Sunday, October 07, 2007

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Well, after several days of doing great (except for soft, stinky poo), I had blood in my stool again twice yesterday. So my mom is worried again. We are hoping it is just due to the fact that I am adjusting to my new food, or it may be food allergies, as the vet suggested. If so, we may have to try another new food, since the main ingredient in both my old and new food is chicken. So if you could send some purrs my way, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! You are all such wonderful friends, and I am very lucky to have you!

Dragonheart in his sleeping bag(Click photo to view a larger image)

Oktoberfest is ending here in Munich, so in honour of the end of Oktoberfest, here I am, all cozy in my sleeping bag, posing with my catnip Bavarian Breze (soft pretzel). Bavarian Breze are the best in the world. Other places may be known for their soft pretzels, but they can't compare to the Bavarian ones! Here in Munich, you can find a Bäckerei (bakery) on every corner, that sells fresh bread and Breze every day, as well as smaller vendors selling Breze throughout the city. My humans love the fresh, organic, whole grain breads and Semmel (rolls or buns) that they can buy at the Bäckerei. It is one of the things they will really miss when we move back to Canada.


The Furry Fighter said...

oh my dear friend i hope your bloody poops are just a 'one-off' and don't come back! as you know, i am bing suspected of having food allergies and am stuck eating catfish - which is nice, but i want some chicken! i'll be hoping you are well dragonheart! xx

Anonymous said...

Oh Dragonheart, I hope you feel better soon. I send lots of healing purrs your way.
Yeah, German bred is one big thing my female human is missing a lot here in Sweden (or anywhere else in the world). There is just nothing like that anywhere else. The result is, that she avoids eating bred in Sweden (or other countries). She has the same problem with sausages. They are just not the same anywhere else.
My female human is from the north of Germany and there it is not so usuall with Bretzeln. She tasted them before but never in Bavaria. Of course they must be best there!
Perhaps she will try some the next time she comes that south in Germany.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

ooh Dragonheart - I get a tummy upset everytime i eat chicken! It caused the human months of worry but she eventually found that if she reduced the amount of chicken based products in my diet, it reduced my tummy probs and blood in stool. I now only get chicken VERY occasionally although i do love it but steak and lamb are equally as nice and, when mixed in with grated carrot, really help an upset tum.

I hope you are better soon, let me know how you get on xx

Anonymous said...

My Dear Dragonheart...

I do hope that you get better very soon. No more Chicken for you! Maybe your Mom will make you a steak today!!!

Mickey's Musings said...

Dragonheart ,nu friend.I am sorry you are still having problems.I still purray they will get the problem solved so you feel better.
I think yer beans will miss Germany. Food here is all about being fast,Mom says.Not at all like other countries like in Europe that take food seriously.

Take care and rest Dragonheart!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hey where'd our comment go? We left one just now but didn't check it. Lucky mum left the computer on your blog while she had lunch!
We're sorry to hear your bloody poops are back. Mum says she used to have a kitty who was allergic to chicken and she used to feed her tinned 100% Tuna. She had to be careful with fish stinky goodness because a lot of it has chicken derivatives in it as well.
You are looking very relaxed with your Breze. Have a good Sunday.

Kitikata-san said...

I am sorry DH. I hope you get better soon, and find out exactly how to fix the stinky poo.

The Devil Dog said...

Dear Dragonheart. Please get better soon. I am worried about you. I don't like my friends to be sick.
I was wondering what that was in your mouth, once you told us what it was, then I laughed. Mom thought it was apretzel but...
Anyway, get better soon.


Parker said...

Could it be a hemorrhoid? Can kitties have those? Just wondering.
I really hope you feel better and the vet figures it out soon!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh rattzinfrats!!!

We are purring llike nutso over here for you Drago!
Prinnie had the bloodie poops a few months ago and the diet change did make the difference.

We hope you recover from this very soon.

October fest... we were thinking of you yesterday. Our daddie finally went and got a special cable box thing from the cable people. Now we have high def tv and several more channels and one is all German musik and presently it is allll Oktoberfest "beer drinking songs".
We were thinking about your beans, dancing and having so much fun with that. My mommie went to lots of those in Der Schweitz when she was living with her auntie and uncle for a while in her teens (she took a year break between high school and college)

Happy day Dragonheartiekins.

Caesar and Prinnie

Laura W said...

Ah...we all sure hope you feel perfect again soon. Soft stinky poo is a drag, as we ALL know, but blood can be scary.
Mosaic Lady LOVES a good soft pretzel with big chunks of salt on it. And mustard! But some of them are so mediocre, you know? Sounds like your are the very best over there.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

I can shares some of my tuna withs you if yous like? I hope you gets better soon, I knows too wells how it feels to be sick for a whiles.

