Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Cats on Tuesday: Road Trip & My Little Brother

Cats on Tuesday I'm enjoying my virtual road trip with Roxy, Lucky, Mickey, Georgia, Tillie, Mindy and Moe, Karl, the Meezers, Parker, Monty, Mr. Chen and Ollie, and Millie. I have to remember that there are speed limits everywhere in the U.S., instead of just in certain regions of the Autobahns here in Germany. You can check out all the road trip details on Roxy's blog.

While I'm busy with all my friends, I thought I would share some new photos of my little brother with you. He is still living at his breeder's place, and will join our family around Christmas. He doesn't yet have a name, but his breeder will name him. Of course, if we don't like his registered name, we'll choose a different daily use name for him.

He is a Seal Point Sphynx, which means he has points, just like a Siamese. The points are harder to see on a Sphynx, due to the lack of hair, but you can see his points starting to come in on his nose and his ears. Isn't he a cutie? We are all excited to have him joining out family soon! It will be wonderful to have someone to play with, snuggle with, and wrestle with! Photos are courtesy of his breeder, Miracle Love Cattery.

Seal Point Sphynx kittenSeal Point Sphynx kitten (Click either photo to view a larger image)

Don't forget to vote for me in Skeezix' Hallowe'en Costume Contest! You can view my entry here. Thanks!


Kimo and Sabi said...

He is a good lookin' sphynx too!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Wowww, he is very unique like you are~!
Does he has blue eyes? I think those are blue~! He seems a very very nice lovely kitty to me~!!

And have fun with your friends:D~

Luna und Luzie said...

Oh he is a real cutie. A kitty with blue eyes.
Bleiben die Augen so blau ? Das sieht sehr außergewöhnlich aus.
I´m so glad for you Dragonheart, that you have a lovely little brother!!!

Tink said...

Wow, what a cutie...
My COT is about Freyja and flames.

Daisy said...

Drive carefully, Dragonheart! I have a pot of lizard stew ready for when everyone gets to my house today.

Your little brother is adorable.

Parker said...

Holy Cats! He is a cutie-pie! You two are going to have so much fun!

The Devil Dog said...

Your little brother is very cute. The waiting to have him in your home must be driving you nuts! Good thing we are having so much fun on our road trip.


Cat Naps in Italy said...

What a good looking cat! I bet you can't wait for him to join you in your home. Did you know that Roscoe and I were Christmas gifts for our human? What a wonderful Chirstmas that was for all of us!

Opus (and Roscoe)

Ramses said...

Oh he's cute and one thing you don't have to worry about is having a little sibling who want's to groom all your furs off you, 'cause you don't have any to start with... I'z sure Isis wants me bald! ;)

ASTOR CATS said...

He is going to be a wonderful addition to your family. We can see his points beginning to develop.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

Celeste said...

He is beautiful! It will be fun to see you together playing!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Dragonheart! He is soo sooo cute. He has bloo eyes too.
Oh my, he is so little. You will have a huge responsibility taking care of him and showing him how to be a good boy!

Happy Happy day to everyone

Celeste said...

We cast 10 votes for you!

Laura said...

oh my, look at those EYES!
He looks big to us, or like he'll be a big boy.
We love his back feets, too!
Mosaic Cats & Lady

The Furry Kids said...

He's so cute! I can't believe how big he's gotten. You guys are going to have so much fun.

Have a blast on your road trip!


Mickey's Musings said...

What a cutie! You really can see around his nose, the color developing.I think he will be very handsome.I bet you are getting so excited as the time is getting closer.Can'y wait to see you together!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Dragonheart, we is hafing an AWSOME time on our road trip!

your little brofurr is so adorable!

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Dragonheart, your brother is ADORABLE! And what lovely frootbat ears! I bet you can't wait until he gets home with you!

Purrrrrs, China Cat

P.S. I'm glad you are trying to drive carefully on Lucky's Road Trip. Willow & I are trying to catch up with you all when you head west after leaving Daisy's house. That Lizard Stew sure sounded good!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, your brother is soooo cute, Dragonheart!!

He is already a beautiful pointed boy, and although the points are sometimes harder to see, his blue eyes are impossible to overlook. But because Sealpoint is the darkest color, I think you can see it very good when he is older. Our Djenna is Redpoint with fur and some people don't that is a Siamese coat.

Have fun at the Road Trip and be carefull at what you eat.:)


The Misadventures Of Me said...

Your brother is so cutes!

I bets you have a huge welcome party for hims when he gets theres.

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

He is beautiful! And quite the natural from Frootbat Friday. Do you think he will grow into those ears?

Tybalt said...

You are so lucky to be getting a little brother! Sisters are sooo hard to deal with. And he has points and blue eyes, just like me! I can't wait until he comes to live with you. I'll have to come visit.

Have fun on your road trip!

Ingrid said...

How sweet he is !! Such a little darling ! I hope you get quickly used to him, I count on you ! Except Kim, my female cats are just accepting little Rosie but hiss when she wants to come closer ! But with Arthur it is love with a capital L !
I am still here I only leave on Friday and Mr. Linky is as usual on my blog there must have been a misunderstanding it's only from next week on on Meeauw's blog. I didn't dare to ask you because you have so much to do to answer all the comments you get daily now !


How do you think you're going to like having a brother?

Abby (on the road again with all my furfriends)

Monty Q. Kat said...


Oh my cat, could he be any cuter???

jenianddean said...

How excited! Your little brother looks very handsome like you. I'm sure you are counting down the days until he comes to live with you!

