This week I bring you some more photos from the trip my humans took in August. This time, I am featuring photos from the city of Nancy, France. Nancy's collection of 18th Century buildings and monuments are on UNESCO's World Heritage List.
#32 - 13 Photos of Nancy, France
Wow, great pictures. Happy TT
A photo Thursday 13 is a great idea!
That are very nice pics, Dragonheart!
My female human says that they reminded her of Montpellier and Paris. The French always have very monumental architecture (one of her subjects at uni was art history and she took lots of classes in architecture).
Oah dear~!
These are really really beautiful~!!!
You are so lucky that live near those beautiful famous scene~!!! It's more convenient to get there. As for me will fly very long and take too much money on air-tickets~!!!
Oah, I enjoy the photo so so much.
Love the pictures.
Happy TT
Wouldn't it be fun to play in some of those places? Hide and seek would be a blast!
Those are some beautiful photos. I especially love the fountain.
Hmmm, we've seen dat arch thing somewhere afore...nice pikshers, yoor beans sure do some fun things.
Wooohooooo gorgeous pictures!
One of the best things about living abroad... traveling and seeing all of that olde stuff.
Great pictures.
Happy Day Dragonheart
France looks like a very beautiful place. Thanks for sharing those photos!
I'd love to visit a lot of places in France, but Nancy sure is one of them. Great pics!
My TT shares 13 (quotes from) lyrics by Robbie Williams.
Great photo show! Mom would like to visit that place some day!
Sigh...the LL is SO jealous. She never gets to see anything so gorgeous and historic.
Haha, if your mom wants our horse I'll ship her out!!! That animal takes way too much of MY LL's time anyway.
Great pictures! The fountain is really pretty. Did they see any cats drinking from it?
What cool buildings too. We don't see that kinda stuff much around here in Cincinnati, Ohio.
wow thoser photos are beautiful., Nancy looks like a very beautiful place, gorgeous buildings and architecture! xxx
Beautiful pictures!! Some of them remind me of Wuerzburg. I hope you've been there. I have some pics of Wuerzburg on my blog from this Summer. (July 1 & 3 posts)
Happy TT!
Great photos!
Those are cool pictures, Dragonheart! My momma loves France, but she's never been to Nancy.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
I love coming over here and seeing the world through your human's eyes. More great photos! Happy TT Dragonheart!
Wow,very beautiful and ornate. The fountain is gorgeous.
Oh wowie, Dragonheart. Such bee-yootiful pickshures! I'm glad yur beans had such a fun and fab-yoolus trip.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
I would love to go to France. Nice pics.
Oh wow, Dragonheart! Such beautiful pictures of a majestic-looking place! Thank you so much for sharing them.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
I have not been to France and thank you for sharing this tour. I think that the photos remind me a lot of the buildings in the heart of Munich too. What do you think about that?
I also thank you so very much for your bid on HOPE...you are the sweetest brother ever:)
those buildings remind me of Vienna! my meowmie's brother lives in Vienna....I am glad my brother doesn't live in Vienna! I would mis him
Oh, I have given you an award! :)
Come on over xxx
Those are some really neat pictures!
Those were very nice pics. My Mom is jealous. What did you do while they were gone?
What a beautiful place!! I wish I could travel to some of the places your family has been. Just amazing!
Is Nancy, France, named after Miss Nancy frum Romper Room? I LOVE Miss Nancy on Romper Room!
Those are beautiful pix Dragonheart! My Mom went to Austria for several weeks about a squillion years ago. She said these photos remind her of how much fun she had then.
I'm jealous! I love France.... Ah, I need a vacation!
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