#35 - 13 Things About My Future Sibling
(Photos to the right courtesy of Miracle Love Cattery)
(Photos to the right courtesy of Miracle Love Cattery)
My future sibling will be a little brother! We don't yet know which of the two little boys you can see to the right that he will be, but he will be one of them!
- He will be a Sphynx, like me, since my dad is allergic to cats, but fortunately isn't allergic to Sphynx! (Some people with allergies can tolerate Sphynx, others can't.)
- He doesn't have a name yet, but he will be named by his breeder, Miracle Love Cattery.
- He is a pointed Sphynx, which means he will be patterned like a Siamese.
He is still very young, so we don't know exactly what colour he will be yet. Pointed kittens are born all white (pink in the case of Sphynx) and their points slowly develop as they grow older.
- He will have blue eyes.
- He will come to live with us sometime in December. He needs to be between 12 and 16 weeks old before he can leave his breeder's.
- He was born on September 2nd.
I am really looking forward to having a little brother!
- It will be wonderful having someone to play and wrestle with!
- I love cuddling with my humans, but it will be nice having someone about my own size to cuddle up with, especially when my humans aren't around.
- It will be fun teaching him all about our home and how things work here.
- I am very excited and happy to be getting a little brother!
OMC!!!! I can't wate to meet him!!!!! Thoze fotos are so kyoot!
Congratulations! Those are some very cute babies.
My TT is dedicated to cats this week and I have a photo of a very sweet Sphinx kitty, too (although I'm certain not as sweet as Dragonheart!)
Dearest brother...you are so sweet to comfort me and I thank you so. Sometimes I just get very sad. Mommy is happy today because I ate well. I also got a nice bath.
Your baby brother is delightful and I have talked to his breeder:)
Breeders here in the USA say he has a good reputation. That makes me real happy.
Love Peach
Such wonderful news, congratulations!!!
Except the new brother part, I think the most excited part to me is he is having blue eyes~!
Then you will have a per of green eyes and blue eyes in your family~!!! That is very very beautiful part~!!!
I am very excited for your your family, too. I like it!!!
Wow! That sounds so exciting! A new baby sibwing!
I'm sure you'll be the best big bwother to him!
We can see you are so excited, Dragonheart, about yur new baby brofur. We can't wait to see you two together.
Moe & Mindy
Oh boy! You must be so excited! I wonder what his name will be?
Congrats! And hope you have many fun filled days with your cute little brother :D
That is really great news, Dragonheart!
I am happy that you get someone to play with.
Although I am very happy to be the only cat in the house, I sometimes wish I had some cat to play with.
Oh it's great having a proper kitty sibling! :) My Dad was allergic to cats before Mummy got us and some cats still trigger him, but Aby's don't! :) Apparently we're kinda special like that too for some people...
OH Dragonheart, they are so small and cute. You must be so excited to be having a baby brother. Brothers are great for snuggling and playing with. They are also good for helping you to wash behind your ears where it is difficult to reach.
This is soooo exciting! I cannot wait to meet your new baby brother. You are gong to be a good big brother Dragonheart!
Congrats on the new sibling :)
Happy TT
Dragonheart we are excited too. Both of those boy kitties look really wonderful! maybe you can ask your mommie if you can have tow new brothers!! I mean, what is one more? not much more work. and you could help.
Purrrrs, Princess
That is exciting news!! He's one lucky kitten to come into your faimily. It's great having sibs! You get to play and rassle. The best is snuggling. Oh I can't wait to meet your baby brother! December needs to get here quickly.
Looking forward to more pictures of your brother as he grows into his points! You are lucky to have a snuggle partner for those cold winter months. My male servant is also allergic to cats but he has not a bit of a reaction with me.
Congratulations, Dragonheart. Please post lots of pics of your new brother as he grows up.
Oooohhhh! A bebe brudder! How kyooottt! Concatulations!
Luf, Us
Look at the little, baby sphynxie cats! We can't wait to meet him! You are going to have so much fun. Don't tell EG I said this, but it's pretty cool to have a brother.
PS - Momma and Daddy went to a German restaurant last night and thought of you. Momma ate some German potato salad in your honor. ;)
We are so excited for you!!! He is so adorable and you're going to have so much fun playing and snuggling together.
