Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Cats on Tuesday: My Exciting Announcement

Cats on Tuesday I few of you already heard this announcement in the chat room, but I am making my official announcement here.

In December, I will be getting a little brother!!!

The kitten won't be coming from my breeder, unfortunately, because her August litter consisted of only one little girl, who is a furry Sphynx. (Yes, Sphynx will fur are still occasionally born - remember that Sphynx have been crossed with other breeds to create a healthy, robust breed with a wide gene pool. Also, the Sphynx gene is recessive to normal hair, although it is dominant over Rex-type curly hair.)

Another German breed had a litter of kittens on September 2nd (two girls and two boys) and one of the little boys will be coming to live with us in December! He will be a pointed (Siamese-patterned Sphynx). We don't know exactly what colour he will be yet, because he is still so young. Like with Stella's Meezer babies, the pointed Sphynx are born solid white (pink) and slowly develop their point colours as they grow older. The kittens' sire is a red-point and white and their dam is blue-point and white.

In these photos, the kittens are just one week old, so they are still pink and very young. We don't yet know which of the little boys will be coming to live with us (we'll see how the kittens develop) but one of them will become my little brother in December!

These first photos are of the two little boys. There are courtesy of the breeder, Miracle Love Cattery. (Click photos to view a larger image)

Male Sphynx Kittens - Miracle Love Cattery
Male Sphynx Kittens - Miracle Love Cattery
Male Sphynx Kittens - Miracle Love Cattery
The next photos are of all four kittens, along with their momma cat.

Sphynx kittens and mom
Sphynx kittens and mom
You can see more photos of their mom, as well as photos of their dad, at the breeder's web site:
I am very excited, and can't wait until December! :)


Ingrid said...

Wow ! DH these are very good news ! I am very happy for you, you won't be an only child anymore and you can play around with your little brother like Rosie does with Arthur ! When we crossed Munich I told Mr. Gattino that you lived here, we waved but you weren't sitting at the window !
I called my neighbor to have news of my little darlings they are all OK and Lisa is back to her old self, standing every morning at the neighbor's door and waits to be fed !!

Miz said...

Concatulations! A new baby brother, that is a great thing!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! How adorable! Such cute little treasures. I hope the mommy keeps them warm...the cooler days are upon you now. You stay warm too brother dear....I know I will with my new beddy:)

Luna und Luzie said...

Oh Dragonheart, how exciting news you have to tell. You are such a very lucky cat to get a little brother.
Cute little babies, I enjoyed the Photos.
Have a nice day !!!

Ramses said...

Oh that's such great news! :) Having a sibling around is such good fun, even if mine doesn't think I wash properly! ;) But they're great to snuggle and play with and best yet, you get to eat baby food again! Or you do if you're fast and just a little sneaky! ;)

Parker said...

Oh boy! A brother for the holidays! I am very happy for you - do you have names to choose from?

Daisy said...

Oh Dragonheart, this is so exciting! Congratulations on getting a new baby brother soon. I can hardly wait until he moves in with you. You are going to have so much fun!

None said...

What cuties! I just want to keep them warm purrr. The servants say there's nothing like a little kitten to add to the holiday spirit. There's been talk about me getting a sister or something but I hope its an urban legend because Im not the sharing type!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Dear Dragonheart.... how exciting! first of all, this has been on our minds. We were wondering when you would be getting your new brother!

How sweet! just looking at that pile 'o kittens. One of those are going to come to your house!

We love these pictures!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That is a very good news~!
you will be a very good brother~! Being a big brother is not an easy thing, but I bet you could do it prefectly~!

Those babies are very very cute, I love watching them very closely and detaily~! So much joy seeing babies~! I sincerely wish you are happy with your little brother.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Congratulations Dragonheart, this is so exciting. You'll love having a brother, and we are sure you will be a very good brother to him and teach him everything he needs to know

The Furry Kids said...

Wowie! That is very exciting!!!! Those little guys are cute. I like how their mom has her paw over that one in the picture. I can't wait to hear more about your new brother. You're going to have soooo much fun!


Monty Q. Kat said...

I was right! Wowzers! I'm so happy for you Dragonheart! Can we throw you a 'big brother shower' to help you get ready? :D

Forty Paws said...

Oh!! They are SO KYOOT! They are so teeny, tiny and pink!


Luf, Us

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Con Grat U Lations! Those babies looks so cute, it must have been difficults to pick which one will be going home with you in Decembers?

jenianddean said...

How exciting!! A little brother! ::spin:: And how cute are those little tiny babies! I bet you will be a great big brother!

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

The Meezers or Billy said...

yay! concatulations! mommy says that wif red points and blue points, he will be a purple point! HAHAHAHAHA. she's too weird.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting a brother Dragonheart! It will be nice to have a brother to play with, and you can teach him everything you know about being a mancat.

The babies are all so cute and pink!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Dragonheart! I think it's wonderful that you are getting a brother! This is so exciting.

And those kits--can I lick their little heads? I'm such a sucker for kits.

Tara said...

I so excited for you Dragonheart! I bet you will make a great big brother! I'm sure it will be hard to wait until December...


Starbuck and Torrey said...

Very, very, very exciting news! I can't wait to see the little guy as he grows up!

