My dad's goal was to come in under 4 hours, and he made his goal! He finished in 3:51:54. So he was very happy!
To show how slow my mom is, by comparison, when my mom and dad ran the Hamburg marathon together in April, they finished in 5:51:11. My mom is just happy that she can run, though, since she has a lot of biomechanical problems. She is knock-kneed and splay-footed, and fractured the L2 vertebra in her back in 1993, when she fell off a horse while jumping.
Here's a photo of my dad at around 19 kilometres on the course. My mom took these photos. The official race photos should be available on Wednesday.

Here are two photos taken at the end of the course. The marathon finishes up in the stadium where the 1972 Olympics took place. The marathoners enter the stadium, do one lap on the track, and then cross the finish line. You probably can't read what my dad's shirt says on the back, but it says "CANADA".
And, for comparison, here's a photo of my mom and dad running the Hamburg Marathon, back in April of this year:
For Mancat Monday, here I am in my Hallowe'en costume. A Mancat isn't afraid to dress-up for Hallowe'en. Be sure to check out Skeezix' Hallowe'en costume contest and leave your comments there!
Update on me: Well, my yummy duck food seems to be working. I haven't had any blood on my bum or when I use the litterbox since last Wednesday morning (and Wednesday morning there was just a tiny bit of blood). However, my litterbox trips continue to be very, very soft. Warning: TMI coming up! My mom says the only reason she can scoop out my litterbox is because the crystals stick to the stool. Otherwise, it is so soft, it just falls right apart. I go back to the vet tonight for a follow-up, so we'll see if she has any suggestions, or if it's just a matter of waiting for my system to get used to the new food. Thanks again for your concern, your purrs and your prayers. You are all wonderful friends.
Congratulations!!! That is a very good time!!! And it looks like they had splendid weather!
You must be very proud of your Dad! Mom runs, and she knows a marathon under 4 hours is quite an achievement!
I love your costume, and I'm still keeping my paws crossed for you!
Heheheheheeh, Your daddy is amazing~!!!!!!! I am also very happy for you have such a strong daddy~!!!!!Good Body will have a good mind~!!! A good moind will have a great heart to take care his whole family, certainly love you~!!!!
And this is the best dad for you, ever~!!!! Congratulations again~!
Oh well done to your Dad! :) That ducky seems to be doing the trick for you too, that's just great! :) Mummy has to watch what I eat for the same reason too, so I'll have her look for some ducky food as I like a bit of variety as long as it doesn't upset my tummy... :)
Congratulations to your dad! I'm glad the duck seems to be helping your tummy.
What a wonderful accomplishment! I know you are very proud of your Dad!
Great time for your dad. Mom had to run for her black belt test. She had to do 3 miles. Mom is NOT a runner, but she did it. (It's always amusing when the 44 year old can out run the 12 year olds)
Anyway, congrats to your dad and hope you get good news tonight at the vet.
That is one fantastic halloween costume! Hmm.... it's coming up! Haven't given it much thought!
P.S. Congratulations to your Dad!
Congrats to yer Dad!! He must be sooooo happy to reach his goal! I sometimes run,but not long distances,heehee.
Hope all goes well at the Vet and things keep getting better.Bet yer Mom will be glad when yer body adjusts to the new food!
We are glad that your foods are working. Prinnie has trouble like this and sometimes we have to switch foods because after a while the foods are doing great then all of a sudden they are causing trroubles. the vet says that is common too.
You look great in your costume. You love your entry soooo much!
You dad ran great. we are really proud of him. Biomechanical problems are so annoying. we know how your mom feels. Prinnie can not get up on the kitchencounters anymore.
Purrrrs for a happy day!
haha that is supposed to say WE l ove your entry so much.
We just woke up *blushes* sorry
They both look very good in their race and like Tara said their times are something to be most proud of! You look absolutely wonderful in your costume. I hope you win! I gave you an award. See my site for details.
Wow! Your Dad wuns fast! Mine Mummy woves wunning too, but she's never done a full mawathon. She's thinking your Dad must be awfuwwy fit to be able to compwete it in under 4 hours!
So glad your tummy is feeling better, Dragonheart. And what an amazing accomplishment for your Dad! Congratulations!!! Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
That's very cool about your dad congratulations.I'm glad your feeling alittle better.
Wow! Your dad is fast! My human is impressed that anyone finishes a marathon. She says she could probably walk there (eventually) but can't imagine running for all that time!
We hopes that your stools continue to get better.
Yay! You must be so proud of your Dad!
And we like your dragon costume...
