This week's theme was hard for me. As a cat, I'm not very musical, except when I meow, and I don't have any photos of me mid-meow. My mom used to sing in Church choir and play flute back in Canada, but she doesn't do that here in Munich. My dad is tone deaf!
Finally, I decided to show you one of the things that you do to music. You dance! Here are two photos of my humans on their wedding day, dancing their first dance to Billy Joel's "Just The Way You Are." In these photos, my human dad is wearing his formal uniform, called a "Mess Kit." It is a Canadian Army Officer's formal uniform, the equivalent of a civilian tuxedo.

I know I told you (scrap layouts) how beautiful you both look there and how beautiful the place/wedding was- but I'm gonna tell you again - just beautiful!
Very lovely! :)
Oh, that is a good choice Dragonheart. Our mom and dad dance in da kitchen sometimes and it makes us wonder if they have lost their minds. Ded we ever tell yoo dat beans is weerd? Well, dey are.
Wonderful! Ypou both look good together!
Have a great weekend!
Wow these are truly lovely photos. What an amazing day that must have been.
You've got two good looking humans, Dragonheart.
Happy Photo Hunting.
Lovely photos of your Mum and Dad dancing to the music Dragonheart. You lucked out there.
Wow! That's lovely! =)
anyway, mine's up already here: Dear Me.
Have a pleasant weekend.
Those are beautiful photos. Have a great weekend.
I can almost hear the music! Looks like it was a beautiful wedding.
Come see mine.
Oh I like the song of your humans.
"I said I love you, and that's forever,
And this I promise from the heart
I could not love you any better
I love you just the way you are"
See, it made me sing while posting the lyrics. :D
Great photos. A nice take on this week's theme
These are nice pictures for music ! It's a pity that it was before you arrived ! You could have meowed in the middle !
Great Photo you got here! Come see mine!...
Happy Photo Hunting!...c",)
Beautiful photos you your human mom and dad. You are so blessed! Take care of them, as they take care of you. Have a great weekend.
Wow! What a glorious site for a wedding!!!
Good job for posting, Dragonheart!
Oh, what a clever and beautiful take on the theme!!
What lovely romantic photos, Dragonheart. You are lucky to have such a loving mom and dad.
Dragonheart, you are very right that this was a hard theme this week. But you came up with some great (and beautiful) photos to illustrate music. Good job!
Beautiful! Yes, what to do with music? Sing with it or dance! This is a very special dance!
Happy weekend! :)
Memories, memories... beautiful entry for the 'music hunt'! :)
Your humans look VERY beautiful!!!
Oh, a wedding by the water.Very nice.Good choice Dragonheart.I don't sing very well either.
Actually,not at all.Ha
Dear Dragonheart,
You must be so proud to have such a lovely couple for parents.
Thanks for sharing such beautiful photos.
Take care,
Aw, don't worry too much. I'm sure if you sing to your beans they'd love it. :D
what beautiful pictures! thanks for visiting me :-)
Those are beautiful photos of your Mom and Dad dancing to the music! They look so happy! Have a great weekend.
Your FL furiends,
PS: Thanks for the Photo Shop videos, mom is practicing.
Hey i am also not musical :)
What beautiful photos! They look absolutely stunning!
those are some beautiful photos! Very nice for the theme. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Lovely photos... very sweet & serene!
Mine's up; come visit (although Dragonheart would probably enjoy my photo from Aug. 25th more! LOL).
Looks like a perfect day for an outdoor wedding on the water. Great photos.
That's cool, my Mummy used to play the flute too and sometimes gets it out at Xmas to play carols and the like with the boy on his guitar. :) We like the little Kissmouse stockings on the tree that Father Kissmouse fills up with 'nip and cat treats for us better though! ;)
I love the wedding pictures, humans look so nice all dressed up! :)
"Just the way you are" is one of my faves too! And Dragonheart, your two humans look very nice and made for each other. :)
Your daddy and mommy look beautiful!!
Ahhhh....beautiful photos!
Happy Weekend.
My Lady says that your momma is sooo beautiful in that picture. She looks like a princess!
Wow your mom looks so pretty Dragonheart, very nice choice for the photohunt! Nermal say meeoow to you. Happy hunting and have a great weekend!
what beautiful wedding photos!
Lovely photos! Nice place for a wedding. LOVE THE shoes! ;-)
What a beautiful bride your mother made, Dragonheart. The guy she married was very lucky. Oh, and he was handsome :)
Those are very sweet photos of your mom and dad! Dancing to music is special.
We decided to play this weekend too.
Beautiful photograph. I love having a very special dance as the illustration for music.