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

He is cute, cute, cute!!!
I can't wait to see him in your family.

Gemini said...

Oh he is going to be a handsome Sphynx Dragonheart. I will have to go over to Roxies--who I haven't met and ask them to bring you to see our ocean too--not just California!

Anonymous said...

Oh Dragonheart he is adorable! I bet you are so excited to have a little brother. You can teach him everything you know about being a mancat.

Sassy Kat said...

Wow, a little brother how neat is that. He is a cutie. You must be so proud.
I stopped in today because I saw on Opus & Roscoe's blog that you are a close friend to Miss Peach. I want to you let you know that I have her in my thoughts and all of her close friends too. I have a special post for her that I put up today, even though I don't know her too well she has stolen my heart and I am so sad that she is not feeling too good yet. Let's all hope for the best.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I am glad you are having a fun road trip! Your little brother is very cute!

LZ said...

Oh he's SOOOOOO cute!!! I can't wait until you get to meet him!!!


Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Your little brother is so cute! We cannot wait til you guys on the road trip stop by our house today! We are very excited!

Unknown said...

Your baby brother is so cute! He has really nice eyes. I can't wait until he joins you, you guys will have so much fun together!

Sunny's Mommy said...

He is a real cutie! You're going to love having a brother to play with :-D

Shaggy and Scout said...

the little guy looks a bit lonely in these pictures. Can't wait till you two meet. Hope it goes as well as you are expecting.....

Forty Paws said...

He's very gorgeous!

We hope you have a great roadtrip!

Luf, Us

Aloysius said...

He's going to be a handsome cat, for sure. I wonder what his name will be!

The Crew said...

My, he's a handsome young guy isn't he! I'm sure he'll be the perfect brother for you, D.


PS How are you feeling now? Is everything back to normal?

TorAa said...

That would be fun - to have someone to play with and c(h)at with.

kuanyin333 said...

I can't get over these colors of the cat and blanket...so beautiful! Happy COT!

None said...

He is soooo cute! His little points are adorable and those big blue eyes make you want to melt! His little paws are still "white" but I guess the points will develop there too! Looking forward to more pictures. He really looks like a hairless meezer!

Congratz again on the new sibling (and Christmas gift)


Anonymous said...

He is SO ADORABLE! How old is he in those photos? He's a lucky boy to be coming home to a great big brother like you!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

oh my cat he is beautiful!!!! Even if he is a little brother, he is gorgeous!!!! x

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

How nice to have a brother coming soon. What's more, he is gorgeous, like you!

Jimmy Joe said...

Aw, your li'l bro is a very cute kitten. And his frootbat ears are AWESOME!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

How cute!! You're going to love having a brother to play with! Well, except having to share the human's attention. But you've got two humans so it'll be ok.

He's adorable! Will his eyes stay blue or is that still the baby colour?


Tommy and Teaghan said...

He looks like someone we know. Maybe it's a movie star? Dare is somefin bout dat face dat means bizness. Dragonheart I fink yur gonna have to tell him who is da boss in da house.

Irishcoda said...

Your little brother is very cute, Dragonheart! Have a great time!

The Furry Fighter said...

i am soooo excited that you are getting a brother! and a seal-point meezer too! just like me! i guess if all my hair had falen out when i had my chemo then that is how i would have looked! :)

ps - will your brother be a Meezer or a Sphynx? or maybe a Siasynx or perhaps a Sphynamese? oh the confusion :)

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Dragonheart, we are having such a great time on the roadtrip with you and the others!! And, what a cute little brother you have! He is so sweet looking - we can't wait to watch his growth and learn more about him from you.
Mr. Chen & Ollie

PB 'n J said...

He's a good looking little guy. Make sure to be safe on the road trip!

Suzanne R said...

He's very cute, and also looks sweet, too, like you are, DH. If you two are like Socks and Silver, you will get along beautifully!

Lux said...

Oh, he's an angel, Dragonheart - you two are going to have so much fun together (when you're back home and he is too)! :)

The Cat Realm said...

Dragonheart - I am still a bit nauseated from your driving! You certainly spent too much time on the German Autobahn!
That little brother of yours is ADORABLE!!!! Like a little version of yourself! He is the cutest thing I've seen a long time!!!!!

Team Tabby said...

Your brother is such a sweetie! Must be hard to have to wait until he finally comes home. Thanks for the pictures.

Moe & Mindy

Rascal said...

My sympathies on getting a litte brother. Well, maybe a little brother won't be as bad as a little sister has been.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Its gonna be excitin for you to have a brother. We like that there are 2 of us here.

Skeeter and LC

Karen Jo said...

Your little brother is so cute. I love his blue eyes. I hope they stay that blue. His points are beginning to come in very nicely. Have lots of fun on the road trip and drive safely.

Mr. Hendrix said...

oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mommy made a weird squeaky awwing noise when she saw your baby brother. wow, look at those baby blue eyes. He is just darling. We're so happy you're going to have a sibling.

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute! You are going to have so much fun!

Victor Tabbycat said...

He's so cute! Mom luvs that dark nose. She likes to tap kitty noses, gently acourse. Maybe he should haf a knightly name like yurs. Gallahad? Lancelot? Braveheart to go wif Dragonheart? Whatefur, he'll tell you all hims name.

Happy Hallowe'en, Dragonheart!

Unknown said...

(we're a little behind)...
Your little brother is cute!
You'll love being a big brother!

Starbuck and Torrey said...

He is buuuuuuuutiful!!!!! Can't wait until he comes home and we can see lots more pics of him!