Emma, Jamie, Thomassina and Bob
The Lap Lady would have passed out after 23 minutes I'd guess. That is quite cool! I like that he likes to run with your Mom most of the time but its great he could get out and do this for himself.
The LL went on a hunter pace this weekend and her team took 2nd place!!! She had so much fun galloping across fields and over jumps in the woods, she loved it.
Ooo, yoor dad's a fast runner and going so far! Mom wishes she could run like dat! Alas, her doctor sez no...Yoor costume is so purrfect fur yoo! Mom gives Speedy a teaspoon on pumpkin every night...just plain pumpkin, not the pie kind. It seems to have helped as he is just going chocolate syrup anymore (unless he eats something dat upsets his tummy) more like melted tootsie rolls!
YAY YAY YAY and Concatulations to your Daddy!! He didded GREAT!
mommy says that I haf to tell you that when I was a kitten, I hadded liquid poos for almost a whole year. no matter what I eated. Then they gotted to be not liquid anymore, but like yours are now, for almost another whole year. now they're better than that but not quite "normal". the v-e-t isn't concerned, 'cause I doesn't eat crunchy foods, so she says that they would be very soft. sorry to efurryone that this was so yucky. mommy made me say it. blame her. - Miles
Wow your Dad sure is a fast runner! You must be very proud.
We love your dragon costume. You are one fierce looking dragon cat!
We think it's awesome that your mom even runs!!! And finishes a full marathon! And concatulations to your daddy!
Wonderful dragonney costume DH! Luf it.
Hope your poo soon gets to the unsquishy stage. We bet it stinks SO BAD....
Luf, Us
Concatulations to your dad for making the under 4 hour time! We are glad that the ducky dinners are helping your tummy.
Wow, your dad is a very fast runner; your mom is way faster than my mom!!! haha!
The Halloween costume is fantastic. It's really cute on you.
I am glad to hear the the (yummy) duck food is making you better. I hope all is well at the Vet tonight.
purrs and headbutts,
Yay for your Dad!!! It is very cool that the runners get to run around the Olympic stadium.
You look very Dragon-y in your costume. Excellent Mancat Monday pic!
I'm glad to hear that your 'tocks are still on the mend. Hope your V-E-T appointment went well.
PS - Has your mom checked out It has helped our mom's runs a lot. She's pretty much running without pain for the first time ever. We don't think they do international shipping, but if you wanted anything off the website, mom says she'd help your mom get it.
Concatualtions to your Dad!!!!
You look so cute in your costume!
I hope your poopies toughen up a bit!
Congratulations to your Dad! He did make it under 4 hours! I bet he is tired today.
You look terrific in your costume - very man-dragon-catly! And I am so happy that the duck is still helping you feel better!
Purrrrrs, China Cat
Yay to team Canada!!!
My lady servant says you look adorable in your costume ... personally I think your costume is really scary and I'm worried you are going to throw fire out of your mouth! I even see ghosts outside my house. The servant says none of this is actually real and that you will be back to looking yourself soon but Im not too sure!
Yay for your Dad! That's a superduper time. And my momma used to run, too, and efun though she enjoyed it she was furry slow. She loved it and would still be doin' it but she got a knee injury a couple of years ago so now she just gets to walk fast!
Yur Dragon constume ROCKS!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Yippie! Your daddy should be very proud that is a great accomplishment.
I love your costume. Mine isn't as cool as that, but it is fun just entering!
Congrtulations to your bean dad.
I likes your lizard outfits you are wearings.
Congratulations to your Dad! He did wonderfully, and I'm sure you are very proud of him!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Thanks for dropping in my blogsite. Good that you don't have to suffer the brush but I don't envy your weekly bath though. SS is not very active, so she is very impressed with your dad's feat. Maybe it will encourage her to do some exercises.
Purrs and nudges,
Hi Dragonheart,
It's me again.I just read your post for Oct.11th. I just want to say I think your adorable and anyone who says different is just crazy.Also I voted for you and I hope you win...Your Pal Ariel
Wow, real action photos! And what a great time, under the 4 hours for 40+ kilometres. Congratulations to your dad!
Great costume, Dragonheart. I saw it also on Skeezix's Halloween site:)
I hope it is just a matter of time with the new food and soft poop. (That ham you took on Jack's party did no good either, huh?!)
Glad you are feeling better and that costume is wonderful!!
Congrats to your dad too. I'm really impressed with people who are able to train and run like that.
I gave you an award, Dwagonheart! Come by and see!
Love your costume!
You look great in yer costume - furry scary dragon!
I love your costume, Dragonheart! :) Much better than being a baby!
Congratulations to your dad - my mom says if she ran around the block, she'd feel like she'd accomplished something!
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