How beautiful! What a lovely setting for a wedding!
Wow how romantic it is :p
The view is breathtaking. Lovely couple!
Thanks for droppin' by!
Hi Dragonheart,
Awww these are very sweet photos :)
Lovely. Dancing to music is a wonderful thing...
I was so looking forward to seeing you play the piano or something, lol... but those are terrific shots also. I hope your music plays forever!
awwe sweet Dragonheart, I missed you these last few weeks, but I surely am pleased you came to view my photos this week. Your is one site I look for each Sat. hunt! These are beautiful photos of your mom & dad...
Wonderful choice Dragonheart! Your mom looks so beautiful...and your dad's quite handsome :) You are sure lucky to have human parents like them!!
Great take on music! Wonderful photos!
What romantic photos - lovely
Dragonheart, that was very nice of you to put your humans pictures up for this theme. They are lovely pictures and a very good choice.
That just takes our breaths away!
Especially Mommie's shoes!
wow - picture perfect!
Wowie, those are bee-yootiful pickshures of your beans. So romantick and sweet -- yur momma's so purretty, and yur daddy's so handsome! Thankies for sharin', buddy.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
They are beautiful! :)
You are very lucky to have such wonderful parents, Dragonheart!!!
Oh, Dragonheart... such beautiful and romantic pictures! A fairy tale wedding -- so precious. You are a lucky kitty to have such wonderful and loving parents!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
We likes the dancing, our momma doesn't likes it when we sings though...meowl!
Ps. Did we tells you about the story our Momma wrote for HRH Yao-lin? Its on our bloggie, its 3 parts, buts its pretty cool!
These are very pretty pictures of your beans dancing to the music!
Happy WEek-end Drago!
You've chosen two beautiful photos of you humen wedding! I'm sure they dance very well!
I always enjoy looking at these photos. The dress is divine, the uniform is perfect. But the looks that your Mom and Dad give each other are unbelievable.
Wow, beautiful photos!
Hi Dragonheart. That's a lovely memory. I'm sure that day was filled with romantic music.
My entry is a little late but I already posted it.
Take care!
aw...they look so cute! very stylish wedding outfits! xxxx
so sweet photo from a lovely couple
That is sweet, Dragonheart. Your humans look very happy in those pictures! And there is an ocean in the back! I wonder where they got married....?
Thank you Dragonheart for your support in these hard times, it is very much appreciated!
Your friend Karl
Wonderful photo there, and definitely some wonderful moment
So romantic! You humans look very happy dancing to that music. Great pictures!
Lovely photos. Very happy humans. There are times when I'm sure my kitty is singing so I bet you have some musical talent in you, too! ;-)
Photo Hunters
Awesome photos for our theme of Music this week. What a perfect time to dance to music.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Beautiful photos of your human parents on their wedding day. Thank you for sharing them!
Those are lovely photos! Thanks for stopping by my first PhotoHunt.
I can definitely hear the music! Thanks for sharing and visiting.
Hello dear friend! I'm sorry that I left so suddenly without so much as a good-bye to anyone. I wanted to thank you so much for your very kind words. You have always been a favorite friend of mine. I'm blogging again, but from the other side. I hope you'll visit.
Oscar the Puppy Cat
this is just so sweet and i could just picture the lovely background music...Nice one.
thanks for dropping by
oh.... this must be a very romantic wedding! dance... seaview... lovely! thanks for sharing!
What if my wedding anniversary is done in this way... Mmm...just keep on dreaming! hahaha...
what a great couple you two make :) Beautiful.
Beautiful. Happy Photo Hunt, have a great weekend.
That is such a beautiful photo! And what a location!
Dragonheart, you're lucky to have such beautiful and in-love people as your mom and dad.
I had to take a moment to wipe away a single teardrop when I saw the photos of your humans -- then I snapped out of it and thought, boy if you could get your claws into all the tulle on her veil and maybe even that upswept hairdo, what fun that would have been LOL.
The look like they are making very sweet music together!
You have such a good Mom and Dad, Dragonheart! They look very happy :)
~ Napoleon
Very Very touching~!!
Beautiful pictures!
definitely beautiful! Great choice!
Just stunning! Makes me want to turn on some music, grab the hubby and start dancing :)
Great pictures.
Great photo and great song! I love Billy Joel.
I love weddings... ! Really lovely!
thanks for dropping by! :)
Beautiful choices.
Great photos, that looked like a good location.
That is such a romantic entry for this week! (or is it now last week? - sorry to take so long to be able to get round to commenting).
Wonderful and sweet photos!
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