Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wordless Wednesday: Oktoberfest (Sept. 22 - Oct. 10 in Munich)

Oktoberfest(Click photo to view a larger image)


The Cat Realm said...

Hahahaha, Dragonheart! Don't drink too much of that beer! We looked at the opening pictures of the Oktoberfest - it gets crazier every year! Are your beans going?

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

You look very cute with that beer~!! I always want to be Munich during these days~!! Because I love beer as well~!

I hope your beans has great time during Oktoberfest.And please sure more pictures of this subject with us~!!!

Gattina said...

Pay attention ! and ask for 3 more litterboxes if you drink beer at the Oktoberfest ! I heard they have installed 4000 toilets and 3000 pissoirs !

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hope you're not an under age drinker Dragonheart.

Karen Jo said...

I see you are checking out the Oktoberfest Bier, Dragonheart. Don't drink too much. I'm guessing the most popular question in Munich right now is "Hell oder dunkel?" Grin.

Anonymous said...

Oh Mr. Kitty is going to drink some beer. LOL. No dressing up like a dog after you've had a few.

jams o donnell said...

Haha great pic but please drink in moderation. Cats should not drink more than 12 bottles of Oktoberfest bier in any one day!

Daisy said...

My Mommie wishes she could have some German beer!

Parker said...

Mommy and Daddy would love to go to Munich for Octoberfest!

Ramses said...

Oh boy Octoberfest! I hear they have good sausages during this time too, boy do I like sausages!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Looking goodly Dragonheart!!!

Happy WW and Oktoberfest!

Anonymous said...

Ah, PROSIT :-)

Lucky thing you're already in bed, in case you should get dizzy from all the beers.... *giggles*

Mickey's Musings said...

Is that Catnip beer?
Mom thinks it would be nice to be in Germany for Oktoberfest.
Remember,Don't drink and Climb!

The Furry Kids said...

DH, you're such a mancat!


Hot(M)BC said...

Is that stuff good Dragonheart?
your bud Pepi

Sparky Duck said...

get me a Heifenweizen Dragon

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said... you old enough to be drinking that beer? We don't Oktoberfest until last weekend of Oktober. And it almost always rains for it.

LZ said...

Oh wow, is that catnip beer? I bet with all of the different kinds they could make it out of nip!


Carrie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Oliver said...

Oh, now that looks like something that would be right up my daddie's ile. He loves that brown bottle stuff, mommie thinks it's icky!

The Furry Kids said...

Yeah, DH, I'm an American football ref. Which is funny because Mom doesn't really like American football. She much prefers "real" football (ie soccer), but don't tell my dad. hee hee


Rosemary B❤️ said...

What a very cute ....errr, uhm, I mean very manly picture of you, Dragonheart.
I hope you have a lovely Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

have a wonderful Oktorberfest--don't drink too much! Cute photo.

Siani said...

Ooh no, Dragonheart. Don't drink it. Alcohol can make cats very sick. I'd hate for such a gorgeous guy as you to get sick! Happy WW.

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, you are a party animal. :)

Have fun with all the barmaids. ;)

Catlady4 said...

Hehe! Happy Oktoberfest, Dragonheart!

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart are you old enough to drink that beer? Our dad likes beer too. Mom never got to go to Oktoberfest because she was only 10 when they lived in Germany.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Dragonheart, I can imagine you as the sexy babe who pose for the beer. Sexylicious (= hehehe

Anonymous said...

You look like you are already enjoying Octoberfest!

Milton said...

Now *that* is a mancat pic!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Is dat beer better den da stuff mom and dad drink? Cuz da stuff dey drink is icky...oh, mom sez we wood not like ANY beer. Hmm, maybe a nip brew? As always, you are very handsome...

Team Tabby said...

Dragonheart, you has yur beer all picked out. Happy Oktoberfest 'n have some fun (not TOO much fun).

Moe & Mindy

Boy said...

Mine Mummy woves them. But I don't understand. They smell, well, weird.

cube said...

Now that's a cat after my own heart.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

haha surely that is illegal!! ha ha xx

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Mom likes that picture of you cause she can see your cute feet!

Happy Oktoberfest, Dragonheart!

~ Bob

ASTOR CATS said...

That bottle looks almost as big as you are. Maybe we's need to come over and help you wift it. Nothing like a good beer and braut.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

DK & The Fluffies said...

Time to bring out the Bockwurst!

The Devil Dog said...

Well, that's a great picture if ever I saw one. Is that stuff good to drink, though? Mom doesn't drink anything like that. Dad does.


The Furry Fighter said...

oooh Oktoberfest is so much fun! all those big tents full of grog! my meowmie went one year and she had some drinks which made her lose her balance and senses, the drink was in a giant glass mug thing - which somehow shattered across her hand when they did the 'cheers' thing...and she ended up having stitches!!! she still has a small scar!

Anonymous said...

Glug, glug, glug.

Samantha & Mom said...

That is a cute, cute picture of your Dragonheart! Have a wonderful Oktoberfest!
Your FL furiends,

MaoMao said...

hehehe, you look kool with that brewsky, Dragonheart! I hope you have a superduper Oktoburfest!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Andree said...

NO NO Dragonheart! This is the first time I have seen you be naughty!

My daughter's cat died last night, and you were, truthfully, the first cat I thought of. I blogged about Kitten. We are all so sad. So I thank you for this post because I actually smiled again.

Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

*giggle*, what a cute picture of you, Dragonheart! I hope you and your humans have a wonderful Oktoberfest.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Does thats beer smells good? You's look like you's enjoyins it.

momsbusy said...

maybe yus cood be a spokescat fur that beer company. they cood pay yus in tempatations and nip!

yuki & kimiko

Lux said...

Have you been hitting the bottle, Dragonheart???

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Did you drink that? Did you get tipsy?

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Ein Prosit ...ein Prosit ...zur Gemutlichkeit!
Mommy wants a Brezen and a Radi! Oh and a Schteckerlfisch too!
Actually she wants to pet the draft horses!
She just wants to be there period.......