Many of the items that I use in my daily life are made of plastic. In this first photo, I am drinking from my water fountain, which is made of plastic. The mat that it lies on is also plastic.

In this next photo, I am playing with my trackball. It is a fun toy! I love to bat the ball around and around the track. It is also made of plastic. You can also see my black and orange tunnel in the photo too. It is a great toy too. If you'd like, you can watch a video of me in action, playing with my trackball and tunnel.

I just saw those trackballs in the store the other day. I thought it was interesting because I know cats love to bat things around. Great idea,.. good photos and have a wonderful weekend.
Great Plastic photos~!
Yes, lots of things made of plastic~!! So is my waterbowl~!! And some of toys, too.
I like the picture of you drinking water, it looks healthy~!!!
I love the photo where you are playing with the trackball.
Sara from farmingfriends
Very nice photos of you with plastic things, Dragonheart.
Wow that's a pretty fancy water fountain Dragonheart! Nice picks for our plastic theme.
Great photos for the theme - but then, yours are always great! I love that water fountain.
Have a happy weekend!
PS... How did I overlook that you're in Munich?! I'm German. Well, used to be anyways LOL! :)
Dragonheart, U 2 has found plastic very useful - even to play with and eat from.
Have a wonderful weekend
PS Do your foodparents run in plastic shoes? miehehehe
My kitties have two fountains like yours, they like them very much. You used the theme well this week.
i love your drinking fountain. it sure is neat! :)
love those kitties, nice entry..thanks for stopping by.....
pls do visit also my other site.ty JhoPhotoHunt..
Hi Dragonheart --
And what's that orange thing in the picture? Is it made of plastic as well?
Hey, I have a plastic water fountain, too. I did not think of it for the theme this week though. My Mommie got the extra water resevoir for mine so she does not have to fill it up all the time.
I love looking at you with your long elegant legs, Dragonheart. You are such a beautiful mancat, it's probably because you are so loved...and you drink a lot of water.
WIt is good to see that plastic was invented for the pleasure and convenience of our cat overlords!
Great pics as ever of one handsome fellow. Have a great weekend
I like your water fountain. Haven't seen one around. Have fun with your plastic toys, OK?
Your plastic photos are PURRfect!!!!
Wow, look at all that great plastic! I wish I had a water dish like that.
Great take on the plastic theme. Nice photos!
Those trackballs are highly addictive. I know that my "Tomba" loves it so much.
The Rocky Mountain Retreat
What a wonderful waterbowl. I've seen those trackballs but never in a shop. I must see if I can get one for our boy sometime.
You have a lot of cool plastic stuff DH. Believe it or not, Prinnie is sensitive to plastic (it gives her pimples) so the things we eat or drink from are glass!
Happy Day
Very cool fountain! I need to find MomBean's plastic so I can buy one...
Dear Dragonheart,
Those are some great "plastic" photos!
Have you been tagged for the "How I Got My Name" meme? If not ... would you like to participate?
Your water bowl is plastic but it sure looks fancy.
Hope you and your mom are doing well.
Take care,
Mine is up.
Those trackballs look pretty neat--my cat always used a tennis ball or ping pong ball--every time it got stuck under the couch. When we would move the couch there would be a plethora of balls under there.
what? no photo of the PLASTIC LITTERBOX? ;)
We have a water fountain like yours, Dragonheart! I like drinking out if it more than the bowls.
~ Gracie
What great examples of plastic in our lives, Dragonheart! You are very clever! Happy Saturday to you!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Those are fun plastic shots. Too funny.
Thanks for visiting me. I think the way you have deposits on plastic bottles is the way to go. When I was a child they did that with glass bottles but they don't where I live in the U.S. anymore.
Great pics. Cool water fountain! :)
Oh, I would love to have a fountain like that!!! My female human is looking through the shops here in Sweden, but they don't have it. :(
Dragonheart you are awesome! Great plastic photos.
Dragonheart - my kitties have one of those ball toys too! It is a treasure! I did watch your little video... I'm wondering... do you go INSIDE the tunnel? Or do you just use it to play peek-a-boo with the ball?
Oh my dogs would be jealous if they saw your water bowl. Theirs probably wouldn't get so dirty.
Cool toys you have there and I bet that track ball keeps you amused for hours! That's a pretty neat fountain you've got there, too!
Thanks for visiting and have a fantastic weekend!
Great photos Dragonheart. They show some of the many different types of plastic. We like your drinking fountain too.
You got some pretty toys, Dragonheart!
I´m up with my favorite toy: Miss Piggy Plastic.
We have the same water fountain and scratch pad circle thing with a ball over here in Hong Kong! Small world!
ahh yes, the pet plastic - totallly forgot about that! good shot!