Tink said...

I didn't have time for COT today, but I'm glad I made my round anyway. Great news! You can't think of a better christmas present, can you? The kitties are soooo cute!

Anonymous said...

Oh BINKIES! We are so excited for you DH!

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh Boy,this is gonna be exciting watching a baby Sphynx cat grow.Bet you are excited!!

Milton said...

Wow a new bro. How exciting. You will have to teach all about the good stuff like how to play with the trackball and make biscuts & purr on your beans.
I hope you will share your blog with him and post lots of pics of the lil' guy.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Dragonheart! A little brother, wow! You two are going to have a lot of fun together. He'll keep you on your toes better than even your coolest kitty toy. And what a lucky kitten to have a great big brother like you!

The photos are adorable by the way!

sammawow said...

Oh Hooray for you and your new brother! We can't wait to meet him and see him grow up with you, Dragonheart! Those babies are SO adorable!

We loved looking at all the cattery pictures too!

Purrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Jimmy Joe said...

That is super exciting news, Dragonheart! A Sphynx with Meezer points--he's gonna be super striking. We liked those pictures of the babies, too, with their little kitten Yoda faces! May the force be with them.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Scout said...

Congratulations! I am happy if you are happy.

I am an only kitty and prefer it that way.

PS: My bean daddy is from Germany!

Dorothy said...

Congratulations! A baby brother, wow. He's so tiny.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

aaawwwww little baby cats!! Oh they are so adorable! xx

Unknown said...

Oh how EXCITING! A little brother, you are so lucky Dragonheart! Both of the boys look very cute and really small. He will arrive just in time for Christmas, how exciting.

MaoMao said...

Wowie, Dragonheart! I am so furry exksited for you! The little bitty Sphynx kittens are so purr-eshus, and I know with yur sweet and loving nature, you will love havin' a little bruther to play with! You will make a super-terrific big bruther.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Yoo are going to haf so much fun wif your new baby brofur! He's gonna haf lots of toys to play wif. Yoo will haf to learn to share. That's hard to do. Can't wait to see the pictures of him when you get him.

The Devil Dog said...

Concatulations! You will enjoy having a sibling. I do, even though she is Little Miss Perfect, Well Mannered, blonde, etc. But seriously, I love Lucky and I wouldn't trade her for anything. Ohhh, make sure you keep us posted with pictures and everything.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so excited for you and your family, Dragonheart! I can't wait for you to get a little brother -- I know you'll just love having a sibling, and your little brother will be so lucky to have you as his big brother and mentor. *smile*

And the little week-old Sphynx kittens are darling! They are making me feel all warm and happy and mushy.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Terrific!!! Lots of new kittens around in the blogosphere lately!
Can you update us as he grows between now & Christmas?

Samantha & Mom said...

Ahhhh! They are cute. A little brother to play with, that will be so much fun for you!! December isn't that far away either. Will you name your brother or the breeder?
Your FL furiends,

Anonymous said...

You will make a wonderful big brother!! Congrats!

Millie said...

Concatulations Dragonheart! You are such a wonderful guy, I am certain you will be a terrific big brother to a little cat! How very exciting!

Anonymous said...

This is so awesome! I wasn't happy to get my brother when he first came, but man it's so awesome to have him here. I cannot wait to see your new brother. Yes!

Unknown said...


That is exciting you are getting a brother! Fun! Although, you could have had Conner for a big brother! hahaha. (my mom says that wasn't nice).
Sorry we haven't been by lately.

Have a great day!


Unknown said...


That is exciting you are getting a brother! Fun! Although, you could have had Conner for a big brother! hahaha. (my mom says that wasn't nice).
Sorry we haven't been by lately.

Have a great day!


Just Ducky said...

Concatulations on being a future big brother. Keep us posted with pictures.

Lux said...

Oh, those babies are just absolutely cute - congrats on your new brother!

The Feline Sextet said...

Awww concatulations DH! They're so furry cyoot, we can'ts wait to hear more abouts dems and da advenshurs yoo's gonna haf wif yur new brofur!

Team Tabby said...

Oh, those kittens are so cute. Our mom missed our kitten stage, so she was very interested in the pictures. Congratulations on getting a baby brother, Dragonheart!

Moe & Mindy

Andree said...

congratulations! wow, that is exciting. they do have a bit to grow. think of all you can teach the little buy. personally i hope he's a red point. does cat gender have anything to do with the prevalence of a certain color?

just think, you can get all the baby pictures but not have the worry and fretting!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Wow, are you efurr lucky. I wood luv a little kitten to play with. My butt gets on fire, and I don't have anyone to chase, cuz Mittens hides and Patches climbs the tree. That is lots of naps, though, until your little brofurr arrives. Concatulations!

Precious Flower

The Crew said...

Oh, those babies are too cute!

I'm so happy to hear that you're getting a brother, D. When that happens you'll be elevated to the prestigious position of Senior Cat and your brother will become your assistant, or second in command, like Max is to me!

I'll tell you, D, it'll be great having a brother. You'll hang out together, play and share things like brothers do. You can teach him everything you know and train him to become a Mancat, exactly like I did with Max.

We can't wait to see what he looks like and find out what his name will be!
