent, lol !
BTW the Garda Lake would be something for you to discover even over a weekend it's not far at all from Munich and a lot of people living there go windsurfing to the Garda lake. It's very very beautiful ! Mr. Gattino comes from there and we will also do some family visits ! I have to dig out my Italian, lol !

Ingrid said...

Thanks very much for the info !! Never thought about IKEA and we have two here !

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

My brother you are having so much fun...I wish I were a playing kitty and then I would join you:)from inside the tent through the orange arm I would come sailing out after the ball!!
You are ready for Halloween with those colors:)
Love Peach

Daisy said...

Combining toys is a great way to have new fun with old toys! You are smart.

Andree said...

I keep saying I have to get that trackball thing and yet I never do. So now I have to put it on my todo list (oh that list is so long)!

Parker said...

I'm going to ask Mommy to put my trackball by my tent and see what happens! I looks like a lot of fun and I need more exercise - according to Mommy!

Luna und Luzie said...

Hi Dragonheart. You have a lot of fun
with your trackball. I have this toy too, but where is this featherthing in the middle ?
Have a nice day :-)

Luna und Luzie said...

Oh, sorry Dragonheart, I wrote a comment with the wrong name- Patch- I forgot to change the blogname.
Embarrassingly for me.
Ok, I know this toy, it is funny. If my mommy bought it , there was in the middle a long featherthing, but I played it off.

Tink said...

Both the video and the slideshow are fun to watch! The cats we had in the past didn't do anything with a trackball, but maybe Freyja, bastet & Maia will.

FelineFrisky said...

You look very happy with both your tent and your track ball. Play away! D :)

Rosemary B❤️ said...

We used to love that trackball. We went crazy with it and used to fight over it too :-/

We loved this slide show Dragonheart!

Happy Day sweet friend

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Look at dem mussels...us gerls can't get over how yoor mussles ripple when yoo move....furry nice!

LZ said...

I love playing with more than one toy at once, it is sheer bliss!!! Trackballs can be fun, maybe we should dig ours out again.


Tara said...

That does look like so much fun! I'll need to try combining toys also!

The Furry Kids said...

That tent looks like soooo much fun! Even more fun than a paper bag. I think Mom needs to go tunnel shopping.

Earl Grey

Forty Paws said...

Dragonheart, you are such a "playboy". Get it? We are so funny! Tee hee.

Luf, Us

The Fluffy Tribe said...

You look like you are having a blast Dragonheart ~The Fluffy Tribe

Anonymous said...

I love the tunnel. You really look like you are enjoying yourself here today! I am going to have to find those toys!

The Cat Realm said...

Yes, and it was fun to watch that video! Showed off your beautiful physic quiet nicely! Just like your Mom, you are a real athlete!

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart you are so cute playing with with your trackball. It is a good idea to put the tent on it too for extra fun!

The Meezers or Billy said...

we is trying to get our mommy to put a tunnel on our mousie track. but she's not fun.

Shaggy and Scout said...

You are so alert and active DH!

Unknown said...

Can I play with you my dear?

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The Crew said...

Oh...so that was your tunnel! We wondered why there was an orange cloth on your trackball.

DK & The Fluffies said...

You spin us right around Draco right around...

Hot(M)BC said...

Cool Dragonheart. I'll have to come up with some fun combos with old toys. Great idea!
your bud Pepi

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We like that tunnel, Dragonheart. Looks like the kind that makes a crinkley sound.

~~Bandit, Gracie and Timothy

Jimmy Joe said...

That was smart to look in the tunnel, D, to make sure the ball didn't go there. You have a good tail for balancing as you run around the track.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Celeste said...

Dragonheart, Buddy would love that!

Anonymous said...

That trackball looked like a lot of fun.

MaoMao said...

Kombining toys is a great idea! You look like you're havin' so much fun. I like kombining box wars with coffee stirrers.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

What fun toys -- and combining them can make them twice as fun! You look like you're having a delightful time, my friend.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Anonymous said...

That's it...I'm coming over to play!
Much Love,

Suzanne R said...

Such cute pictures of the ever-curious and brave boy that you are, DH! We wish we had toys like that, too! Maybe Meowmy will look out for them.


Samantha & Mom said...

Those are great pictures Dragonheart! We love out trackball and tent, too!
You are the most playful cat we know.
Your FL furiends,

Leslie said...

Hello Dragonheart - you're cute! It's very, very cold for about five months in Canberra, so I hope it is warmer where you are in Munich!
From Trixie the tuxedo cat - topcatrules.blog.com

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

What a great idea to combine the two, Dragonheart! You are so clever!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Lux said...

Cute pictures - that's a great idea about combining several toys to make one that seems new!

Gretchen said...

You have the coolest toys.


The Meezers or Billy said...

hi Dragonheart - to answer your question from the Simply Siamese board, yes, your little brother can join Simply Siamese!! We would be honored to him!