Congratulations Dragonheart. Whichever one it is he's going to be lucky to have such a great big brother like you to teach him the ropes.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
It's so neato yoo's so excited about yore little brofur. They's furry cute. Can't wait to see what colors he is when he's bigger!
I'm very excited for you Dragonheart! I can't wait until you can take him home!
Can't wait for the pics! Happy TT!
I am excited to see the Sphynx Siamese!
You probably will be a good brother or more a father in the first time, just like Arthur. Male cats are really cute with kittens, females are terrible once they are not mothers anymore. I experienced it with my cats and heard it also from friends. It will be an already quite big brother when he can come and live with you when I think that "street" cats are leaving their mothers with 6 weeks ! Rosie is now a little more then 4 1/2 months and already behaves like an adult cat ! I always call her my "Minimiez".
Dragonheart, you will be an awsome big brofur!! don't werry when at ferst you bof is all hissy wif each ofurr - you will werk it out and be best buddies!!
Concatulation on new brudder. As long as you are happy. I would not want brudder. Or sister.
What great news! I think the little ones are very cute, and know you will enjoy having a little brother.
Congratulations. I sure hope brothers aren't as much of a pain as sisters. *lol*
Oh my gosh...the sphynx kittens! I want one SO BAD.
How exciting! Your little brother looks like a cute little peanut now. I can't wait to see what color his points will be. You'll have to put up pictures and show us.
I can't wait to meet your little brother! Will your Mum and Dad use the name the breeders give him or re-name him? Your little brother looks so cute in the photos - Oh, I can't wait to meet him!
Oh boy,this is gonna be good! I get to see a little Sphynx cat grow and develope.I did not see you as I am new ,here.
I bet you can't wait for your little bro!!!!
I am very excited for you Dragonheart, I think you rlittle brother will be easy to boss around. I mean, good to snuggle with.
Oh Dragonheart...a little brofur is a grate thing! Yoor gonna be such a good big brofur teaching him about toys, harnesses and baths! You are very lucky!
Wow that's good news - they both look sooooo cute - you will definitely have a great time with your brother :)
Dragonheart, how absolutely wonderful!!!! I am sooooooo happy and excited for you, this is the very best news in a long time!!!!
When will he come? I can't wait to see more pictures!
oh mygod look at those litle darlings! and pointed to!!! i wonder if they will be blue or seal!?? i am so excited for you dragonheart! can i come over and play?
I think I am as excited as you to meet your brother, Dragonheart. Your mom's video-making will increase exponentially I bet. I'm wondering what his house name will be (when I raised Maine Coons we had show names and house names).
Thank you so very much for your condolences. I know they comforted Anna. You are very kind.
I can'ts wait to see a picture of you and your new brother.
Wow...I've never seen kitties so young and hairless before. The Woman says they kinda look like baby hamsters...she can't wait to see what your brother will look like when he's old enough to come home and meet you. I'm thinking it's gonna be pretty cool too--at least your people let you know ahead of time another kitty will be coming!
Oh Dragonheart, you will have so much fun with your new brother, you can't even imagine. I have a great time with Lucky, even though I tease her, but I am never alone and I always have someone who loves me.
That's very exciting! We are looking forward to watching the new little one develop.
Dear Dragonheart, we are smiling here thinking of your with your new little brother!!!!!
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
WOWIE! WOWIE! WOWIE! We're doing the happy dance for you, Dragonheart!!! This is such great news! Can't wait to see him grow and can't wait till you guys are together snuggling away!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Awwww, the little Sphynx kittens are just precious, and I'm so excited for you that you're getting a little brother! You will love having a sibling *smile*.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
I cn hardly wait for you to get your little brother!!!!!
Having another cat to play with is so much fun. We are sure you will both have a ball.
Although Sockie~Pooh says we are pest sometimes. Big brothers can be so 'mean' sometimes. But we are sure you will be a model big sibling.
~Scylla & Charybdis
What great and exiting news ! In the House of Chaos we are all brofurs, so we know what it will be like. Much cuddles and snuggles and struggles ahead !
Welcome to the new tyke,
Loup-Garou, Zorro, Bean Sidhe and Hrimnir
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