I'm so amazed at all our plastic! Happy weekend...
Very nice toys, Dragonheart!!! You must be a very happy cat :-)
Mimne mombean wishes there was a way to try out a water fountian, coz I'm not sure if I'd like one.
What a great fountain, dragonheart. My mom should get on because sometimes she or the boy knock into our water bowls and get water everywhere.
You´re a lucky one to have so many cool toys, Dragonheart!
Hey DH... fancy stuff you have there. Nice shots!
I bet my cats would love that trackball, too.
Fun! I like your fountain. That video of you with the trackballs really showed how athletic you are.
Will you do me a favor? Will you stop by my blog and vote for the picture that will go on my very own stamp??
trackballs sound interesting.
Nice water bowl!
I love those kitty fountains. I think that they really encourage cats to drink more water! My kitty never had one so we let the faucet drip for her sometimes. Anyway, thanks so much for all your wildlife comments!
Dragonheart, you are so very handsome... I know I tell you that every week, but it's TRUE every week! You might not like my photo this week (it's a DOG), but maybe your mommy would... come visit! :-)
I so love the the trackball toy you got there. Looks like a lot of fun.
have a great weekend! :)
Great choices. I wish my guys, Dodger and Oliver would play with a trackball toy--they are toooo lazy!
Great pictures. The fountain looks like a nice spot to get a drink!
I should get my kitties the plastic water fountain... Great shots!
I hope you enjoy your plastic things!
I really need one of those trackballs. They are way neat!
Hi Dragonheart. Thanks for sharing your useful and fun plastic things. I don't know any cat from here who has a fancy water fountain like yours. The trackball looks like something you really enjoy.
Thank you for visiting.
Looks like so much fun, Dragonheart! There's lots of nice things made of platic!
nice pictures of you with your plastics! My dishes are plastic too, but I don't mind- just as long as they are never empty!
So nice that have have some neat plastic stuff!
Well, Dragonheart you would love it over at our house with two kitty cats to play with!! Myrtle is a kitten!! Zeek is a big brown long haired kitty and he is so sweet! I love it that you have toys that make you happy! Myrtle found my new gift from Karen from our trip to the Smoky Mountains and she would not leave it alone so the only thing to do was give her the box to play with and put my new dish out for all to see!!
You have a nice nap this afternoon!!
Now that's some serious plastic!
I'm liking the fountain!
very neat photos. Check my entry too if u have time. TC
Ok, I am in love!!! Can you come live with me? ;))
Fun photos Dragonheart! You are always so cute. :) Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy those plastic toys!!
great plastic pics, Dragonheart!
How adorable! Good choice of photos! Mine is up too. Hope you can visit me :) Have a great week!
You've got really neat-o plastic stuffies, Dragonheart! I like that fountain! If I had onna them, I'd play with the watur a lot -- I love playin' with watur!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Great pictures, and nice toys. I see plastic and animals really go together :)
Flo's Place
What great pictures of you, Dragonheart! You have a wonderful fountain, and you always look like you're having so much fun with your toys!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
I'm comment number 73! You have a lot of fans following your exploits. Plastic is such a sensible choice for you Dragonheart.
It looks like plastic is very useful to you! I like your bowl; very neat!
Great photos!
Looking at you drinking water is making me thirsty. I shall drink from my plastic water bottle. ;-)
Cool little video of you playing! I always smile when I visit your site! Youre so darn adorable! My photos are up, come on over for a visit soon
Nice photos!
You are ONE lucky Cat! ;-)
I enjoyed the movie. I think Smokey would love the toy with the ball and his mom is interested in the waterfall. Could you give us a heads up on where to buy these wonderful "plastic" toys.
Great take on our theme for this week DH. I love your plastic water fountain and toys.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mine are up:
COol toys there
I have lots of plastics too. My foods and water goes in plastic bowls and I have a pretty red plastic tray they all go on to keeps it off the floor.
That is a cool water-fountain, DH. The water in my bowl doesn't move like that. I like to drink out of Momma's bedside cup, though.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Cool water bowl you got there Dragonheart! I bet my kitties are jealous. Thanks for sharing and visiting.
Those are wonderful plastic examples that you've provided DH!!!
Luf, Us
nice water fountain u have, dragonheart. My dog will sure jealous if he sees this. LOL
Wonderful Plastic toys! Amazing how many things are made of plastic! Have a great weekend.
Your FL furiends,
it looks like your havin fun with your toy and drinkin from your fountain
Dragonheart, those are fab pics for this week's theme. The video of you playing with your trackball features one of my all-time favourite tunes, You Spin Me Round by Dead or Alive.
My dog has a plastic container full of "toys." Now if I could only teach her to put them away. Great choice an photos for this week's theme!
hey! nice picture of you and your trackball! =)
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