Purrs and head butts too,


Forty Paws said...

Has your vet put you on vishus deer & potato yet? Bow was on that for a few years for his IBS. There is also duck & potato. Of course, we don't know if you have that in Germany....

Those pretzels and breads sound so good!

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

I hope that you are fine. I think that you are. Keep us updated on how things are going.

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart we will purr for you! Are you bothered by them or is it just your human? I hope you start feeling better!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Dearest Dragonheart,

I hope your poo will going better soon. That is important for us, yes. You are very good cooperater with your mommy and vet doctor.
I will continue pray and purrs for you, and this is very very sweet photo of you and catnip Bavarian Breze.


HRH Yao-Lin said...

Dragonheart: Don't mention it re the advice - I had to tell you because it sounds so very similar to my experience! The human had a hard time finding a good quality food that didn't contain chicken, almost all of the pet foods out there contain chicken in one form or another or at least a small percentage of it - even the ones that are labelled as 'lamb' or 'beef' or whatever. Do let us know when you find a good food, my human gives us royal canin siamese which does contain some chicken but doesn't give us really really bad tums presumably because it is quite high quality. The vet also recommended good meat (like steak or lamb ha ha) mixed with the grated carrot as a natural antioxidant. Also natural yoghurt is good for settling our tums, and tara told us about tinned pumpkin which is like a wonder drug for cats with digestive problems!
You are young Dragonheart and i don't think your human needs to worry too much because you are a healthy virile young cat - I am almost certain we share the same stomach problems and that you will be 110% fine!!

Keep us posted xxx

Hootin Anni said...

I have a TREAT for you at my blog....come pick it up [just follow the directions in 'orange colored font]

Karen Jo said...

I'm worried about you, too, Dragonheart. I hope you can find a solution to your stinky poops soon and get to feeling all better. I like the picture of you with your Breze.

Teena in Toronto said...

I hope you're feeling better soon.

MaoMao said...

Awwww, Dragonheart! I'm so sorry to hear you've got blood in yur poopies again -- I hope it's just allerjies and that you're back to 100% normal furry, furry soon.

You look so cozy -- that's a wunnerful pickshure of you.

Brainball's doin' much bettur today -- me and him will have an uppiedate fur our Mancat Monday post!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Pia K said...

Fingers and paws crossed for an all recovery soon!

That cat nip pretzel looks delicious:)

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart - I'm so sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well. I'm been MIA for a couple of weeks and have missed out on everything going on with you. I hope you feel better soon.

Ramses said...

I sure hope they find out what's making you unwell... :( That 'nip pretzel looks nice though! :) Which reminds me to get Mummy making new 'nip toys for all of us for Kissmouse! :)

Mummy says she misses some Canadian foods (or stuff she could get over there) now she's back in the UK. I guess your beans must miss stuff from there too...

Anonymous said...

Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear your bloody poops are back -- I will be purring and purring for you. I hope you are feeling better soon, and that's a lovely picture of you!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Just Ducky said...

Purrs to Dragonheart that your elimination issues get resolved. Hope they are not serious.

Mum loves good bread so she envies your beans having good bakery shops nearby.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear the stinky news, DH. We're sending healthy vibes your way. I hope chicken isn't the problem, because chicken tastes so good!

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Oh dear Dragonheart I am sorry to hear you aren't feeling better. But that is a very nice picture of you with your breze. I will be sending over lots of my strong rumbly purrs to you!

Purrrrrs, China Cat

Catlady4 said...

Many, many purrs Dragonheart!

Emma, Jamie, Thomassina and Bob

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Ooo, it mite be da chick-hen, dat wood be horribul. Um, why don't dey make da catfood outa mousies and birdies and other stuff we eat in da wild.

Tiger Lily said...

Oh no Dragonheart! Please don't be sick!! Mom asked me to tell you our v-e-t said lamb is much easier to digest than chicken, especially if we're having digestive problems. Who knows? Maybe you'll like something else even better than chicken!

Mom loves soft pretzels but she doesn't eat them very often. The ones she can get here aren't very good.

The Cat Realm said...

Ah yes, the German bread! Pretty much the only thing the maid misses about Germany she says.
Dragonheart: purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr - I send LOTS of purrs and thoughts - I really hope this "stool" business of yours will get settled soon and you'll be o.k.
Your friend Karl

Lux said...

Dear Dragonheart,

You get well, okay? I don't like to read these worrisome things!

Many purrs coming your way,
Yr friend,

Gretchen said...

I hope your feeling better soon. You look so snug like a bug in your little cocoon.


The Crew said...

Oh D, we're so worried about you! We're sending lots of purrs your way.

The Crew

C. H. said...

Hiya. Hope you're feeling better. I'm a sphynx, too. You can see my picture at my owner's blog.