In other news, Catster is honouring the Sphynx this week! Stop by and meet some other gorgeous kitties like me!
I am also honoured that Meeyauw awarded me the "Nice Matters" Award.

I would like to award this in turn to:
- Caesar & Princess: These are two cats that always have a kind word for everyone. They are very sweet and wonderful friends.
- Miss Peach: Miss Peach is my virtual older sister and her posts always display kindness and compassion, as do her comments.
- Sophia: Sophia and DKM are helpful and compassionate. Through their many auctions of snuggles they have helped many cats (and others) in need.
Oh dearest I go to sleep tonight...I do so with the happiest tears in my eyes. Thank you for honoring me with this lovely award. it is so very special to be....that it comes from you with love to me. I will think deeply who I can pass it on to. A reward on Labor Day, what could be more purrrrfect? Wedding bells for you and Stella?
Oah Dear Dragonheart, you certainly a nice cat.
Congratulations for have this award, you deserve it~!!!!
You are doing a great job patrolling! Congratulations on your award: nice does matter.
You are such a mancat, Dragonheart. Sesame is a mancat too, for letting Scarlett eat first. Hehe...
You're right, patrolling is furry Mancatly. Concatyoolayshuns on your award, and a very good choice of cats furr you to give the award to.
Great blog! Enjoyed visiting.
My Dear Manly Mancat Drake,
You are so deserving of this award, and I am honored to have you as my Mancat!
Purrs and Love to you,
What a great award! You deserve it! And you picked three great kitties too!
You look very brave patrolling the yard.Proper Mancat!
Congrats on your award,I think you are very nice as well.
Dragonheart you deserved this wonderful awardie... when I think of a nice mancat guy, I think of YOU.
And look at you patrolling the immediate area for your mom and dad.
You look so big and mancatly!
Thank you for nominating us! we are very surprised and happy to recieve this awardie from you! wow!
We hope you have the very best day ever!
headbutts, Caesar
You are one of the nicest cats around, D, so I'm really glad that you got this award! Your harness is perfect for going on patrol.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Concatulations! You deserve it!
deer dh,
1st--congratulashunz on yer award. it iz well dezerved.
2nd--i wuz verree eksited to see dat da sphynx iz bein spotlited on da catster! dis iz grate!
Patrolling looks like fun. You do deserve the award for being nice. Congratulations for being noticed!
Wow, Congratulations Dragonheart. You are so deserving of this award. You are the nicest and the best. Good job of patrolling your yard! Did you find any intruders? We'll go check out the Sphynx's on Catster! Have a wonderful Monday.
Your FL furiends,
You are one of the nicest cats I know! A well deserved award, and you selected some excellent cats as well!
Hey Dragonheart, hairless is just as mancatly as foofy for sure. I just get called a girl a lot cuz of my foofiness, so I'm a lil sensitive about that. *shakes head* Always something, huh? Well, us mancats can handle it!
ConCATs on the award, you're a nice cat for sure.
your bud Pepi
Yes Dragonheart, you are a nice and kind and also a playful Cat.Congrats with the well deserved price.
btw. Stompa left for the Summer season yesterday and back to his home. We have played with him at the Summer house since July 7. We miss him allready.
Concatulations on da award! It is well earned...wate, yoor difrint? Um, we must be crazy cuz we always thawt you were a cat. Oh, mom sez cuz yoo isn't floofy, well dat is not a big deal. Yoo'z a mancat and we know cuz we can see yoor big mussels.
Purrs DH - we are honoured with this award. Plus, we just have to say how manly and strong your mussles look in that picture. It's going to send all of the girl cats wild.
you certainly deserve the 'nice matters' award, dragonheart!
i'm glad to see you doing mancatly things like patrolling your yard. it's very important.
I love the Mancat Monday meme and frequently view the postings. This one gives me a chuckle because the Bad Boys are always doing what you are doing so well. You gave your award to wonderful people. (It''s nice that there are so many deserving folks.)
concatulations on the spotlight from Catster. Sphynx kitties are very unique and great so you deserve it.
You also deserve the "Nice Matters" aware. You're always very nice to everyone and make everyone feel good.
You're a very good patroller. That is a good Mancat pose!
happy labour day dragonheart. Might I also add that you look like a very stroong resilient outdoorsy type mancat. You are so gorgous and so nice, you do deserve that award. xx
Guess what we did, Dragonheart?
We just sent this picture of you in your harness to Blizzie at kollig. She is going to scream with delight when she sees you. She loves reading your bloggie.
^oh, and up there the comment from Stella.... woohoo :::steamy:::
Awww, Dragonheart, what a great awardie -- superduper well-deserved! You are such a nice mancat. And you picked great kitties to pass the awardie to!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Wow, congratulations on your award, Dragonheart -- it is so well-deserved; you are such a nice and kind mancat. And as always, you look very handsome! Happy Mancat Monday, my friend!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Blizzie finally had a chance to go to her computer and this is what she said about your picture of today:
"my goodness, what an adorable, PAINFULLY cute picture of DH."
Patrolling is very important. I like play "Mission Impossible" in my head when I do it! I think it helps.
you deserve that award so much dragonheart - your kind messages always lift me when i see them..
you sure do look manly there too! very handsome!
Nice *does matter, and you're the nicest!
Congratulations on your award Dragonheart! You definitely deserve it and are always a nice guy. That is a great photo of you patrolling your yard - very manly!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
You look very mancatly patrolling your yard, Dragonheart. It's a very important job. Congratulations on your award. You richly deserve it, as you are one of the nicest cats around. You picked very deserving kitties to nominate, too.
Dragonheart! We wuz tryun t'tellya how cool you am & da taptap t'ingys fwoze! Now we r bk & u so cool! Da Gang
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